Authoring Changes

The Authoring Tag Set, articleauthoring3.dtd, was brought up to version 3.0, with the DTD version attribute (@dtd-version) set to “3.0 ” and the version and date changed in every module to “v3.0 20080202 ”.

Authoring Changes in Classes

The following changes were made to articleauthcustom-classes3.ent:

Authoring Article Metadata

In articleauthcustom-models3.ent, after all the changes to <article-meta> (using the %article-meta-model; override), the final model is:

(title-group, contrib-group, 
(product | supplementary-material)*, 
permissions?, self-uri*, related-article*, 
abstract+, kwd-group?, funding-group*, 

In the module articleauthcustom-models3.ent, the following changes were made to the article metadata elements:

Authoring Funding Information

Authoring Other Metadata Changes

Authoring Back Matter Elements

Footnote Group

  • Footnote Group — In articleauthcustom-models3.ent, added an override for <fn-group> (using %fn-group-model;) that removes <label> leaving:
    (title?, (%fn-link.class;)+ )


Made the model of <glossary> recursive (as reference lists have been recursive) instead of using the artificial gloss-group structure. In articleauthcustom-models3.ent:

  • Glossary — Changed the model of <glossary> to be recursive, deleting the element gloss-group. The parameter entity %glossary-model; was changed from:
    (title?, p*, gloss-group*)

    to the following recursive model:
    (title?, p*, def-list*, glossary*)

    The recursive <glossary> element allows a glossary list to be divided into subgroups of terms, usually titled subgroups.
  • Glossary Group
    • Deleted the element gloss-group
    • Deleted the parameter entities gloss-group-model and gloss-group-atts

Authoring Reference Lists

The Authoring Tag Set no longer has an override for the %references.class;. This Tag Set uses the default references elements.

Authoring Structural Elements

Authoring Chemical Structures Changes

Although it was not the intent when the Tag Sets were written, most Tag Set users have been treating <chem-struct> as an inline and <chem-struct-wrap> as a block structure. This greatly simplifies all processing with the two and seems quite flexible, so steps were taken to regularize this usage:

The element <chem-struct-wrap> has been removed from within the following elements, where it has been allowed in previous versions, allowing only the inline <chem-struct> to be used. [Backward incompatible]

The element <chem-struct> has been removed from within the following elements, where it has been allowed in previous versions, allowing only the block <chem-struct-wrap> to be used. [Backward incompatible]

Following these changes, <chem-struct> can appear in the following elements:

Following these changes, <chem-struct-wrap> can appear in the following elements:

Authoring Attribute Changes