


Used to mark text that should appear with a horizontal line beneath it for display or print


This is normally a print consideration — not a matter for XML tagging — as underlining is frequently prohibited in online works, since it is a common “this is a link” signal.


underline-style Appearance of the Underline

Related Elements

The Underline element is used for ordinary underlining. For underlining that involves problems with element overlap, use the milestone elements Underline Start and Underline End to mark the start and end of the sequence to be underlined.

Model Information

Content Model

<!ELEMENT  underline    (#PCDATA %emphasized-text;)*                 >


Any combination of:

This element may be contained in:

<abbrev> Abbreviation or Acronym; <abbrev-journal-title> Abbreviated Journal Title; <addr-line> Address Line; <aff> Affiliation; <alt-title> Alternate Title; <article-title> Article Title; <attrib> Attribution; <bold> Bold; <chem-struct> Chemical Structure (Display); <citation> Citation; <collab> Collaborative (Group) Author; <comment> Comment in a Citation; <conf-acronym> Conference Acronym; <conf-loc> Conference Location; <conf-name> Conference Name; <conf-num> Conference Number; <conf-sponsor> Conference Sponsor; <conf-theme> Conference Theme; <contract-num> Contract/Grant Number; <contract-sponsor> Contract/Grant Sponsor; <copyright-statement> Copyright Statement; <corresp> Correspondence Information; <def-head> Definition List: Definition Head; <degrees> Degree(s); <disp-formula> Formula, Display; <edition> Edition, Cited; <email> Email Address; <etal> Et Al.; <ext-link> External Link; <fax> Fax Number: in an Address; <font> Font; <given-names> Given (First) Names; <gov> Government Report, Cited; <history> History: Document History; <inline-formula> Formula, Inline; <inline-supplementary-material> Inline Supplementary Material; <institution> Institution Name: in an Address; <issue> Issue Number; <issue-title> Issue Title; <italic> Italic; <journal-subtitle> Journal Subtitle (Full); <journal-title> Journal Title (Full); <kwd> Keyword; <label> Label (of a Figure, Reference, Etc.); <meta-name> Metadata Data Name for Custom Metadata; <meta-value> Metadata Data Value for Custom Metadata; <monospace> Monospace Text (Typewriter Text); <named-content> Named Special (Subject) Content; <on-behalf-of> On Behalf of; <overline> Overline; <p> Paragraph; <patent> Patent Number, Cited; <phone> Phone Number: in an Address; <prefix> Prefix; <preformat> Preformatted Text; <product> Product Information; <publisher-loc> Publisher’s Location; <publisher-name> Publisher’s Name; <related-article> Related Article Information; <role> Role or Function Title of Contributor; <sc> Small Caps; <self-uri> URI for This Same Article Online; <series> Series; <series-text> Series Text: Header Text to Describe; <series-title> Series Title; <source> Source; <speaker> Speaker; <std> Standard, Cited; <strike> Strike Through; <string-date> Date as a String; <string-name> Name of Person (Unstructured); <sub> Subscript; <subject> Subject Grouping Name; <subtitle> Article Subtitle; <suffix> Suffix; <sup> Superscript; <supplement> Supplement Information; <surname> Surname; <target> Target of an Internal Link; <td> Table Data Cell (XHTML table model); <term> Definition List: Term; <term-head> Definition List: Term Head; <th> Table Header Cell (XHTML table model); <title> Title; <trans-source> Translated Source; <trans-subtitle> Translated Subtitle; <trans-title> Translated Title; <underline> Underline; <uri> Uniform Resource Indicator (URI); <verse-line> Line of a Verse; <volume> Volume Number; <volume-id> Volume Identifier; <xref> X(cross) Reference

Tagged Example

<p>... Oligonucleotide primers for the amplification of TbH4 included
amplified with 5&#x2032;-CAATTA<italic>CAT</italic><underline>
and the 38-kDa antigen was amplified with 5&#x2032;-CAATTA<italic>CAT</italic>

