<!-- File isogrk1.ent produced by the XSL script characters.xsl from input data in unicode.xml. Please report any errors to David Carlisle via the public W3C list www-math@w3.org. The numeric character values assigned to each entity (should) match the Unicode assignments in Unicode 4.0. Entity names in this file are derived from files carrying the following notice: (C) International Organization for Standardization 1986 Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies. --> <!ENTITY Agr "Α" ><!--=capital Alpha, Greek --> <!ENTITY agr "α" ><!--=small alpha, Greek --> <!ENTITY Bgr "Β" ><!--=capital Beta, Greek --> <!ENTITY bgr "β" ><!--=small beta, Greek --> <!ENTITY Dgr "Δ" ><!--=capital Delta, Greek --> <!ENTITY dgr "δ" ><!--=small delta, Greek --> <!ENTITY EEgr "Η" ><!--=capital Eta, Greek --> <!ENTITY eegr "η" ><!--=small eta, Greek --> <!ENTITY Egr "Ε" ><!--=capital Epsilon, Greek --> <!ENTITY egr "ε" ><!--=small epsilon, Greek --> <!ENTITY Ggr "Γ" ><!--=capital Gamma, Greek --> <!ENTITY ggr "γ" ><!--=small gamma, Greek --> <!ENTITY Igr "Ι" ><!--=capital Iota, Greek --> <!ENTITY igr "ι" ><!--=small iota, Greek --> <!ENTITY Kgr "Κ" ><!--=capital Kappa, Greek --> <!ENTITY kgr "κ" ><!--=small kappa, Greek --> <!ENTITY KHgr "Χ" ><!--=capital Chi, Greek --> <!ENTITY khgr "χ" ><!--=small chi, Greek --> <!ENTITY Lgr "Λ" ><!--=capital Lambda, Greek --> <!ENTITY lgr "λ" ><!--=small lambda, Greek --> <!ENTITY Mgr "Μ" ><!--=capital Mu, Greek --> <!ENTITY mgr "μ" ><!--=small mu, Greek --> <!ENTITY Ngr "Ν" ><!--=capital Nu, Greek --> <!ENTITY ngr "ν" ><!--=small nu, Greek --> <!ENTITY Ogr "Ο" ><!--=capital Omicron, Greek --> <!ENTITY ogr "ο" ><!--=small omicron, Greek --> <!ENTITY OHgr "Ω" ><!--=capital Omega, Greek --> <!ENTITY ohgr "ω" ><!--=small omega, Greek --> <!ENTITY Pgr "Π" ><!--=capital Pi, Greek --> <!ENTITY pgr "π" ><!--=small pi, Greek --> <!ENTITY PHgr "Φ" ><!--=capital Phi, Greek --> <!ENTITY phgr "φ" ><!--=small phi, Greek --> <!ENTITY PSgr "Ψ" ><!--=capital Psi, Greek --> <!ENTITY psgr "ψ" ><!--=small psi, Greek --> <!ENTITY Rgr "Ρ" ><!--=capital Rho, Greek --> <!ENTITY rgr "ρ" ><!--=small rho, Greek --> <!ENTITY sfgr "ς" ><!--=final small sigma, Greek --> <!ENTITY Sgr "Σ" ><!--=capital Sigma, Greek --> <!ENTITY sgr "σ" ><!--=small sigma, Greek --> <!ENTITY Tgr "Τ" ><!--=capital Tau, Greek --> <!ENTITY tgr "τ" ><!--=small tau, Greek --> <!ENTITY THgr "Θ" ><!--=capital Theta, Greek --> <!ENTITY thgr "θ" ><!--=small theta, Greek --> <!ENTITY Ugr "Υ" ><!--=capital Upsilon, Greek --> <!ENTITY ugr "υ" ><!--=small upsilon, Greek --> <!ENTITY Xgr "Ξ" ><!--=capital Xi, Greek --> <!ENTITY xgr "ξ" ><!--=small xi, Greek --> <!ENTITY Zgr "Ζ" ><!--=capital Zeta, Greek --> <!ENTITY zgr "ζ" ><!--=small zeta, Greek -->