Archiving and Interchange DTD Suite Display Class Elements

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--  MODULE:    Display Class Elements                            -->
<!--  VERSION:   2.1                                               -->
<!--  DATE:      June 2005                                         -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    PUBLIC DOCUMENT TYPE DEFINITION            -->
<!--                        TYPICAL INVOCATION                     -->
"-//NLM//DTD Archiving and Interchange DTD Suite Display Class Elements  v2.1 20050630//EN"
     Delivered as file "display.ent"                               -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!-- SYSTEM:     Archiving and Interchange DTD Suite               -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!-- PURPOSE:    Describes display-related elements such as        -->
<!--             Figures, Graphics, Math, Chemical Structures,     -->
<!--             Graphics, etc.                                    -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!-- CONTAINS:   1) Parameter Entities for attribute lists         -->
<!--             2) Parameter Entities for content models          -->
<!--             3) The display class elements (alpha order)       -->
<!--                a) Array                                       -->
<!--                b) Boxed text                                  -->
<!--                c) Chemical Structure                          -->
<!--                d) Figure                                      -->
<!--                e) Graphic                                     -->
<!--                f) Inline Graphic                              -->
<!--                g) Pre-formatted text                          -->
<!--                e) Supplementary Information                   -->
<!--                h) Table Group                                 -->
<!--                i) Table Wrapper                               -->
<!--                j) Table (invoked module)                      -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!-- CREATED FOR:                                                  -->
<!--             Digital archives and publishers who wish to       -->
<!--             create a custom XML DTD for original markup of    -->
<!--             journal literature, books, and related material,  -->
<!--             or for archiving and transferring such material   -->
<!--             between archives.                                 -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!--             This DTD is in the public domain. An organization -->
<!--             that wishes to create its own DTD from the suite  -->
<!--             may do so without permission from NLM.            -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!--             The suite has been set up to be extended using a  -->
<!--             new DTD file and a new DTD-specific customization -->
<!--             module to redefine the many Parameter Entities.   -->
<!--             Do not modify the suite directly or redistribute  -->
<!--             modified versions of the suite.                   -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!--             In the interest of maintaining consistency and    -->
<!--             clarity for potential users, NLM requests:        -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!--             1. If you create a DTD from the Archiving and     -->
<!--                Interchange DTD Suite and intend to stay       -->
<!--                compatible with the suite, then please include -->
<!--                the following statement as a comment in all of -->
<!--                your DTD modules:                              -->
<!--                   "Created from, and fully compatible with,   -->
<!--                    the Archiving and Interchange DTD Suite."  -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!--             2. If you alter one or more modules of the suite, -->
<!--                then please rename your version and all its    -->
<!--                modules to avoid any confusion with the        -->
<!--                original suite. Also, please include the       -->
<!--                following statement as a comment in all your   -->
<!--                DTD modules:                                   -->
<!--                   "Based in part on, but not fully compatible -->
<!--                    with, the Archiving and Interchange DTD    --> 
<!--                    Suite."                                    -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!--             Suggestions for refinements and enhancements to   -->
<!--             the DTD suite should be sent in email to:         -->
<!--                         -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!-- ORIGINAL CREATION DATE:                                       -->
<!--             December 2002                                     -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!-- CREATED BY: Jeff Beck       (NCBI)                            -->
<!--             Deborah Lapeyre (Mulberry Technologies, Inc.)     -->
<!--             Bruce Rosenblum (Inera Inc.)                      -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!--             NLM thanks the Harvard University Libraries, both -->
<!--             for proposing that a draft archiving NLM DTD for  --> 
<!--             life sciences journals be extended to accommodate -->
<!--             journals in all disciplines and for sponsoring    -->
<!--             Bruce Rosenblum's collaboration with other DTD    -->
<!--             authors in completing Version 1.0. The Andrew W.  --> 
<!--             Mellon Foundation provided support for these      --> 
<!--             important contributions.                          -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    DTD VERSION/CHANGE HISTORY                 -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

Version  Reason/Occasion                   (who) vx.x (yyyy-mm-dd)

     Version 2.1                       (DAL/BTU) v2.1 (2005-06-30)
     Changed to MathML 2.0 and MathML 2.0 Character Sets
     Added new material requested by NCBI   
 21. Minor, non-functional changes to element order in PEs and to 
     wording in comments as part of 2.1 release.
 20. Updated public identifier to "v2.1 20050630" 

     Version 2.0                       (DAL/BTU) v2.0 (2004-08-30)
     Major requirement changes led to the new release, producing
     DTD version "2.0":
       a) The splitting of the Archival and Interchange Tag Set 
          DTDs into three DTDs from two: an authoring DTD, an
          archive regularization and interchange DTD (the
          current Blue Publishing DTD), and a preservationist 
          archive DTD (the current Green Archiving and Interchange 
       b) AIT Working Group suggestions from the June 04 meeting 
          and June/July 2004 followup discussions
       c) Suite remodularization to meet new (and newly articulated)
          modularization requirements
       d) New or renamed classes and mixes to make modifications
          easier and more consistent

 19. OTHER-TABLE-WRAP-ATTS - Moved this Parameter Entity from
     the Archiving (Green) customization module to this module,
     so that all variant DTDs could use it. Possible for both 
     <table-wrapper> and <table-group>.

     (for all Parameter Entities suffixed "-model")
     ### Customization Alert ###
     Made all the model over-rides consistent. Some included
     the outer parentheses, some did not. They all do now,
     as this is the most flexible system, allowing for
     #PCDATA, mixed, or element content. (This is in direct
     contrast to the "-element" suffixed models, which are
     designed to prohibit element content and permit only
     #PCDATA or mixed content.) Added parentheses to Parameter
     Entity and removed them from the Element Declaration.
     -  %array-model; 
     -  %boxed-text-model; 
     -  %chem-struct-wrapper-model; 
     -  %fig-model; 
     -  %fig-group-model; 
     -  %preformat-model; 
     -  %table-wrap-model; 
     -  %table-wrap-group-model; 
     -  %table-wrap-foot-model; 

 17. LOOSENING FIGURE - %label.class; and %caption.class; both 
     allowed to repeat in <fig> model, to allow for alternate
 16. OBJECT ID/DOI - added to elements by request of AIT WG. 
     Elements with DOIs are those a publisher could expect to sell 
     or handle separately. DOI is placed in an <object-id> element, 
     part of the %id.class; and added to:
      - <boxed-text>             (through %boxed-text-model;)
      - <chem-struct-wrapper>    (through %chem-struct-wrapper-model;)
      - <fig>                    (through %fig-model;)
      - <graphic>                (through %graphic-model;)
      - <media>                  (through %graphic-model;)
      - <pre-format>             (through %preformat-elements;)
      - <supplementary-material> (through %fig-model;)
      - <table-wrap>             (through %table-wrap-model;) 

     A "pub-id-type" attribute identifies the type of ID, DOI,
     archive-issued ID, etc.


        ### Customization Alert ###
        Some classes did not have the ".class" suffix. Changed the 
        names to add the class suffix:
        - %display-back-matter.class; used in 
             -%array-model;      -%boxed-text-model;
             -%fig-model;        -%chem-struct-wrapper-model;
             -%graphic-model;    -%preformat-model;  
             -%table-wrap-model; -%table-wrap-foot-model; 
        - %block-math.class; (used in -%fig-model;)

        ### Customization Alert ###
        Changed the following PEs to start with an OR bar:
        - %preformat-elements;

     c. NEW CLASSES - To correct potential classing problems, new 
        Parameter Entities were created:
              New Content Models PEs
        - %preformat-model;
              New Classes PEs
        - %caption.class; used in:
            - %fig-model;        - %fig-group-model;
            - %table-wrap-model; - %chem-struct-wrapper-model;
            - %graphic-model;
        - %fig-display.class; used in:
        - %just-para.class; used in:
            - <caption>
            - %table-wrap-foot-model;
        - %just-table.class; used in: 
            - %table-wrap-group-model;
            - %fig-model;
        - %just-base-display.class; used in:
            - %array-model;      - %fig-group-model;
            - %chem-struct-wrapper-model;(where using it added
              the <preformat> element to <chem-struct-wrapper>
        - %tbody.class; used in
            - %array-model;
        - %chem-struct-elements; used in:
            - %chem-struct-model;

        ### Customization Alert ###
        - Took <ext-link> out of -%access.class;. It did not belong.
            It belongs in -%address-link.class;
        - Added -%address-link.class; to anywhere regular
            %access.class; was used.

 14. DEFAULT CLASSES - Were moved from this module to 

 13. Updated public identifier to "v2.0 20040830"

     Version 1.1                       (TRG/BTU) v1.1 (2003-11-01)

 12. Added "mimetype" and "mime-subtype" attributes to all graphic 
     and multi-media elements, including: 
       - <graphic>
       - <inline-graphic>
       - <media>
       - <supplementary-material>

 11. Created parameter entity %media-atts; to hold attribute list
     for <media> (and replace %graphic-atts; as attribute list
     Rationale: Needed to split attribute list for <media> from 
     that for <graphic>, in order to have different values for 
     new attribute "mimetype".

 10. Added attribute "alternate-form-of" to the following elements:
       - <array>
       - <chem-struct> (by modifying parameter entity 
       - <graphic> (by modifying parameter entity %graphic-atts;)
       - <media> (by modifying parameter entity %graphic-atts;)
       - <supplementary-material> (by modifying parameter entity 
       - <inline-graphic> (by modifying parameter entity 
       - <preformat>
     Rationale: Where multiple formats of an item (e.g., graphic 
     file, media object, chemical structure) are available, this 
     attribute indicates that a format is a secondary one and 
     provides a link to the primary format, so that only one 
     format of an item is displayed.

  9. Modified parameter entity %array-model; so that the elements
     <graphic> and <media> could be used multiple times.
     Rationale: A series of <graphic> (or <media>) elements 
     may occur in the same content, especially if they are
     variants of one graphic (or media object) may be linked, 
     with only one variation being displayed.

  8. Added attribute "id" to the following: 
       - <inline-graphic> (via parameter entity %inline-graphic-atts;) 
       - <chem-struct> (via parameter entity %chem-struct-atts;)      
     Rationale: Provide unique identifier so these elements can be 
     linked to. Some will have alternate versions which will point
     to them, others may be the target internal cross-references. 

  7. Created parameter entity %inline-graphic-atts; to hold 
     various attributes associated with <inline-graphic>
     Rationale: In order to distinguish between attribute lists
     used by the Archiving DTD and the Publishing DTD, it was 
     necessary to create a parameter entity that could be overridden.

  6. Added attribute "content-type" to the following:
       - <array>  
       - <boxed-text> by modifying parameter entity %boxed-text-atts;
       - <fig-group> by modifying parameter entity %fig-group-atts;      
       - <table-wrap> by modifying parameter entity %table-wrap-atts;
       - <supplementary-material> by modifying parameter entity 
       - <chem-struct> by modifying parameter entity %chem-struct-atts;
       - <chem-struct-wrapper> by modifying parameter entity 
     Rationale: To identify and preserve the semantic intent of 
     semantically rich source documents.

  5. Added ID attribute to element <array>.
     Rationale: Provide unique identifier so <array> can be linked to. 

  4. Added parameter entity %label.class; to parameter entity 
     Rationale: To allow label as a format override on <chem-struct>. 

  3. Added element <label> to the parameter entity %array-model;
     Rationale: To allow label as a format override
  2. Added element <media> to the following parameter entities:
       - %block-display.class;
       - %simple-display.class;
       - %array-model; 
       - %chem-struct-wrapper-model;
       - %fig-group-model;                     
     Rationale: Media object <media> to occur everywhere element 
     <graphic> is allowed to occur.

  1. Added element <media> for media objects; <media> will be used 
     in the same way <graphic> is and will have the same content, 
     but be used for animation or movies.
     Rationale: To distinguish alternate media (such as movies or 
     animation) from traditional print graphic forms.

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    PARAMETER ENTITY DEPENDENCIES             
                        Requires the following parameter entities
                        be defined before calling this module, 
                        usually accomplished in the Customization
                        Module for the specific DTD:
                            Element Classes and Groups
                            Content Models
                            Attribute Lists
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    DEFAULT PES FOR ATTRIBUTE LISTS            -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!--                    DISPLAY ATTRIBUTES OPTIONAL ID             -->
<!--         position   Must this display object (figure, boxed text,
                        etc.) be anchored in its exact location
                        within the text or may it float, for example
                        to the top of the next page, next column, or
                        within a separate window?  Values are:
                          anchor      Object must remain in place
                          float       Object is not anchored and
                                      may be moved to a new column,
                                      a new window, etc.
                          margin      In print, item should be placed
                                      in the margin or gutter. 
                                      Online the item should 
                                      remain closely associated 
                                      with the text.               -->
<!ENTITY % display-atts
             "position  (anchor | float | margin)        'float'"    >

<!--                    BOXED TEXT ATTRIBUTES                      -->
<!--                    Attributes for the boxed text <boxed-text>
                        element                                    -->
<!ENTITY % boxed-text-atts
             "id        ID                                #IMPLIED
              xml:lang  NMTOKEN                           #IMPLIED
                        CDATA                             #IMPLIED"  >
<!--                    CHEMICAL STRUCTURE WRAPPER ATTRIBUTES      -->
<!--                    Attributes for the <chem-struct-wrapper> 
                        element, the outer wrapper around one or more
                        chemical structures                        -->
<!ENTITY % chem-struct-wrapper-atts
             "id        ID                                #IMPLIED
                        CDATA                             #IMPLIED"  >

<!--                    CHEMICAL STRUCTURE ATTRIBUTES              -->
<!--                    Attributes for <chem-struct>               -->
<!ENTITY % chem-struct-atts
                         IDREF                            #IMPLIED
                        CDATA                             #IMPLIED
              id        ID                                #IMPLIED"  >

<!--                    FIGURE GROUP ATTRIBUTES                    -->
<!--                    Attributes for Figure Groups <fig-group>   -->
<!ENTITY % fig-group-atts
             "id        ID                                #IMPLIED
                        CDATA                             #IMPLIED"  >

<!--                    FIGURE ATTRIBUTES                          -->
<!--                    Attributes for Figures <fig>               -->
<!ENTITY % fig-atts
             "id        ID                               #IMPLIED
              xml:lang  NMTOKEN                          #IMPLIED  
              fig-type  CDATA                            #IMPLIED"   > 

<!--                    GRAPHIC ATTRIBUTES                         -->
<!--                    Attributes for Graphic <graphic>           -->
<!ENTITY % graphic-atts
                        IDREF                            #IMPLIED
                        (yes|no)                             'no'
              id        ID                               #IMPLIED
                        (cgm | g3fax | gif | ief |  jpeg | naplps | 
                         png | prs.btif | prs.pti | t38 | tiff |  
                         tiff-fx)                         #IMPLIED 
              mimetype  CDATA                       #FIXED 'image'
              %link-atts;"                                           >

<!--                    MEDIA ATTRIBUTES                           -->
<!--                    Attributes for Media <media>               -->
<!ENTITY % media-atts
                        IDREF                            #IMPLIED
              id        ID                               #IMPLIED
              mimetype  CDATA                            #IMPLIED
                        CDATA                            #IMPLIED 
              %link-atts;"                                           >

<!--                    INLINE GRAPHIC ATTRIBUTES                  -->
<!--                    Attributes for Inline Graphic 
                        <inline-graphic>                           -->
<!ENTITY % inline-graphic-atts
                        IDREF                              #IMPLIED
              id        ID                                 #IMPLIED
              mimetype  CDATA                        #FIXED 'image'
                        CDATA                              #IMPLIED
              %link-atts;"                                           >

<!--                   PREFORMATTED TEXT ATTRIBUTES                -->
<!--                   Attributes for Preformatted Text <preformat>-->
<!ENTITY % preformat-atts
                       IDREF                             #IMPLIED
              id        ID                               #IMPLIED
                        CDATA                            #IMPLIED
              xml:space (default | preserve)     #FIXED 'preserve'  
              xml:lang  NMTOKEN                          #IMPLIED"   > 

<!--                    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION ATTRIBUTES       -->
<!--                    Attributes for Supplementary Information
                        <supplementary-material>                   -->
<!ENTITY % supplementary-material-atts
                        IDREF                             #IMPLIED
                        CDATA                             #IMPLIED
              id        ID                                #IMPLIED
              mimetype  CDATA                             #IMPLIED
                        CDATA                             #IMPLIED 
              xml:lang  NMTOKEN                           #IMPLIED"  > 

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    TABLE ATTRIBUTE PARAMETER ENTITIES         -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!--                    TABLE WRAPPER ATTRIBUTES                   -->
<!--                    Attributes to be added to the regular NLM
                        table attributes, for example, when the
                        Elsevier or OASIS Exchange table models are
                        used.                                      -->
<!ENTITY % other-table-wrap-atts
             ""                                                      > 

<!--                    TABLE GROUP ATTRIBUTES                     -->
<!--                    Attributes for Table Groups 
                        <table-wrap-group>                         -->
<!ENTITY % table-wrap-group-atts
             "id        ID                                #IMPLIED
              %display-atts;"                                        >

<!--                    TABLE WRAPPER ATTRIBUTES                   -->
<!--                    Attributes for Table Wrapper <table-wrap>  -->
<!ENTITY % table-wrap-atts
             "id        ID                                #IMPLIED
                        CDATA                             #IMPLIED 
              xml:lang  NMTOKEN                           #IMPLIED"  >

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    PARAMETER ENTITIES FOR CONTENT MODELS      -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!--                    FIGURE-LIKE CONTENT MODEL                  -->
<!--                    Content model for the Figure element and any
                        similarly structured elements              -->
<!ENTITY % fig-model    "((%id.class;)*, (%label.class;)*, 
                          (%access.class; | %address-link.class;)*,  
                          (%block-math.class; | %intable-para.class; |
                           %just-table.class; | %just-para.class; |
                           %list.class; | %simple-display.class;)*,
                          (%display-back-matter.class;)* )"          >

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    ARRAY ELEMENTS                             -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!--                    ARRAY CONTENT MODEL                        -->
<!--                    The element used to contain material in
                        rows and columns that is just a block insert
                        into the text flow, not numbered or called a
                        table, and not titled or captioned         -->
<!ENTITY % array-model  "(label?, 
                          (%access.class; | %address-link.class;)*,  
                          ( (%just-base-display.class;)* | 
                            %tbody.class; ), 
                          (%display-back-matter.class;)* )"          >

<!--                    ARRAY (SIMPLE TABULAR ARRAY)               -->
<!--                    Used to define in-text table-like (columnar) 
                        material.  Uses the XHTML table body element
                        or a graphic to express the rows and columns.
                        These have neither labels nor captions,
                        arrays with labels and captions are table
                        Remarks: Arrays are not allowed to float,
                        they are tied to their position in the
                        Authoring Note:  While this element 
                        contains an optional Label element, the 
                        Label element should be included only in 
                        those circumstances where a formatting 
                        override is needed; Label should NOT 
                        be used in the ordinary course of 
                        tagging.                                   -->
<!ELEMENT  array        %array-model;                                >
<!--         alternate-form-of
                        Where multiple formats of an item (e.g., 
                        graphic file, media object, chemical 
                        structure) are available, this attribute 
                        indicates that a format is a secondary 
                        one and provides a link to the primary 
                        format, so that only one format of an 
                        item is displayed.
             id         Unique identifier so the element may be
                        Identification of the subject, type of
                        content, or reason that this word or phrase
                        is considered semantically special, as a 
                        means of preserving the semantic intent of 
                        the original tagging.       
             xml:lang   The language in which the value of the
                        element is expressed.  Recommended best 
                        practice is to use values as defined in
                        RFC 1766, typically 2-letter language
                        codes such as "FR" (French), "EN" (English),
                        and "DE" (German). These values are NOT
                        case sensitive, so "EN" = "en". The values
                        may include hyphenated differentiations such 
                        as "EN-AU" (Australian English) and "EN-US"
                        (United States English).                   
                        Display Note: An Array element is assumed
                        to be anchored at its position within the
                        text.                                      -->                                 
<!ATTLIST  array
                        IDREF                              #IMPLIED
             id         ID                                 #IMPLIED
                        CDATA                              #IMPLIED 
             xml:lang   NMTOKEN                            #IMPLIED  >

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    BOXED TEXT ELEMENTS                        -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!--                    BOXED TEXT MODEL                           -->
<!--                    Complete content model for the boxed text
                        element, made into a PE so that it could be
                        redefined, for example, by an authoring DTD.
<!ENTITY % boxed-text-model
                        "((%id.class;)*, %sec-opt-title-model;, 
                          (%display-back-matter.class;)* )"          >

<!--                    BOXED TEXT                                 -->
<!--                    Textual material that is outside the flow
                        of the narrative text, for example, a 
                        sidebar, marginalia, text insert, caution or
                        note box, etc.                             -->
<!ELEMENT  boxed-text   %boxed-text-model;                           >
<!--         id         Unique identifier so the element may be
                        Identification of the subject, type of
                        content, or reason that this word or phrase
                        is considered semantically special, as a 
                        means of preserving the semantic intent of 
                        the original tagging.                      
             position   Must this display object (figure, boxed text,
                        etc.) be anchored in its exact location
                        within the text or may it float, for example
                        to the top of the next page, next column, or
                        within a separate window?  Values are:
                          anchor      Object must remain in place
                          float       Object is not anchored and
                                      may be moved to a new column,
                                      a new window, etc.
                          margin      In print, item should be placed
                                      in the margin or gutter. 
                                      Online the item should 
                                      remain closely associated 
                                      with the text.
             xml:lang   The language in which the value of the
                        element is expressed.  Recommended best 
                        practice is to use values as defined in
                        RFC 1766, typically 2-letter language
                        codes such as "FR" (French), "EN" (English),
                        and "DE" (German). These values are NOT
                        case sensitive, so "EN" = "en". The values
                        may include hyphenated differentiations such 
                        as "EN-AU" (Australian English) and "EN-US"
                        (United States English).                   --> 
<!ATTLIST  boxed-text
             %boxed-text-atts;                                       > 

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    CHEMICAL STRUCTURE ELEMENTS                -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!--                    CHEMICAL STRUCTURE WRAPPER MODEL           -->
<!--                    Content model for the Chemical Structure
                        Wrapper <chem-struct-wrapper> element      -->
<!ENTITY % chem-struct-wrapper-model
                        "((%id.class;)*, (%label.class;)?, 
                          (%access.class; | %address-link.class;)*,  
                          (%display-back-matter.class;)* )"          >

<!--                    CHEMICAL STRUCTURE WRAPPER                 -->
<!--                    A chemical expression, reaction, equation,
                        etc. that is set apart within the text.
                        These may be numbered.  They may be modeled
                        as ASCII characters or as one or more 
                        Implementer's Note: CML will go here, if
                        Display Note: A chemical structure is assumed
                        to be anchored at its position within the
                        text.                                      -->
<!ELEMENT  chem-struct-wrapper         
                        %chem-struct-wrapper-model;                  >
<!--         id         A unique identifier for the chemical structure
                        Identification of the subject, type of
                        content, or reason that this word or phrase
                        is considered semantically special, as a 
                        means of preserving the semantic intent of 
                        the original tagging.                      
             position   Must this display object (figure, boxed text,
                        etc.) be anchored in its exact location
                        within the text or may it float, for example
                        to the top of the next page, next column, or
                        within a separate window?  Values are:
                          anchor      Object must remain in place
                          float       Object is not anchored and
                                      may be moved to a new column,
                                      a new window, etc.
                          margin      In print, item should be placed
                                      in the margin or gutter. 
                                      Online the item should 
                                      remain closely associated 
                                      with the text.               -->
<!ATTLIST  chem-struct-wrapper
             %chem-struct-wrapper-atts;                              >

<!--                    CHEMICAL STRUCTURE ELEMENTS                -->
<!--                    Those elements that may mix with the data
                        characters inside a Chemical Structure
                        <chem-struct>                              -->
<!ENTITY % chem-struct-elements
                        "| %access.class; | %address-link.class; | 
                         %break.class; | 
                         %emphasis.class; | %label.class; |
                         %list.class; | %math.class; | 
                         %simple-display.class; | 
                         %simple-link.class; | %subsup.class; "      >

<!--                    CHEMICAL STRUCTURE MODEL                   -->
<!--                    A chemical expression, reaction, equation,
                        etc. that is set apart within the text     
                        DESIGN NOTE: The list class was added to 
                        cover the Elsevier DTD <compound-info> 
                        Authoring Note: This model allows for a
                        <graphic> element inside of the <chem-struct>
                        that holds the structure or for using the
                        linking attributes to point directly to the
                        URI of such as graphic.
                        Authoring Note: Accessibility elements should
                        not be used with this element if they can be
                        used as part of the <chem-struct-wrapper> 
                        wrapper element. They are allowed as part of
                        this element only for those 
                        <chem-struct-wrapper> elements that 
                        contain more than one <chem-struct>.       -->
<!ENTITY % chem-struct-model
                        "(#PCDATA %chem-struct-elements;)* "         >

<!--                    CHEMICAL STRUCTURE (DISPLAY)               -->
<!--                    A chemical expression, reaction, equation,
                        etc. that is set apart within the text.
                        Authoring Note:  While this element 
                        contains an optional Label element, the 
                        Label element should be included only in 
                        those circumstances where a formatting 
                        override is needed; Label should NOT 
                        be used in the ordinary course of 
                        tagging.                                   -->
<!ELEMENT  chem-struct  %chem-struct-model;                          >
<!--         alternate-form-of
                        Where multiple formats of an item (e.g., 
                        graphic file, media object, chemical 
                        structure) are available, this attribute 
                        indicates that a format is a secondary 
                        one and provides a link to the primary 
                        format, so that only one format of an
                        item is displayed.
                        Identification of the subject, type of
                        content, or reason that this word or phrase
                        is considered semantically special, as a 
                        means of preserving the semantic intent of 
                        the original tagging.                      
             xlink:href Provides an address or identifier of the
                        object to which the link points, for
                        example a URI or a filename                -->             
<!ATTLIST  chem-struct 
             %chem-struct-atts;                                      >

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    FIGURE ELEMENTS                            -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!--                    FIGURE GROUP MODEL                         -->
<!--                    Content model for a Figure Group element   -->
<!ENTITY % fig-group-model 
                        "((%label.class;)?, (%caption.class;)?, 
                          (%access.class; | %address-link.class;)*,  
                          (%fig-display.class; | 
                           %just-base-display.class;)* )"            >

<!--                    FIGURE GROUP                               -->
<!--                    Used for a group of figures that must be 
                        displayed together                         -->
<!ELEMENT  fig-group    %fig-group-model;                            >
<!--         id         Unique identifier so the element may be
                        Authoring Note: The value of the "id"
                        attribute for a Figure Group should begin 
                        with "FG" (FG1, FG2, FGIII). 
                        Identification of the subject, type of
                        content, or reason that this word or phrase
                        is considered semantically special, as a 
                        means of preserving the semantic intent of 
                        the original tagging.                      
             position   Must this display object (figure, boxed text,
                        etc.) be anchored in its exact location
                        within the text or may it float, for example
                        to the top of the next page, next column, or
                        within a separate window?  Values are:
                          anchor      Object must remain in place
                          float       Object is not anchored and
                                      may be moved to a new column,
                                      a new window, etc.
                          margin      In print, item should be placed
                                      in the margin or gutter. 
                                      Online the item should 
                                      remain closely associated 
                                      with the text.               -->
<!ATTLIST  fig-group
             %fig-group-atts;                                        >

<!--                    FIGURE                                     -->
<!--                    A block of graphic or textual material that
                        is identified as a "Figure", usually with
                        a caption and a label such as "Figure" or
                        "Figure 3.". 
                          The content of a Figure need not be 
                        graphical in nature, for example a list or a
                        table may be the content of a Figure.
                        Authoring and Conversion Note: Unlabeled 
                        graphical objects found in the content 
                        should be tagged as <graphic>s. A common 
                        test for Figure versus Graphic is to ask
                        yourself whether, if you were to create a
                        "List of Figures" for this article, the
                        object would or would not appear in such a 
                        list.                                       -->
<!ELEMENT  fig          %fig-model;                                   >
<!--         id         Unique identifier so the element may be
                        Authoring Note: The value of the "id"
                        attribute for a Figure should begin with "F" 
                        (F1, F2, FIII). 
                        Authoring Note: The value of the "id"
                        attribute for a scheme should begin with "S"
                        (S1, S2). The value of the "id" attribute 
                        for a plate should begin with "P" (P1, P2).                      
             position   Must this display object (figure, boxed text,
                        etc.) be anchored in its exact location
                        within the text or may it float, for example
                        to the top of the next page, next column, or
                        within a separate window?  Values are:
                          anchor      Object must remain in place
                          float       Object is not anchored and
                                      may be moved to a new column,
                                      a new window, etc.
                          margin      In print, item should be placed
                                      in the margin or gutter. 
                                      Online the item should 
                                      remain closely associated 
                                      with the text.        
             xml:lang   The language in which the value of the
                        element is expressed.  Recommended best 
                        practice is to use values as defined in
                        RFC 1766, typically 2-letter language
                        codes such as "FR" (French), "EN" (English),
                        and "DE" (German). These values are NOT
                        case sensitive, so "EN" = "en". The values
                        may include hyphenated differentiations such 
                        as "EN-AU" (Australian English) and "EN-US"
                        (United States English).                   
             fig-type   Some DTDs make a distinction between 
                        different types of graphical objects, some
                        with attributes, some with elements.  This
                        attribute is for use in preserving that
                        intellectual content.  For example, this
                        attribute could record the fact that the
                        contents of this figure are: a cartoon,
                        chart, diagram, drawing, exhibit, 
                        illustration, map, plate, scheme, workflow, 
                        etc.                                       -->
<!ATTLIST  fig
             %fig-atts;                                              >

<!--                    CAPTION BODY PARTS                         -->
<!--                    Elements that may be included in the body of
                        the <caption> element                      -->
<!ENTITY % caption-body-parts  
                        "(%just-para.class;)*"                       > 

<!--                    CAPTION OF A FIGURE, TABLE, ETC.           -->
<!--                    Wrapper element for the textual description
                        associated with a figure, table, etc. In
                        some source document captions, the first 
                        sentence is set off from the rest as a title.
                        In some source document, figures may posses
                        both a title and a caption, in which case 
                        the title will be moved inside the caption
                        during conversion.                         -->
<!ELEMENT  caption      (title?, %caption-body-parts;)               >
<!--         xml:lang   The language in which the value of the
                        element is expressed.  Recommended best 
                        practice is to use values as defined in
                        RFC 1766, typically 2-letter language
                        codes such as "FR" (French), "EN" (English),
                        and "DE" (German). These values are NOT
                        case sensitive, so "EN" = "en". The values
                        may include hyphenated differentiations such 
                        as "EN-AU" (Australian English) and "EN-US"
                        (United States English).                   -->
<!ATTLIST  caption
             xml:lang   NMTOKEN                            #IMPLIED  > 

<!--ELEM  title        Defined in %common.ent;                     -->
<!--ELEM  p            Defined in %common.ent;                     -->

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    THE GRAPHIC AND MEDIA OBJECT ELEMENTS      -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!--                    GRAPHIC MODEL                              -->
<!--                    Content model for the <graphic> element    -->
<!ENTITY % graphic-model   
                        "(%access.class; | %address-link.class; | 
                          %id.class; | %label.class; | 
                          %caption.class; | 
                          %display-back-matter.class;)* "            > 

<!--                    GRAPHIC                                    -->
<!--                    An external file that holds a picture,
                        illustration, etc., usually as some form of
                        binary object. The "content" of the <graphic>
                        element is not the object, but merely
                        information about the object. 
                        Authoring and Conversion Note: Internal
                        elements such as <caption> should always be
                        used at the highest possible level, in
                        other words, if a Graphic is inside a
                        Figure, the <caption>, <long-desc>, etc.
                        should be part of the Figure, not part of
                        the Graphic. Elements such as <caption>
                        are used when a standalone graphic requires 
                        them or when multiple graphics within a 
                        container element such as a Figure need 
                        them individually. Similarly, the "position"
                        attribute should not be used on a <graphic>
                        that is inside a larger display, container
                        such as a Paragraph.                       -->
<!ELEMENT  graphic      %graphic-model;                              >
<!--         alternate-form-of
                        Where multiple formats of an item (e.g., 
                        graphic file, media object, chemical 
                        structure) are available, this attribute 
                        indicates that a format is a secondary 
                        one and provides a link to the primary 
                        format, so that only one format of an
                        item is displayed.
                        Whether an alternative version of a graphic
                        has also been provided, for example, a 
                        thumbnail or a different resolution
             mimetype   The mimetype of the object. For graphics
                        the mimetype will always be "image".
                        The mime-subtype of the object. Taken from
                        IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority)
                        allowable values of mime-subtype of mimetype
                        image (all the non-vendor specific values) 
             id         Unique identifier so the element may be
                        referenced. The "id" attribute such as 
                        should be used at the highest level 
                        possible, therefore a graphic only needs an
                        "id" when it is standalone. 
             position   Must this display object (figure, boxed text,
                        etc.) be anchored in its exact location
                        within the text or may it float, for example
                        to the top of the next page, next column, or
                        within a separate window?  Values are:
                          anchor      Object must remain in place
                          float       Object is not anchored and
                                      may be moved to a new column,
                                      a new window, etc.
                          margin      In print, item should be placed
                                      in the margin or gutter. 
                                      Online the item should 
                                      remain closely associated 
                                      with the text.   
             xlink:href Provides an address or identifier of the
                        object to which the link points, for
                        example a URI or a filename            
                        NOTE: A graphic will always have an 
                        "xlink:href" attribute that points to the
                        URI where the graphic may be found.
                        Authoring and Conversion Note: Best practice
                        for graphic file names is to limit the names
                        and path names to the characters: letters,
                        numbers, underscore, hyphen, and period. All
                        such names are assumed to be case sensitive.
                        DOS-style file extensions may be used.     -->
<!ATTLIST  graphic
             %graphic-atts;                                          >

<!--                    MEDIA OBJECT                               -->
<!--                    An external file that holds a media object,
                        such as an animation or a movie. The 
                        "content" of the <media> element is not the 
                        object, but merely information about the 
                        Authoring and Conversion Note: Internal
                        elements such as <caption> should always be
                        used at the highest possible level, in
                        other words, if a media object is inside a
                        Figure, the <caption>, <long-desc>, etc.
                        should be part of the Figure, not part of
                        the media object. Elements such as <caption>
                        are used when a standalone media object 
                        requires them or when multiple media objects 
                        within a container element such as a Figure 
                        need them individually. Similarly, the 
                        "position" attribute should not be used on 
                        a <media> that is inside a larger display
                        container such as a Paragraph.             -->
<!ELEMENT  media        %graphic-model;                              >
<!--         alternate-form-of
                        Where multiple formats of an item (e.g., 
                        graphic file, media object, chemical 
                        structure) are available, this attribute 
                        indicates that a format is a secondary 
                        one and provides a link to the primary 
                        format, so that only one format of an
                        item is displayed.
             mimetype   The mimetype of the object.
                        The mime-subtype of the object
             id         Unique identifier so the element may be
                        referenced. The "id" attribute such as 
                        should be used at the highest level 
                        possible, therefore a graphic only needs an
                        "id" when it is standalone. 
             position   Must this display object (figure, boxed text,
                        etc.) be anchored in its exact location
                        within the text or may it float, for example
                        to the top of the next page, next column, or
                        within a separate window?  Values are:
                          anchor      Object must remain in place
                          float       Object is not anchored and
                                      may be moved to a new column,
                                      a new window, etc.
                          margin      In print, item should be placed
                                      in the margin or gutter. 
                                      Online the item should 
                                      remain closely associated 
                                      with the text.   
             xlink:href Provides an address or identifier of the
                        object to which the link points, for
                        example a URI or a filename            
                        NOTE: A graphic will always have an 
                        "xlink:href" attribute that points to the
                        URI where the graphic may be found.
                        Authoring and Conversion Note: Best practice
                        for graphic file names is to limit the names
                        and path names to the characters: letters,
                        numbers, underscore, hyphen, and period. All
                        such names are assumed to be case sensitive.
                        DOS-style file extensions may be used.     -->
<!ATTLIST  media
             %media-atts;                                            >

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    INLINE GRAPHIC                             -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!--                    INLINE GRAPHIC                             -->
<!--                    A small graphic such as an icon or a small
                        picture symbol that is displayed or set
                        in the same line as the text.
                        Authoring and Conversion Note: Although the
                        DTD cannot enforce it, this element should
                        NOT be used for custom-built or private
                        characters, such as those in the Unicode
                        private use areas. For such characters,
                        use the <private-char> element, see
                        %chars.ent;                                -->
<!ELEMENT  inline-graphic
                        (alt-text?)                                  >
<!--         alternate-form-of
                        Where multiple formats of an item (e.g., 
                        graphic file, media object, chemical 
                        structure) are available, this attribute 
                        indicates that a format is a secondary 
                        one and provides a link to the primary 
                        format, so that only one format of an
                        item is displayed.
             id         Unique identifier so an inline-formula
                        can be referenced                          
             mimetype   fixed at "image"
                        The mime-subtype of the graphic
             xlink:href Provides an address or identifier of the
                        object to which the link points, for
                        example a URI or a filename            
                        NOTE: An inline graphic will always have an 
                        "xlink:href" attribute that points to the
                        URI where the graphic may be found.        -->
<!ATTLIST  inline-graphic
             %inline-graphic-atts;                                   >

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    PRESERVE THE WHITESPACE TEXT               -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!--                    PREFORMATTED TEXT ELEMENTS                 -->
<!--                    Elements that may be used, along with data
                        characters, inside the content model for the
                        <preformat> element, in which white space,
                        such as tabs, line feeds, and spaces will
                        be preserved                               -->
<!ENTITY % preformat-elements
                        "| %access.class; | %address-link.class; |
                         %display-back-matter.class; | 
                         %emphasis.class; | %id.class; |
                         %subsup.class;"                             >

<!--                    PREFORMAT MODEL                            -->
<!--                    Content model for the <preformat> element  -->
<!ENTITY % preformat-model   
                        "(#PCDATA %preformat-elements;)*"            > 

<!--                    PREFORMATTED TEXT                          -->
<!--                    Used for preformatted text such as 
                        computer code in which whitespace, such as
                        tabs, line feeds, and spaces, should be
                        preserved. Typically displayed or printed
                        in a monofont to preserve character 
                        Related Elements: Poetry may be tagged with
                        <preformat> if spacing is critical, but 
                        usually poetry should be tagged with the
                        <verse-group> element, which may not preserve
                        the exact indentation but is likely to be
                        displayed in a proportional font.          -->
<!ELEMENT  preformat    %preformat-model;                            >
<!--         alternate-form-of
                        Where multiple formats of an item (e.g., 
                        graphic file, media object, chemical 
                        structure) are available, this attribute 
                        indicates that a format is a secondary 
                        one and provides a link to the primary 
                        format, so that only one format of an
                        item is displayed.
             id         Unique identifier so the element may be
             position   Must this display object (figure, boxed text,
                        etc.) be anchored in its exact location
                        within the text or may it float, for example
                        to the top of the next page, next column, or
                        within a separate window?  Values are:
                          anchor      Object must remain in place
                          float       Object is not anchored and
                                      may be moved to a new column,
                                      a new window, etc.
                          margin      In print, item should be placed
                                      in the margin or gutter. 
                                      Online the item should 
                                      remain closely associated 
                                      with the text.
                        What kind of content, for example:
                          code   Computer code
                          poetry Poems
                          ascii  ASCII art
                        This attribute is added to preserve the
                        intellectual content of DTDs that provide
                        this information.  Many documents will not
                        be able to provide this data.
             xml:space  Request that, when printing or displaying
                        this element, all white space such as tabs
                        and spaces and line breaks be preserved.  
             xml:lang   The language in which the value of the
                        element is expressed.  Recommended best 
                        practice is to use values as defined in
                        RFC 1766, typically 2-letter language
                        codes such as "FR" (French), "EN" (English),
                        and "DE" (German). These values are NOT
                        case sensitive, so "EN" = "en". The values
                        may include hyphenated differentiations such 
                        as "EN-AU" (Australian English) and "EN-US"
                        (United States English).                   -->
<!ATTLIST  preformat
             %preformat-atts;                                        >

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL                     -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!--                    SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL MODEL               -->
<!--                    Content model for the 
                        <supplementary-material> element           -->
<!ENTITY % supplementary-material-model 
                        "%fig-model;"                                > 

<!--                    SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL                     -->
<!--                    Additional data files that contain
                        information directly supportive of the item,
                        for example, an audio clip, movie, database,
                        spreadsheet, applet, or other external file.  
                        Remarks: This is similar to the audio-visual
                        element in some DTDs and the unprinted-item
                        element (meaning that it is used only for
                        electronic files) in other DTDs.
                        Remarks: This element is used in two senses: 
                        inside the article front matter as an alert
                        to the existence of supplementary material
                        and as part of the textual flow, where it is
                        similar to a Figure, in that it can be 
                        positioned as a floating or anchored object 
                        and may take a caption.
                          In addition, the supplementary material
                        may identify its file type with the
                        "mimetype" attribute.
                        Authoring Note: Supplementary material may
                        contain a preview image (e.g., the first
                        frame of a movie, tagged as a <graphic> or 
                        <media>), with the caption/preview placed 
                        in a manner similar to a Figure and a 
                        cross-reference made to the material from 
                        the text.        
                        Related Elements: See related element
                        <inline-supplementary-material> for 
                        a simpler form that can be used to mark up
                        text references to supplementary material
                        where the reference appears in the regular
                        flow of the text and does not have a preview
                        image or separate caption.                 -->
<!ELEMENT  supplementary-material     
                        %supplementary-material-model;               >
<!--         alternate-form-of
                        Where multiple formats of an item (e.g., 
                        graphic file, media object, chemical 
                        structure) are available, this attribute 
                        indicates that a format is a secondary 
                        one and provides a link to the primary 
                        format, so that only one format of an
                        item is displayed.
                        Identification of the subject, type of
                        content, or reason that this word or phrase
                        is considered semantically special, as a 
                        means of preserving the semantic intent of 
                        the original tagging.                      
             id         Unique identifier so the element may be
             mimetype   The mimetype of the object.
                        The mime-subtype of the object
             position   Must this display object (figure, boxed text,
                        etc.) be anchored in its exact location
                        within the text or may it float, for example
                        to the top of the next page, next column, or
                        within a separate window?  Values are:
                          anchor      Object must remain in place
                          float       Object is not anchored and
                                      may be moved to a new column,
                                      a new window, etc.
                          margin      In print, item should be placed
                                      in the margin or gutter. 
                                      Online the item should 
                                      remain closely associated 
                                      with the text.
             xlink:href Provides an address or identifier of the
                        object to which the link points, for
                        example a URI or a filename                
             xml:lang   The language in which the value of the
                        element is expressed.  Recommended best 
                        practice is to use values as defined in
                        RFC 1766, typically 2-letter language
                        codes such as "FR" (French), "EN" (English),
                        and "DE" (German). These values are NOT
                        case sensitive, so "EN" = "en". The values
                        may include hyphenated differentiations such 
                        as "EN-AU" (Australian English) and "EN-US"
                        (United States English).                   -->
<!ATTLIST  supplementary-material
             %supplementary-material-atts;                           >

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    TABLE ELEMENTS                             -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!--                    TABLE WRAPPER GROUP MODEL                  -->
<!--                    Content model for the <table-wrap-group> 
                        element                                    -->
<!ENTITY % table-wrap-group-model 
                        "(label?, caption?, 
                          (%access.class; | %address-link.class;)*,  
                          (%just-table.class;)+ )"                   > 

<!--                    TABLE WRAPPER GROUP                        -->
<!--                    Used as a wrapper tag to contain a group of
                        tables that must be displayed together     -->
<!ELEMENT  table-wrap-group       
                        %table-wrap-group-model;                     >
<!--         id         Unique identifier so the element may be
                        Authoring Note: id of table group should 
                        begin with "TG" (TG1, TGIV, TG43) 
             position   Must this display object (figure, boxed text,
                        etc.) be anchored in its exact location
                        within the text or may it float, for example
                        to the top of the next page, next column, or
                        within a separate window?  Values are:
                          anchor      Object must remain in place
                          float       Object is not anchored and
                                      may be moved to a new column,
                                      a new window, etc.
                          margin      In print, item should be placed
                                      in the margin or gutter. 
                                      Online the item should 
                                      remain closely associated 
                                      with the text.               -->
<!ATTLIST  table-wrap-group
             %table-wrap-group-atts;                                 >

<!--                    TABLE WRAPPER CONTENT MODEL                -->
<!--                    Content model for the container element that
                        surrounds the standard table models for row
                        and columns.                               -->
<!ENTITY % table-wrap-model    
                        "((%id.class;)*, (%label.class;)?,
                          (%access.class; | %address-link.class;)*,  
                          (%table-foot.class; |
                           %display-back-matter.class;)* )"          >

<!--                    TABLE WRAPPER                              -->
<!--                    Used to hold a complete table, that is, not
                        only the rows and columns that make up a
                        table, but also the table captions, list
                        of table footnotes, alternative descriptions
                        for accessibility, etc.  Within the Table
                        Wrapper element, the row and column tags that
                        describe the table cells are defined by one
                        of the popular "standard" table models, for
                        example the XHTML table model, OASIS Exchange 
                        (CALS) table model, of the Elsevier Science 
                        Full Length Article table body <tblbody> 
                        model, et al.)
                        Remarks: This model has been designed to allow
                        for a "table" that is just a graphic or a list 
                        rather than the explicit rows and columns of a
                        table element such as XHTML <table>.       
                        Authoring and Conversion Note: Many journal
                        DTDs use an element Called Table Footnote,
                        with a tag such as <tblfn> for the footnotes
                        inside a table.  This DTD uses <fn> inside 
                        tables as well as everywhere. They are
                        differentiated by context. Footnotes inside
                        a Table Wrapper are assumed to be footnotes
                        to the table and part of the table, 
                        printed at the bottom of it, etc.          -->
<!ELEMENT  table-wrap   %table-wrap-model;                           >
<!--         id         Unique identifier so the element may be
                        Authoring Note: The value of the "id"
                        attribute of table should begin with 
                        "T" (T1, TIV, T43)   
                        Identification of the subject, type of
                        content, or reason that this word or phrase
                        is considered semantically special, as a 
                        means of preserving the semantic intent of 
                        the original tagging.                     
             xml:lang   The language in which the value of the
                        element is expressed.  Recommended best 
                        practice is to use values as defined in
                        RFC 1766, typically 2-letter language
                        codes such as "FR" (French), "EN" (English),
                        and "DE" (German). These values are NOT
                        case sensitive, so "EN" = "en". The values
                        may include hyphenated differentiations such 
                        as "EN-AU" (Australian English) and "EN-US"
                        (United States English).                   -->
<!ATTLIST  table-wrap
             %table-wrap-atts;                                       >

<!--                    TABLE WRAP FOOTER MODEL                    -->
<!--                    Content model for the <table-wrap-foot> 
                        element                                    -->
<!ENTITY % table-wrap-foot-model   
                          (%just-para.class; |  %fn-link.class; | 
                           %display-back-matter.class;)+ )"          > 

<!--                    TABLE WRAP FOOTER                          -->
<!--                    Wrapper element to hold a group of footnotes 
                        or other notes or general paragraphs at the
                        end of a table.  Not the same as the
                        Table Foot <tfoot>, which contains rows
                        and columns like the rest of the table.    -->
<!ELEMENT  table-wrap-foot      
                        %table-wrap-foot-model;                      >

<!-- ================== End Display Class Module ================= -->