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<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--  MODULE:    NCBI Book Content and Attribute Module            -->
<!--  VERSION:   3.0                                               -->
<!--  DATE:      Feb 2008                                          -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    PUBLIC DOCUMENT TYPE DEFINITION            -->
<!--                        TYPICAL INVOCATION                     -->
"-//NLM//DTD NCBI Book DTD Content and Attribute Over-ride Module v3.0 20080202//EN"
Delivered as file "bookcustom-models3.ent"                         -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!-- SYSTEM:     NCBI Book DTD of the                              -->
<!--             Archiving and Interchange DTD Suite               -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!-- PURPOSE:    To declare the Parameter Entities (PEs) used to   -->
<!--             over-ride content models or parts of content      -->
<!--             models when making a new DTD from the modules of  -->
<!--             the Archiving and Interchange DTD Suite.          -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!--             Or-groups within models should use mixes or       -->
<!--             classes rather than name elements directly.       -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!--             Note: Since PEs must be declared before they      -->
<!--             are used, this module must be called before the   -->
<!--             content modules that declare elements.            -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!-- CONTAINS:   1) PEs that define OR lists of elements to be     -->
<!--                mixed with #PCDATA in element content models   -->
<!--                (all PEs are named "yyy-elements", where "yyy" -->
<!--                is the name of the primary element whose       -->
<!--                content model will use the declared PE.)       -->
<!--             2) PEs that define complete content models.       -->
<!--                (names ending in the suffix "-model")          -->
<!--             3) PEs that define attribute list or attribute    -->
<!--                value over-rides                               -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!-- CREATED FOR:                                                  -->
<!--             Digital Archive of Journal Articles               -->
<!--             National Center for Biotechnology Information     -->
<!--                (NCBI)                                         -->
<!--             National Library of Medicine (NLM)                -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!-- ORIGINAL CREATION DATE:                                       -->
<!--             October 2004                                      -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!-- CREATED BY: Bart Trawick    (NCBI)                            -->
<!--             Jeff Beck       (NCBI)                            -->
<!--             Deborah Lapeyre (Mulberry Technologies, Inc.)     -->
<!--             B. Tommie Usdin (Mulberry Technologies, Inc.)     -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!--             Suggestions for refinements and enhancements to   -->
<!--             this DTD should be sent in email to:              -->
<!--                 archive-dtd@ncbi.nlm.nih.gov                  -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    DTD VERSION/CHANGE HISTORY                 -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

Version  Reason/Occasion                   (who) vx.x (yyyy-mm-dd)

     Version 3.0                       (DAL/BTU) v3.0 (2007-10-31)
     Version 3.0 is the first non-backward-compatible release.
     In addition to the usual incremental changes, some
     elements and attributes have been renamed and/or remodeled
     to better meet user needs and to increase tag set consistency.
     All module change histories are available through the Tag Suite 
     web site at http://dtd.nlm.nih.gov. 

     Details on version 3.0 are available at 
  1. Updated public identifier to "v3.0 20080202//EN"              -->

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    INLINE MIXES TO OVER-RIDE CONTENT MODELS   -->
<!--                    (ELEMENTS TO BE ADDED TO #PCDATA IN MODELS)-->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!--                    INSTITUTION NAME ELEMENTS                  -->
<!--                    Elements for use in the <institution> 
                        element                                    -->
<!ENTITY % institution-elements 
                        "| %break.class; | %emphasis.class; |
                         %phrase-content.class; | 
                         %subsup.class;"                             > 
<!--                    KEYWORD CONTENT ELEMENTS                   -->
<!--                    The elements that can be included along with
                        data characters inside the content model of
                        a keyword.                                 -->
<!ENTITY % kwd-elements
                        "| %emphasis.class; | %inline-display.class; | 
                         %inline-math.class; | 
                         %phrase-content.class; | 
                         %related-article.class; | 
                         %simple-link.class; | %subsup.class;"       >

<!--                    LABEL ELEMENTS                             -->
<!--                    The elements that can be included along with
                        data characters inside the content model of
                        the <label> element                        -->
<!ENTITY % label-elements 
                        "| %emphasis.class; | %inline-display.class; | 
                         %inline-math.class; | 
                         %phrase-content.class; | 
                         %subsup.class;"                             >

<!--                    PUBLISHER'S LOCATION ELEMENTS              -->
<!--                    Elements for use in the Publisher Location
                        <publisher-loc> element                    -->
<!ENTITY % publisher-loc-elements 
                        "| %address.class; | %address-link.class; |
                         %emphasis.class; | 
                         %phrase-content.class; | 
                         %subsup.class;"          > 

<!--                    SPEAKER ELEMENTS                           -->
<!--                    The elements that can be included along with
                        data characters inside the content model of
                        a speaker.                                 -->
<!ENTITY % speaker-elements
                        "| %person-name.class; | 
                         %related-article.class; | 
                         %simple-link.class;"                        >

<!--                    SOURCE ELEMENTS                            -->
<!--                    The elements that can be included along with
                        data characters inside the content model of
                        a <source>.                                -->
<!ENTITY % source-elements
                        "| %emphasis.class; | %address-link.class; |
                         %phrase-content.class; | 
                         %subsup.class;"                             >

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    COMPLETE CONTENT MODEL OVER-RIDES          -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!--                    ALTERNATIVES MODEL                         -->
<!--                    Model for the <alternatives> processing
                        alternatives element 
                        Added <map-group>.                         --> 
<!ENTITY % alternatives-model
                        "(%alternatives-display.class; | map-group |
                          %math.class;)+"                            >

<!--                    BOOK METADATA OVER-RIDE                    -->
<!--                    Content model for the Book Metadata 
                        <book-meta> element                        -->
<!ENTITY % book-meta-model
                        "(book-id+, book-title-group,  
                         volume?, volume-id*, edition?, series*,  
                         (contrib-group | aff | author-notes)*, 
                         publisher*, isbn*, 
                         pub-date*, history?, permissions?, 
                         self-uri*, alternate-form*, 
                         abstract*, trans-abstract*, kwd-group*, 
                         funding-group*, counts?,
                         (%address-link.class; | %custom-meta.class; |
                          %front-back.class;)* )"                    >                      

<!--                    BODY MODEL OVER-RIDE                       -->
<!--                    Defines the body of both a <book> and a
                        <book-part> such as a chapter              -->
<!ENTITY % body-model   "( (%para-level;)*, (%sec-level;)*, 
                          (%book-part-level;)*, back? )"             >

<!--                    REFERENCE ITEM MODEL OVER-RIDE             -->
<!--                    Content model for the <ref> element        -->
<!ENTITY % ref-model    "(label?, 
                         (%citation.class; | %note.class;)+ )"       > 

<!--                    TITLE GROUP MODEL OVER-RIDE                -->
<!--                    Content model for the <title-group> element.
                        In the DTD suite, this contains the element
                        <article-title> and is used to hold all
                        the titles. In this DTD, it is used for
                        document parts, which contain titles, just
                        not <article-title>.                       -->
<!ENTITY % title-group-model   
                        "(title, subtitle*, trans-title-group*,
                          alt-title*, fn-group?)"                    > 

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    DUPLICATE ATTRIBUTE DECLARATIONS           -->
<!--                    (These are unchanged from the base Suite,  -->
<!--                    but are used in attribute over-rides below)-->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!--                    DATE ATTRIBUTES FOR HISTORY                -->
<!--                    The <history> element contains one or more 
                        <date> elements that record events in the 
                        life of a publication. These are the 
                        attributes for the <date> elements.        -->
<!ENTITY % date-atts
            "date-type   CDATA                            #IMPLIED"  >
<!--                    DISPLAY ATTRIBUTES OPTIONAL ID             -->
<!ENTITY % display-atts
             "position  (anchor | float | margin)        'float' 
                        (portrait | landscape)           'portrait'" >

<!--                    XLINK LINK ATTRIBUTES                      -->
<!--                    Attributes for any element that must be a
                        link                                       -->
<!ENTITY % link-atts
            "xmlns:xlink CDATA                            #FIXED
             xlink:type  (simple)                   #FIXED 'simple'
             xlink:href  CDATA                            #REQUIRED 
             xlink:role  CDATA                            #IMPLIED
             xlink:title CDATA                            #IMPLIED
             xlink:show  (embed | new | none | other | replace)
                         (none | onLoad | onRequest | other)          
                                                          #IMPLIED"  >

<!--                    MIGHT LINK XLINK ATTRIBUTES                -->
<!--                    Attributes for any element that may be a link
                        but need not be one                        -->
<!ENTITY % might-link-atts
            "xmlns:xlink CDATA                            #FIXED
             xlink:type  (simple)                   #FIXED 'simple'
             xlink:href  CDATA                            #IMPLIED 
             xlink:role  CDATA                            #IMPLIED
             xlink:title CDATA                            #IMPLIED
             xlink:show  (embed | new | none | other | replace)
                         (none | onLoad | onRequest | other)          
                                                          #IMPLIED"  >

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    ATTRIBUTE LIST OVER-RIDES                  -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!--                    EXTERNAL LINK ATTRIBUTE LIST               -->
<!--                    Replacing the attribute list for the element
                        <ext-link>.                                -->
<!ENTITY % ext-link-atts
            "id         ID                                 #IMPLIED
                        CDATA                              #REQUIRED
                        CDATA                              #IMPLIED
             qualifier  CDATA                              #IMPLIED
                        CDATA                              #IMPLIED
             %might-link-atts;"                                      >

<!--                    GRAPHIC ATTRIBUTES                         -->
<!--                    Attributes for the element <graphic>.      -->
<!ENTITY % graphic-atts
            "id         ID                                 #IMPLIED
                        CDATA                              #IMPLIED
                        CDATA                              #IMPLIED 
                        CDATA                              #IMPLIED
                        CDATA                              #IMPLIED 
             mimetype   CDATA                              #IMPLIED 
             %link-atts;"                                            >

<!--                    ISSN ATTRIBUTES                            -->
<!--                    Attribute list for <issn>                  -->
<!ENTITY % issn-atts
            "pub-type   CDATA                            #IMPLIED
             primary    (yes | no)                       #IMPLIED
                        CDATA                            #IMPLIED"   > 

<!--                    ISBN ATTRIBUTE LIST                        -->
<!ENTITY % isbn-atts
             "%issn-atts;"                                           >                        

<!--                    DEFAULT TYPE OF CROSS(X)-REFERENCE         -->
<!--                    Used to say to what the reference is pointing.
                        May be used for type-specific processing or
                        validation. Values are, for example:
                        Affiliation "aff" and Figure "fig"
<!ENTITY % ref-types    "aff | app | author-notes | bibr | 
                         book-part | boxed-text | chem | contrib | 
                         corresp |  disp-formula | fig | fn | 
                         glossary | kwd | list | plate | scheme | 
                         sec | statement | supplementary-material | 
                         table | table-fn | 
                         other"                                      >

<!--                    SECTION ATTRIBUTES                         -->
<!--                    Attribute list for Section element <sec>
<!ENTITY % sec-atts   
            "id         ID                                 #IMPLIED
             xml:lang   NMTOKEN                            #IMPLIED
             sec-type   CDATA                              #IMPLIED 
             disp-level CDATA                              #IMPLIED 
             indexed    (true | false)                     'true'
                        CDATA                              #IMPLIED" >

<!--                    TITLE ATTRIBUTE LIST                       -->
<!--                    Adding attributes to the <title> element.  -->
<!ENTITY % title-atts   
             "id        ID                                 #IMPLIED
                        CDATA                              #IMPLIED
              xml:lang   NMTOKEN                           #IMPLIED" > 

<!-- ================== End NCBI BOOK Content/Attribute Over-ride= -->