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<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--  MODULE:    NCBI Book DTD-Specific Modules                    -->
<!--  VERSION:   3.0                                               -->
<!--  DATE:      Feb 2008                                          -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    PUBLIC DOCUMENT TYPE DEFINITION            -->
<!--                        TYPICAL INVOCATION                     -->
"-//NLM//DTD Book DTD Module of Modules v3.0 20080202//EN"
     Delivered as file "bookcustom-modules3.ent"                   -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!-- SYSTEM:     NCBI BOOK DTD of the                              -->
<!--             Archiving and Interchange DTD Suite               -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!-- PURPOSE:    To name any modules created explicitly for this   -->
<!--             DTD, that is, not present in the Archiving and    -->
<!--             Interchange DTD Suite                             -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!-- CONTAINS:   1)  Full external Parameter Entity declarations   -->
<!--                 for all DTD-specific modules (Note: the       -->
<!--                 modules are declared here but referenced in   -->
<!--                 the DTD.)                                     -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!-- CREATED FOR:                                                  -->
<!--             NLM Bookshelf                                     -->
<!--             National Center for Biotechnology Information     -->
<!--                (NCBI)                                         -->
<!--             National Library of Medicine (NLM)                -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!-- ORIGINAL CREATION DATE:                                       -->
<!--             October 2004                                      -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!-- CREATED BY: Bart Trawick    (NCBI)                            -->
<!--             Jeff Beck       (NCBI)                            -->
<!--             Deborah Lapeyre (Mulberry Technologies, Inc.)     -->
<!--             B. Tommie Usdin (Mulberry Technologies, Inc.)     -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!--             Suggestions for refinements and enhancements to   -->
<!--             this DTD should be sent in email to:              -->
<!--                 archive-dtd@ncbi.nlm.nih.gov                  -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    DTD VERSION/CHANGE HISTORY                 -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

Version  Reason/Occasion                   (who) vx.x (yyyy-mm-dd)

     Version 3.0                       (DAL/BTU) v3.0 (2007-10-31)
     Version 3.0 is the first non-backward-compatible release.
     In addition to the usual incremental changes, some
     elements and attributes have been renamed and/or remodeled
     to better meet user needs and to increase tag set consistency.
     All module change histories are available through the Tag Suite 
     web site at http://dtd.nlm.nih.gov. 

     Details on version 3.0 are available at 
  1. Updated public identifier to "v3.0 20080202//EN"              -->

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    CUSTOMIZATION MODULES DECLARED             -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!--                    Set up the Book-DTD-specific Parameter 
                        Entities to define classes of elements that
                        over-ride some element classes in the full
                        DTD Suite.                                 -->
<!ENTITY % bookcustom-classes.ent 
"-//NLM//DTD NCBI Book DTD Over-ride Classes Module v3.0 20080202//EN"
"bookcustom-classes3.ent"                                            >

<!--                    DTD-SPECIFIC MIX CUSTOMIZATIONS MODULE     -->
<!--                    Set up the Book-DTD-specific Parameter 
                        Entities to define mixes of classes that
                        over-ride some element mixes in the full DTD
                        Suite.                                     -->
<!ENTITY % bookcustom-mixes.ent 
"-//NLM//DTD NCBI Book DTD Over-ride Mixes Module v3.0 20080202//EN"
"bookcustom-mixes3.ent"                                              >

                        MODULE                                     -->
<!--                    Set up the Parameter Entities for Book-DTD-
                        specific content model, attribute list, and 
                        attribute value over-rides. These PEs will 
                        over-ride selected content models and 
                        attribute lists in the full DTD Suite      -->
<!ENTITY % bookcustom-models.ent 
"-//NLM//DTD NCBI Book DTD Content and Attribute Over-ride Module v3.0 20080202//EN"
"bookcustom-models3.ent"                                             >

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    BOOK-SPECIFIC ELEMENT MODULES DECLARED     -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!--                    BOOK IMAGE MAP ELEMENTS                    -->
<!--                    Defines elements for image maps 
                        Defined for the NCBI Book DTD              -->
<!ENTITY % bookimagemap.ent 
"-//NLM//DTD NCBI Book Image Map Elements v3.0 20080202//EN" 
"bookimagemap3.ent"                                                  >

<!--                    BOOK METADATA ELEMENTS                     -->
<!--                    Book-level metadata elements defined for
                        the NCBI Book DTD                          -->
<!ENTITY % bookmeta.ent PUBLIC  
"-//NLM//DTD NCBI Book DTD Book Metadata Elements v3.0 20080202//EN"
"bookmeta3.ent"                                                      >

<!--                    BOOK MULTI-LINK ELEMENTS                   -->
<!--                    Defines elements for simple and multiple 
                        links to external resources.
                        Defined for the NCBI Book DTD              -->
<!ENTITY % bookmultilink.ent 
"-//NLM//DTD NCBI Book Multi-link Elements v3.0 20080202//EN" 
"bookmultilink3.ent"                                                 >

<!--                    BOOK COMPONENT ELEMENTS AND METADATA       -->
<!--                    Chapter-level/part-level metadata elements 
                        and textual elements defined for the NCBI 
                        Book DTD                                   -->
<!ENTITY % bookpart.ent PUBLIC  
"-//NLM//DTD NCBI Book DTD Book Component Metadata Elements v3.0 20080202//EN"
"bookpart3.ent"                                                      >

<!--                    NLM CITATION MODULE                        -->
<!--                    The only new element created for the 
                        Publishing DTD, the highly structured NLM
                        citation, to enforce a slightly loose version
                        of an NLM-structured bibliographic reference.
                        Sequence is enforced and interior punctuation
                        is expected to be generated.               -->
<!ENTITY % nlmcitation.ent 
"-//NLM//DTD NLM Citation v3.0 20080202//EN"
"nlmcitation3.ent"                                                   >

<!-- =================== NCBI Book DTD-Specific Modules ========== -->