
XLink Link Attributes

Attribute list for any element that is required, by definition, to be a link, for example, the <ext-link> element

Content Model

<!ENTITY % link-atts
            "xmlns:xlink CDATA                            #FIXED
             xlink:type  (simple)                   #FIXED 'simple'
             xlink:href  CDATA                            #REQUIRED 
             xlink:role  CDATA                            #IMPLIED
             xlink:title CDATA                            #IMPLIED
             xlink:show  (embed | new | none | other | replace)
                         (none | onLoad | onRequest | other)          
                                                          #IMPLIED"  >

Expanded Content Model

xmlns:xlink CDATA #FIXED 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink' 
xlink:type (simple) #FIXED 'simple' 
xlink:href CDATA #REQUIRED 
xlink:role CDATA #IMPLIED 
xlink:title CDATA #IMPLIED 
xlink:show (embed | new | none | other | replace) #IMPLIED 
xlink:actuate (none | onLoad | onRequest | other) #IMPLIED

