
Display Level of a Heading


Identifies when the display or apparent hierarchical level of a section is not the same as its real position in the hierarchy, for example, when in some styles, a “Clinical Finding” section or the “Methodology” section always appears as a particular level heading (for example, a level 2 head), although it exists in the article hierarchy at a different level (a level 1 head or a level 3 head)


Although very little usage is anticipated, this attribute can be used to record the needed display level, in the rare instances when that level differs from the actual hierarchical level.

Attribute Values

In Element

<sec> Section
Value Meaning
Data characters Text, numbers, or special characters that name the level of heading to be used to display this heading instead of its regular hierarchical level. This attribute was added to preserve material that may already exist in tagged journal articles, so the values are likely to be specific to an individual publisher or DTD series. Examples might include “2”, “head-2”, “level2”, etc.
Restriction: This attribute may be specified if the element is used.