Suite: Default Element Classes

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--  MODULE:    Default Element Classes Module                    -->
<!--  VERSION:   2.0                                               -->
<!--  DATE:      August 2004                                       -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    PUBLIC DOCUMENT TYPE DEFINITION            -->
<!--                        TYPICAL INVOCATION                     -->
"-//NLM//DTD Default Element Classes Module v2.0 20040830//EN"
Delivered as file "default-classes.ent"                            -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!-- SYSTEM:     Journal Archiving and Interchange DTD of the      -->
<!--             Archiving and Interchange DTD Suite               -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!-- PURPOSE:    To declare the Parameter Entities (PEs) used to   -->
<!--             define the default element classes. Classes are   -->
<!--             OR-groups of elements that are defined together   -->
<!--             to be used in mixes and in Element Declarations.  -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!--             Note: Since PEs must be declared before they      -->
<!--             are used, this module must be called before all   -->
<!--             content modules that declare elements, and after  -->
<!--             the class customization module (if any).          -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!-- CONTAINS:   PEs that define the element classes to be used    -->
<!--             in the Journal Archive and Interchange DTD Suite  -->
<!--             modules.                                          -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!-- CREATED FOR:                                                  -->
<!--             Digital Archive of Journal Articles               -->
<!--             National Center for Biotechnology Information     -->
<!--                (NCBI)                                         -->
<!--             National Library of Medicine (NLM)                -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!-- ORIGINAL CREATION DATE:                                       -->
<!--             August 2004                                       -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!-- CREATED BY: Deborah Lapeyre (Mulberry Technologies, Inc.)     -->
<!--             B. Tommie Usdin (Mulberry Technologies, Inc.)     -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!--             Suggestions for refinements and enhancements to   -->
<!--             this DTD should be sent in email to:              -->
<!--                         -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    DTD VERSION/CHANGE HISTORY                 -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

Version  Reason/Occasion                   (who) vx.x (yyyy-mm-dd)

     Version 2.0                       (DAL/BTU) v2.0 (2004-08-30)
     Major requirement changes led to the new release, producing
     DTD version "2.0":
       a) The splitting of the Archival and Interchange Tag Set 
          DTDs into three DTDs from two: an authoring DTD, an
          archive regularization and interchange DTD (the
          current Blue Publishing DTD), and a preservationist 
          archive DTD (the current Green Archiving and Interchange 
       b) AIT Working Group suggestions from the June 04 meeting 
          and June/July 2004 followup discussions
       c) Suite remodularization to meet new (and newly articulated)
          modularization requirements
       d) New or renamed classes and mixes to make modifications
          easier and more consistent

     ### Customization Alert ###
     a. Took <ext-link> out of -%access.class;. It did not belong.
        It belongs in -%address-link.class;

     ### Customization Alert ###
     a. Deleted -%para.class; 
     b. Its place in the definition of the Paragraph <p> element 
        will be taken by the -%p-elements; entity.
     c. Its place in other mixes will be taken by the combination
        - %just-para.class; and 
        - %rest-of-para.class;

     ### Customization Alert ###
     a. Deleted the following classes: 
        - %link.class; 
        - %inpara-address; 
        - %ext-links.class;
     b. Replaced above with four link classes: 
           - %address-link.class; (the links used in addresses)
           - %fn-link.class;      (just fn)
           - %simple-link.class;  (the internal links, same)
           - %article-link.class; (links for journal article)
        as follows:
           - All occurrences of -%ext-links.class; replaced with
             the new class %address-links.class;     
           - All occurrences of -%link.class; replaced with some
             combination of the new link classes just named.
        These were not usually DTD changes, just parameterization

 10. PERSON NAME/STRING-NAME - Allowed a looser name model 
     <string-name> to be used anywhere <name> is used. This 
      - Inside %references.class; 
         (Therefore added to <citation>, <product>, 
      - New Parameter Entity %name.class; for types
        of names: <name>, <string-name>, <collab>
      - Inside %contrib-model; (which uses %name.class; thus
        adding <string-name> to <contributor>)
      - Inside <person-group> (in %name.class;)
  9. ROLE ELEMENT - Was added to the default references class 

  8. DATES
     a. Added new class -%date-parts.class; to hold all the
        potential components of date, such as <year>, <day>,
     b. Added <string-date> to default -%date.class;
     a. Added three new identification elements:
      - ISSUE ID = new element for an identifier such as a DOI (as
        opposed to an <issue> Issue Number) associated with a 
        journal issue
      - ISSUE TITLE = new element for a theme or special issue title
      - VOLUME ID = new element for a theme or special issue title
     b. These identification elements were:
        - Added to <article-meta>
        - Added to %references.class; (thus to <citation>,
            <related-article>, and <product>)
        - Defined in common module
        - Added to several new Parameter Entities that are
          named %nnn-elements; (Such Parameter Entities hold
          the elements that may be mixed with #PCDATA inside
          the element named "nnn".)

  6. REFERENCES.CLASS - Added the following elements to the
     - %references.class;:
      - <issue-id>
      - <issue-title>
      - <page-range>
      - <role>
      - <string-name>
      - <volume-id>
      Thus adding them to:
      - <citation>
      - <related-article>
      - <product>

  5. DISPLAY BACK MATTER - Added <attrib> to %display-back-matter;
     thus adding it to the following elements:
      - <array>
      - <boxed-text>
      - <chem-struct-wrapper>
      - <disp-quote>
      - <fig>
      - <graphic>
      - <preformat>
      - <table-wrap>
      - <verse-group>
     ### Customization Alert ###
     - Redefined to remove <email> and <uri>       

  3. MAKE CLASS NAMES EXPLICIT - Some classes did not have the
     ".class" suffix. Renamed such classes to add the suffix.
     ### Customization Alert ###
     - %address-elements;    ==> to  -%address.class;
     - %contrib-info;        ==> -%contrib-info.class;
                                    (uri added to class)
     - %display-back-matter; ==> -%display-back-matter.class;
     - %block-math;          ==> -%block-math.class;
     - %inline-math;         ==> -%inline-math.class;

  2. NEW CLASSES - To correct potential classing problems, added 
     the following new Parameter Entities and added a few new 
     New Classes:
        - %app.class;
        - %corresp.class;
        - %def.class;
        - %degree.class;
        - %fn-link.class;
        - %front-back.class; and %sec-back.class;
             changed the following to use them
        - %just-base-display.class;
             and used it in 
        - %just-para.class;
             used in <author-comment>, <bio>, <def>, 
               <caption>, %fig-model;
        - %just-table.class;
        - %kwd.class;
        - %back.class;
        - %front-back.class;
        - %ref-list.class;
        - %sec-back.class;
        - %table-foot.class;
        - %tbody.class;
  1. Created this module as version "v2.0 20040830"                -->

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    CLASSES FOR COMMON ELEMENTS (%common.ent;) -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!--                    ADDRESS CLASS ELEMENTS                     -->
<!--                    Potential element components of an address;
                        not a proper class                         -->
<!ENTITY % address.class
                        "addr-line | country | fax | 
                         institution | phone "                       >

<!--                    CITATION CLASS ELEMENTS                    -->
<!--                    Reference to an external document, as used 
                        within, for example, the text of a 
                        paragraph                                  -->
<!ENTITY % citation.class   
                        "citation"                                   >

<!--                    DEFINITION CLASS ELEMENTS                  -->
<!--                    Definitions and other elements to match
                        with terms and abbreviations               -->
<!ENTITY % def.class    "def"                                        >

<!--                    DEGREE CLASS                               -->
<!--                    The academic or professional degrees that
                        accompany a person's name                  -->
<!ENTITY % degree.class "degrees"                                    >

<!--                    IDENTIFIER CLASS ELEMENTS                  -->
<!--                    DOIs and other identifiers are used by
                        publishers at many levels, for example for
                        an <abstract> or a <figure>.               -->
<!ENTITY % id.class     "object-id"                                  >

<!--                    LABEL CLASS                                -->
<!--                    The label element, used to hold the number
                        or character of a labeled object such as a
                        table or footnote                          -->
<!ENTITY % label.class  "label"                                      >

<!--                    NAMES CLASS                                -->
<!--                    The elements used to name the personal names
                        for individuals and the collaboration names
                        for groups                                 -->
<!ENTITY % name.class   "collab | name | string-name"                >

<!--                    PERSONAL NAMES CLASS                       -->
<!--                    The element components of a person's name,
                        for the name of a contributor              -->
<!ENTITY % person-name.class
                        "given-names | prefix | surname | suffix"    >

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    ARTICLE METADATA CLASSES %articlemeta.ent; -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!--                    CONTRIBUTOR INFORMATION                    -->
<!--                    Metadata about a contributor               -->
<!ENTITY % contrib-info.class
                        "address | aff | author-comment | bio |  
                         email |  etal | ext-link | on-behalf-of |
                         role | uri | xref"                          >

<!--                    CONFERENCE CLASS                           -->
<!--                    The element components of the description
                        of a conference; not a proper class        -->
<!ENTITY % conference.class   
                        "conf-date | conf-name | conf-num | 
                         conf-loc | conf-sponsor | conf-theme |
                         conf-acronym"                               >

<!--                    CORRESPONDING AUTHOR CLASS                 -->
<!--                    Elements associated with the corresponding
                        author                                     -->
<!ENTITY % corresp.class
                        "corresp"                                    >

<!--                    DATE CLASS ELEMENTS                        -->
<!--                    Dates and other matters of history         -->
<!ENTITY % date.class   "date | string-date"                         >

<!--                    DATE PARTS CLASS ELEMENTS                  -->
<!--                    Components of date-style elements          -->
<!ENTITY % date-parts.class   
                        "day | month | season | year"                >

<!--                    KEYWORD CLASS ELEMENTS                     -->
<!--                    Keywords and any keyword-synonyms          -->
<!ENTITY % kwd.class    "kwd"                                        >

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    BACK MATTER CLASSES (%backmatter.ent;)     -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!--                    JUST APPENDIX CLASS                        -->
<!--                    The appendix and only the appendix         -->
<!ENTITY % app.class   
                        "app"                                        >

<!--                    BACK MATTER CLASS                          -->
<!--                    Ancillary elements, typically used in the
                        back matter of an article, section, etc.   -->
<!ENTITY % back.class   "ack | app-group | bio | fn-group | 
                         glossary |  ref-list"                       >

<!--                    FRONT MATTER CLASS                         -->
<!--                    Ancillary elements, typically used in the
                        front matter of an article, book, etc.  .  -->
<!ENTITY % front.class  "ack | bio | fn-group | glossary"            >   

<!--                    FRONT AND BACK CLASS                       -->
<!--                    Ancillary elements, typically used in the
                        front or back matter of an article         -->
<!ENTITY % front-back.class
                        "notes"                                      >

<!--                    SECTION BACK MATTER CLASS                  -->
<!--                    Ancillary elements, typically used in the
                        back matter of a section, etc.             -->
<!ENTITY % sec-back.class   
                        "fn-group | glossary |  ref-list"            >

<!--                    JUST REF-LIST CLASS                        -->
<!--                    The reference list and only the reference
                        list (The element <ref-list> is defined in
                        %references.ent;.)                         -->
<!ENTITY % ref-list.class   
                        "ref-list"                                   >

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    DISPLAY CLASSES                            -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!--                    ACCESSIBILITY CLASS ELEMENTS               -->
<!--                    Elements added to make it easier to process
                        journal articles in ways that are more
                        accessible to people and devices with special
                        needs, for example the visually handicapped.
                          <alt-text> is a short phrase description of
                        an objects, <long-desc> is a more complete
                        description of the content or intent of an
                        object, and the <ext-link> in this grouping
                        would point to an alternate form of the
                        object.                                    -->
<!ENTITY % access.class "alt-text | long-desc"                       >

<!--                    DISPLAY CLASS ELEMENTS                     -->
<!--                    Graphical or other image-related elements.
                        The display elements may occur within 
                        the text of a table cell or paragraph
                        although they are typically at the same 
                        hierarchical level as a paragraph.         -->
<!ENTITY % block-display.class
                        "array | boxed-text | chem-struct |
                         chem-struct-wrapper | fig | fig-group | 
                         graphic | media | preformat | 
                         supplementary-material | table-wrap |
                         table-wrap-group"                           >

<!--                    CAPTION DISPLAY ELEMENTS                   -->
<!--                    Basic figure display elements              -->
<!ENTITY % caption.class
                        "caption"                                    >

<!--                    DISPLAY ELEMENT BACK MATTER ELEMENTS       -->
<!--                    Miscellaneous stuff at the end of a display
                        element such as a figure or a boxed text
                        element such as a sidebar                  -->
<!ENTITY % display-back-matter.class
                        "attrib | copyright-statement"               >

<!--                    FIGURE DISPLAY ELEMENTS                    -->
<!--                    Basic figure display elements              -->
<!ENTITY % fig-display.class
                        "fig"                                        >

<!--                    INLINE DISPLAY CLASS ELEMENTS              -->
<!--                    Non-block display elements that set or
                        display inline with the text               -->
<!ENTITY % inline-display.class
                        "inline-graphic | private-char"              >

<!--                    MOST BASIC DISPLAY ELEMENTS                -->
<!--                    Just the few display elements that are
                        simple display objects: a picture, a movie,
                        a sound file.                              -->
<!ENTITY % just-base-display.class
                        "graphic | media"                            >

<!--                    SIMPLE DISPLAY ELEMENTS                    -->
<!--                    The simplest and most basic of the Display
                        Class elements, which may be allowed in many
                        places, for example, inside other Display
                        Class elements or inside the cell of a
                        Table                                      -->
<!ENTITY % simple-display.class
                        "array | chem-struct | graphic | media | 
                         preformat"                                  >

<!--                    SIMPLE TABLE DISPLAY ELEMENTS              -->
<!--                    Very similar to the simple-display.class, but
                        Table Wrappers <table-wrap> should contain
                        <table>s, <oasis:table>s, etc., not
                        arrays.                                    -->
<!ENTITY % simple-intable-display.class
                        "chem-struct | graphic | media | preformat"  >

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    FORMAT CLASSES (%format.ent;)              -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!--                    APPEARANCE CLASS ELEMENTS                  -->
<!--                    Names those elements (inherited from the
                        XHTML table DTD that are only concerned with
                        appearance, not with structure or content.
                        Use of these elements is to be discouraged.-->
<!ENTITY % appearance.class   
                        "font | hr"                                  >

<!--                    FORCED BREAK FORMATTING CLASS ELEMENTS     -->
<!--                    Element to force a formatting break such as
                        a line break                               -->
<!ENTITY % break.class  "break"                                      >

<!--                    EMPHASIS/RENDITION ELEMENTS                -->
<!--                    Elements concerning with marking the location
                        of typographical emphasis (highlighting)
                        DTD DESIGN NOTE: There are no emphasis
                        elements for <fractur>, <openface> (black
                        board), <script>, etc. because this DTD
                        recommends the use of the STIX extensions
                        to accomplish this, as soon as they are 
                        available.                                  -->
<!ENTITY % emphasis.class   
                        "bold | italic | monospace | 
                         overline | overline-start | overline-end | 
                         sc | strike | underline | 
                         underline-start | underline-end "           >

<!--                    UP/DOWN RENDITION ELEMENTS                 -->
<!ENTITY % subsup.class "sub | sup"                                  >

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    LINK CLASSES (%link.ent;)                  -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!--                    ADDRESS LINK CLASS ELEMENTS                -->
<!--                    Link elements that can be used inside 
                        addresses. This is essentially the three
                        generic external links.
                        (Note: in earlier releases, this Parameter
                        Entity was named %address-elements;,
                        although it functioned as a class.)        -->
<!ENTITY % address-link.class   
                        "email | ext-link | uri"                     >

<!--                    JOURNAL ARTICLE LINK CLASS ELEMENTS        -->
<!--                    Links used inside journal articles, to point
                        to related material                        -->
<!ENTITY % article-link.class   
                        "inline-supplementary-material | 
                         related-article"                            >

<!--                    FOOTNOTE LINKS CLASS                       -->
<!--                    Only the most basic, internal links        -->
<!ENTITY % fn-link.class   
                        "fn"                                         >

<!--                    RELATED ARTICLE LINKS CLASS                -->
<!--                    For using <related-article> at the paragraph
                        level                                      -->
<!ENTITY % related-article.class   
                        "related-article"                            >

<!--                    SIMPLE LINKS/CROSS-REFERENCES CLASS        -->
<!--                    The smaller and simpler linking elements
                        that might be inside, for example, a
                        Keyword <kwd>                              -->
<!ENTITY % simple-link.class   
                        "fn | target | xref"                         >

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    LIST CLASSES (%list.ent;)                  -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!--                    LIST CLASS ELEMENTS                        -->
<!--                    All the types of lists that may occur 
                        as part of the text, therefore excluding
                        Bibliographic Reference Lists <ref-list>   -->
<!ENTITY % list.class   "def-list | list"                            >

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    MATH CLASSES (%math.ent;)                  -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!ENTITY % block-math.class
                        "disp-formula"                               >

<!--                    INLINE MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSIONS MIX        -->
<!ENTITY % inline-math.class
                        "inline-formula"                             >

<!--                    MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSIONS                   -->
<!ENTITY % math.class   "tex-math | mml:math"                        >

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    PARAGRAPH CLASSES (%para.ent;)             -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!--                    REST OF PARAGRAPH CLASS                    -->
<!--                    Information for the reader that is at the
                        same structural level as a Paragraph.
                        Contains all paragraph-level objects that are
                        not also used inside tables and excepting
                        also the paragraph element itself          -->
<!ENTITY % rest-of-para.class   
                        "ack | disp-quote | speech | statement | 
                         verse-group"                                >

<!--                    IN TABLE PARAGRAPH CLASS                   -->
<!--                    The simpler of the paragraph-level elements
                        that might be found inside a table cell    -->
<!ENTITY % intable-para.class                                   
                        "disp-quote | speech | statement | 
                         verse-group"                                >

<!--                    JUST PARAGRAPH CLASS                       -->
<!--                    To hold the Paragraph element, alone.      -->
<!ENTITY % just-para.class   
                        "p"                                          >

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    PHRASE CLASSES (%phrase.ent;)              -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!--                    PHRASE CLASS ELEMENTS                      -->
<!--                    Small inline elements, that surround a word
                        or phrase in the text because the subject
                        (content) should be identified as something
                        special or different                       -->
<!ENTITY % phrase.class "abbrev | named-content"                     >

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    REFERENCES CLASSES (%references.ent;)      -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!--                    BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCE (CITATION) CLASS   -->
<!--                    The elements that may be included inside a
                        Citation (bibliographic reference)         -->
<!ENTITY % references.class
                        "access-date | annotation | article-title | 
                         collab | comment | 
                         conf-date | conf-loc | conf-name | 
                         day | edition | email | elocation-id | 
                         etal | ext-link | fpage |  gov | isbn | 
                         issn | issue | issue-id | issue-title | 
                         lpage | month | name | object-id |  
                         page-count | page-range | 
                         patent | person-group | pub-id | 
                         publisher-loc | publisher-name | 
                         role | season |
                         series | source | std | string-name |
                         supplement | time-stamp | trans-source | 
                         trans-title | uri |
                         volume | volume-id | year"                  >

<!--                    JUST REF-LIST CLASS                        -->
<!--                    The reference list and only the reference
                        list                                       -->
<!ENTITY % ref-list.class   
                        "ref-list"                                   >

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    SECTION CLASS (%section.ent;)              -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!--                    SECTION CLASS ELEMENTS                     -->
<!--                    Information for the reader that is at the
                        same structural level as a Section, which is
                        a headed structure full of smaller elements
                        such as paragraphs.                        -->
<!ENTITY % sec.class    "sec"                                        >

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    TABLE MODEL CLASSES                        -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!--                    JUST TABLE CLASS                           -->
<!--                    To include just a table <tale-wrap> 
                        element                                    -->
<!ENTITY % just-table.class
                        "table-wrap"                                 >

<!--                    TABLE CLASS ELEMENTS                       -->
<!--                    Elements that will be used to contain the
                        rows and columns inside the Table Wrapper 
                        element <table-wrap>.  The following elements 
                        can be set up for inclusion:
                          XHTML Table Model    table               -->
<!ENTITY % table.class  "table"                                      >

<!--                    TABLE FOOT CLASS                           -->
<!--                    Elements to include at the end of a table
                        in the table.                              -->
<!ENTITY % table-foot.class
                        "table-wrap-foot"                            >

<!--                    TBODY CLASS                                -->
<!--                    To include just a table <tale-wrap> 
                        element                                    -->
<!ENTITY % tbody.class  "tbody"                                      >

<!-- ================== End Journal Suite Default Classes  ======= -->