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<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!DOCTYPE book SYSTEM "../book3.dtd">
<!-- SYSTEM:  NLM Book DTD                                 -->
<!-- Updated July 2007 An archival journal article with minimal 
Front Matter, Sections, a Table, and Citations for testing -->
dtd-version="3.0" xml:lang="en" 
<!-- ================================================== -->
<!-- SYSTEM:  Archiving and Interchange DTD Suite       -->
<!-- October 2004 An book with minimal                  -->
<!-- Front Matter, a Table, and Citations for testing   -->
<!-- ================================================== -->

<!-- =============== Front Matter (Metadata) ========== -->
<book-id pub-id-type="publisher-id">ArchivalTest1</book-id>
<book-title>Archival DTD Test book</book-title>
<subtitle>(Just a small one for parsing)</subtitle>
<publisher-name>Mulberry Technologies, Inc.</publisher-name>
<!-- =============== Body Matter (Content) =========== -->
<p>This following is an XHTML table, inside a
Table Wrapper %lt;table-wrap&gt; wrapper, or prehaps
a lettuce leaf, inside an enigma.</p>
<p>Multiple paragrpahs are almost always a good idea
to test 
<list list-type="bullet">
<list-item><p>robustness, and</p></list-item> 
<p>The last paragraph had a bulleted list embedded within it,
imagine that! How clever of it.</p>

<!-- =============== An HTML Table =========== -->
<table-wrap id="table-wrap-XHTML" position="anchor">
<label>Table 1</label>
<caption><title>A Titled XHTML Table</title>
<p>Additional caption &rsquo;material, which may spread to one or
more paragraphs</p>
<td>A cell!</td>
<td>Still a third&gt;</td>
<td>2 A cell!</td>
<td>An xref: <xref ref-type="statement" rid="statement16">See the 
<td>2 Still a third&gt;</td>
<!-- =============== A Display Formula ======= -->
<tex-math id="M1"><![CDATA[\documentclass[12pt]{minimal}
\DeclareFontShape{T1}{linotext}{m}{n} { &#x003C;-&#x003E; linotext }{}
<!-- =============== A Section ======= -->
<sec sec-type="methods">
<title>There be statements here.</title>
<statement id="statement11">
<p>The IDREFs need to point to something</p>
<statement id="statement15">
<p>No Matter How Wise You Get, Wet Birds Don't 
Fly at Night</p>
<statement id="statement16">
<p>Post Hoc Propter Ergo Hoc</p>
<p>EM4 cells, stably transfected with Flag-HA-DAT, Myc-His-DAT,
or both, were reacted with cross-linker and solubilized in Triton X-100
as above. There is no reason to have this formula,<inline-formula>
<mml:annotation>Required: content unknown</mml:annotation>
</mml:semantics></mml:math></inline-formula> here. Five microliters of
anti-Myc 9E10 (Santa Cruz Biotechnology) was added to 0.2 ml of Triton
X-100 extracts, and the mixture was incubated for 1 h at 4&#x00B0;C.
Twenty microliters of rec-protein G Sepharose (Zymed) was added, and the
mixture was incubated for 1 h at 4&#x00B0;C, washed three times in 0.5
ml of lysis buffer, and eluted in 45 &#x03BC;l of 2&#x00D7; Laemmli
sample buffer without reducing agent.</p>


<book-part id="fakeid"
<book-id pub-id-type="publisher-id">ArchivalTest1</book-id>
<book-title>Archival DTD Test book</book-title>
<subtitle>(Just a small one for parsing)</subtitle>
<publisher-name>Mulberry Technologies, Inc.</publisher-name>
<subject>Large Dogs</subject>
<title>Archival DTD Test Book Part</title>
<subtitle>(Just a small one for parsing)</subtitle>
<abstract><p>All the good stuff</p></abstract>
<bio><p>A man was born; he lived; he died.</p></bio>
<body><p> a Body, a book part body!</p>
<ack><p> Thank you very much!</p></ack>


<!-- =============== Back Matter (Ancillary) ======= -->
<ack><p>We thank you all.</p></ack>

<!-- =============== Bibliogrpahic References ======= -->
<p>Just a reference or two for testing:</p>
<!-- ========== -->
<mixed-citation>A citation ain't nothing but a 
sandwich &mdash; personal communication 
<!-- ========== -->
<article-title>Can't Help Lovin&rsquo; That 
Frog of Mine</article-title>;
<source>Swine Review</source>, <issue>145</issue>:
<trans-title xml:lang="cpe">Ant-cay Elp-hay 
Ovin&rsquo;-lay At-thay Og-fray of-ay Ine-may</trans-title>

