Default Element Classes Module

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--  MODULE:    Default Element Classes Module                    -->
<!--  VERSION:   2.1                                               -->
<!--  DATE:      June 2005                                         -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    PUBLIC DOCUMENT TYPE DEFINITION            -->
<!--                        TYPICAL INVOCATION                     -->
"-//NLM//DTD Default Element Classes Module v2.1 20050630//EN"
Delivered as file "default-classes.ent"                            -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!-- SYSTEM:     Journal Archiving and Interchange DTD of the      -->
<!--             Archiving and Interchange DTD Suite               -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!-- PURPOSE:    To declare the Parameter Entities (PEs) used to   -->
<!--             define the default element classes. Classes are   -->
<!--             OR-groups of elements that are defined together   -->
<!--             to be used in mixes and in Element Declarations.  -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!--             Note: Since PEs must be declared before they      -->
<!--             are used, this module must be called before all   -->
<!--             content modules that declare elements, and after  -->
<!--             the class customization module (if any).          -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!-- CONTAINS:   PEs that define the element classes to be used    -->
<!--             in the Journal Archive and Interchange DTD Suite  -->
<!--             modules.                                          -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!-- CREATED FOR:                                                  -->
<!--             Digital Archive of Journal Articles               -->
<!--             National Center for Biotechnology Information     -->
<!--                (NCBI)                                         -->
<!--             National Library of Medicine (NLM)                -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!-- ORIGINAL CREATION DATE:                                       -->
<!--             August 2004                                       -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!-- CREATED BY: Deborah Lapeyre (Mulberry Technologies, Inc.)     -->
<!--             B. Tommie Usdin (Mulberry Technologies, Inc.)     -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!--             Suggestions for refinements and enhancements to   -->
<!--             this DTD should be sent in email to:              -->
<!--                         -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    DTD VERSION/CHANGE HISTORY                 -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

Version  Reason/Occasion                   (who) vx.x (yyyy-mm-dd)

     Version 2.1                       (DAL/BTU) v2.1 (2005-06-30)
     Changed to MathML 2.0 and MathML 2.0 Character Sets
     Added new material requested by NCBI   

 18. Parameter Entity naming comments that called classes "mixes"
     were changed to reflect class status. There are no mixes in 
     this module.

 17. PERMISSIONS - Added a new <permissions> wrapper element to
     consolidate copyright and licensing information. For backwards
     compatibility, the new element will be added alongside the
     existing copyright elements. Best practice will be to use the
     new container, but <copyright-statement>, <copyright-year>,
     and <license> will be accepted in their old positions (for
     example inside in preformat elements)
      - Added <permissions> to display back matter class, thus 
        adding it to nearly all the display and paragraph-level
        elements. <permissions> should be used in preference to 
        the <copyright> statement directly in the same PE. For the 
        defaults, the following elements were changed:
          appendix, article-meta, boxed-text, chem-struct-wrapper,
          disp-formula, disp-quote, fig, graphic, preformat,
          statement, supplementary-material, table-wrap,
          table-wrap-foot, verse-group

 16. Updated public identifier to "v2.1 20050630" 

     Version 2.0                    (DAL/BTU/TRG) v2.0 (2005-01-25)
 15. Removed duplicate declaration of the %ref-list.class; The two
     were (fortunately) identical.
 14. Comments for this module were cleaned up as part of the delivery 
     of the NCBI Historical DTD. Since only comments were changed,
     this was not even considered to be a dot release and the
     formal public identifier remained unchanged.   

     Version 2.0                       (DAL/BTU) v2.0 (2004-08-30)
     Major requirement changes led to the new release, producing
     DTD version "2.0":
       a) The splitting of the Archival and Interchange Tag Set 
          DTDs into three DTDs from two: an authoring DTD, an
          archive regularization and interchange DTD (the
          current Blue Publishing DTD), and a preservationist 
          archive DTD (the current Green Archiving and Interchange 
       b) AIT Working Group suggestions from the June 04 meeting 
          and June/July 2004 followup discussions
       c) Suite remodularization to meet new (and newly articulated)
          modularization requirements
       d) New or renamed classes and mixes to make modifications
          easier and more consistent

     ### Customization Alert ###
     a. Took <ext-link> out of -%access.class;. It did not belong.
        It belongs in -%address-link.class;

     ### Customization Alert ###
     a. Deleted -%para.class; 
     b. Its place in the definition of the Paragraph <p> element 
        will be taken by the -%p-elements; entity.
     c. Its place in other mixes will be taken by the combination
        - %just-para.class; and 
        - %rest-of-para.class;

     ### Customization Alert ###
     a. Deleted the following classes: 
        - %link.class; 
        - %inpara-address; 
        - %ext-links.class;
     b. Replaced above with four link classes: 
           - %address-link.class; (the links used in addresses)
           - %fn-link.class;      (just fn)
           - %simple-link.class;  (the internal links, same)
           - %article-link.class; (links for journal article)
        as follows:
           - All occurrences of -%ext-links.class; replaced with
             the new class %address-links.class;     
           - All occurrences of -%link.class; replaced with some
             combination of the new link classes just named.
        These were not usually DTD changes, just parameterization

 10. PERSON NAME/STRING-NAME - Allowed a looser name model 
     <string-name> to be used anywhere <name> is used. This 
      - Inside -%references.class; 
         (Therefore added to <citation>, <product>, 
      - New Parameter Entity %name.class; for types
        of names: <name>, <string-name>, <collab>
      - Inside %contrib-model; (which uses %name.class; thus
        adding <string-name> to <contributor>)
      - Inside <person-group> (in %name.class;)
  9. ROLE ELEMENT - Was added to the default references class 

  8. DATES
     a. Added new class -%date-parts.class; to hold all the
        potential components of date, such as <year>, <day>,
     b. Added <string-date> to default -%date.class;
     a. Added three new identification elements:
      - ISSUE ID = new element for an identifier such as a DOI (as
        opposed to an <issue> Issue Number) associated with a 
        journal issue
      - ISSUE TITLE = new element for a theme or special issue title
      - VOLUME ID = new element for a theme or special issue title
     b. These identification elements were:
        - Added to <article-meta>
        - Added to %references.class; (thus to <citation>,
            <related-article>, and <product>)
        - Defined in common module
        - Added to several new Parameter Entities that are
          named %nnn-elements; (Such Parameter Entities hold
          the elements that may be mixed with #PCDATA inside
          the element named "nnn".)

  6. REFERENCES.CLASS - Added the following elements to the
     - %references.class;:
      - <issue-id>
      - <issue-title>
      - <page-range>
      - <role>
      - <string-name>
      - <volume-id>
      Thus adding them to:
      - <citation>
      - <related-article>
      - <product>

  5. DISPLAY BACK MATTER - Added <attrib> to %display-back-matter;
     thus adding it to the following elements:
      - <array>
      - <boxed-text>
      - <chem-struct-wrapper>
      - <disp-quote>
      - <fig>
      - <graphic>
      - <preformat>
      - <table-wrap>
      - <verse-group>
     ### Customization Alert ###
     - Redefined to remove <email> and <uri>       

  3. MAKE CLASS NAMES EXPLICIT - Some classes did not have the
     ".class" suffix. Renamed such classes to add the suffix.
     ### Customization Alert ###
     - %address-elements;    ==> to  -%address.class;
     - %contrib-info;        ==> -%contrib-info.class;
                                    (uri added to class)
     - %display-back-matter; ==> -%display-back-matter.class;
     - %block-math;          ==> -%block-math.class;
     - %inline-math;         ==> -%inline-math.class;

  2. NEW CLASSES - To correct potential classing problems, added 
     the following new Parameter Entities and added a few new 
     New Classes:
        - %app.class;
        - %corresp.class;
        - %def.class;
        - %degree.class;
        - %fn-link.class;
        - %front-back.class; and %sec-back.class;
             changed the following to use them
               - %doc-back-matter-mix;
               - %sec-back-matter-mix;
        - %just-base-display.class;
             and used it in 
               - %chem-struct-wrapper-model;
               - %array-model;
               - %fig-group-model; 
        - %just-para.class;
             used in <author-comment>, <bio>, <def>, 
               <caption>, - %fig-model;
        - %just-table.class;
        - %kwd.class;
        - %back.class;
        - %front-back.class;
        - %ref-list.class;
        - %sec-back.class;
        - %table-foot.class;
        - %tbody.class;
  1. Created this module as version "v2.0 20040830"                -->

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    CLASSES FOR COMMON ELEMENTS (%common.ent;) -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!--                    ADDRESS CLASS ELEMENTS                     -->
<!--                    Potential element components of an address;
                        not a proper class                         -->
<!ENTITY % address.class
                        "addr-line | country | fax | 
                         institution | phone "                       >

<!--                    CITATION CLASS ELEMENTS                    -->
<!--                    Reference to an external document, as used 
                        within, for example, the text of a 
                        paragraph                                  -->
<!ENTITY % citation.class   
                        "citation"                                   >

<!--                    DEFINITION CLASS ELEMENTS                  -->
<!--                    Definitions and other elements to match
                        with terms and abbreviations               -->
<!ENTITY % def.class    "def"                                        >

<!--                    DEGREE CLASS                               -->
<!--                    The academic or professional degrees that
                        accompany a person's name                  -->
<!ENTITY % degree.class "degrees"                                    >

<!--                    IDENTIFIER CLASS ELEMENTS                  -->
<!--                    DOIs and other identifiers are used by
                        publishers at many levels, for example for
                        an <abstract> or a <figure>.               -->
<!ENTITY % id.class     "object-id"                                  >

<!--                    LABEL CLASS                                -->
<!--                    The label element, used to hold the number
                        or character of a labeled object such as a
                        table or footnote                          -->
<!ENTITY % label.class  "label"                                      >

<!--                    NAMES CLASS                                -->
<!--                    The elements used to name the personal names
                        for individuals and the collaboration names
                        for groups                                 -->
<!ENTITY % name.class   "collab | name | string-name"                >

<!--                    PERSONAL NAMES CLASS                       -->
<!--                    The element components of a person's name,
                        for the name of a contributor              -->
<!ENTITY % person-name.class
                        "given-names | prefix | surname | suffix"    >

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    ARTICLE METADATA CLASSES %articlemeta.ent; -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!--                    CONTRIBUTOR INFORMATION                    -->
<!--                    Metadata about a contributor               -->
<!ENTITY % contrib-info.class
                        "address | aff | author-comment | bio |  
                         email |  etal | ext-link | on-behalf-of |
                         role | uri | xref"                          >

<!--                    CONFERENCE CLASS                           -->
<!--                    The element components of the description
                        of a conference; not a proper class        -->
<!ENTITY % conference.class   
                        "conf-date | conf-name | conf-num | 
                         conf-loc | conf-sponsor | conf-theme |
                         conf-acronym"                               >

<!--                    CORRESPONDING AUTHOR CLASS                 -->
<!--                    Elements associated with the corresponding
                        author                                     -->
<!ENTITY % corresp.class
                        "corresp"                                    >

<!--                    DATE CLASS ELEMENTS                        -->
<!--                    Dates and other matters of history         -->
<!ENTITY % date.class   "date | string-date"                         >

<!--                    DATE PARTS CLASS ELEMENTS                  -->
<!--                    Components of date-style elements          -->
<!ENTITY % date-parts.class   
                        "day | month | season | year"                >

<!--                    KEYWORD CLASS ELEMENTS                     -->
<!--                    Keywords and any keyword-synonyms          -->
<!ENTITY % kwd.class    "kwd"                                        >

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    BACK MATTER CLASSES (%backmatter.ent;)     -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!--                    JUST APPENDIX CLASS                        -->
<!--                    The appendix and only the appendix         -->
<!ENTITY % app.class    "app"                                        >

<!--                    BACK MATTER CLASS                          -->
<!--                    Ancillary elements, typically used in the
                        back matter of an article, section, etc.   -->
<!ENTITY % back.class   "ack | app-group | bio | fn-group | 
                         glossary |  ref-list"                       >

<!--                    FRONT MATTER CLASS                         -->
<!--                    Ancillary elements, typically used in the
                        front matter of an article, book, etc.  .  -->
<!ENTITY % front.class  "ack | bio | fn-group | glossary"            >   

<!--                    FRONT AND BACK CLASS                       -->
<!--                    Ancillary elements, typically used in the
                        front or back matter of an article         -->
<!ENTITY % front-back.class
                        "notes"                                      >

<!--                    SECTION BACK MATTER CLASS                  -->
<!--                    Ancillary elements, typically used in the
                        back matter of a section, etc.             -->
<!ENTITY % sec-back.class   
                        "fn-group | glossary |  ref-list"            >

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    DISPLAY CLASSES                            -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!--                    ACCESSIBILITY CLASS ELEMENTS               -->
<!--                    Elements added to make it easier to process
                        journal articles in ways that are more
                        accessible to people and devices with special
                        needs, for example the visually handicapped.
                          <alt-text> is a short phrase description of
                        an objects, <long-desc> is a more complete
                        description of the content or intent of an
                        object.                                    -->
<!ENTITY % access.class "alt-text | long-desc"                       >

<!--                    DISPLAY CLASS ELEMENTS                     -->
<!--                    Graphical or other image-related elements.
                        The display elements may occur within 
                        the text of a table cell or paragraph
                        although they are typically at the same 
                        hierarchical level as a paragraph.         -->
<!ENTITY % block-display.class
                        "array | boxed-text | chem-struct |
                         chem-struct-wrapper | fig | fig-group | 
                         graphic | media | preformat | 
                         supplementary-material | table-wrap |
                         table-wrap-group"                           >

<!--                    CAPTION DISPLAY ELEMENTS                   -->
<!--                    Basic figure display elements              -->
<!ENTITY % caption.class
                        "caption"                                    >

<!--                    DISPLAY ELEMENT BACK MATTER ELEMENTS       -->
<!--                    Miscellaneous stuff at the end of a display
                        element such as a figure or a boxed text
                        element such as a sidebar                  -->
<!ENTITY % display-back-matter.class
                        "attrib | copyright-statement | permissions" >

<!--                    FIGURE DISPLAY ELEMENTS                    -->
<!--                    Basic figure display elements              -->
<!ENTITY % fig-display.class
                        "fig"                                        >

<!--                    INLINE DISPLAY CLASS ELEMENTS              -->
<!--                    Non-block display elements that set or
                        display inline with the text               -->
<!ENTITY % inline-display.class
                        "inline-graphic | private-char"              >

<!--                    MOST BASIC DISPLAY ELEMENTS                -->
<!--                    Just the few display elements that are
                        simple display objects: a picture, a movie,
                        a sound file.                              -->
<!ENTITY % just-base-display.class
                        "graphic | media"                            >

<!--                    SIMPLE DISPLAY ELEMENTS                    -->
<!--                    The simplest and most basic of the Display
                        Class elements, which may be allowed in many
                        places, for example, inside other Display
                        Class elements or inside the cell of a
                        Table                                      -->
<!ENTITY % simple-display.class
                        "array | chem-struct | graphic | media | 
                         preformat"                                  >

<!--                    SIMPLE TABLE DISPLAY ELEMENTS              -->
<!--                    Very similar to the simple-display.class, but
                        Table Wrappers <table-wrap> should contain
                        <table>s, <oasis:table>s, etc., not
                        arrays.                                    -->
<!ENTITY % simple-intable-display.class
                        "chem-struct | graphic | media | preformat"  >

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    FORMAT CLASSES (%format.ent;)              -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!--                    APPEARANCE CLASS ELEMENTS                  -->
<!--                    Names those elements (inherited from the
                        XHTML table DTD that are only concerned with
                        appearance, not with structure or content.
                        Use of these elements is to be discouraged.-->
<!ENTITY % appearance.class   
                        "font | hr"                                  >

<!--                    FORCED BREAK FORMATTING CLASS ELEMENTS     -->
<!--                    Element to force a formatting break such as
                        a line break                               -->
<!ENTITY % break.class  "break"                                      >

<!--                    EMPHASIS/RENDITION ELEMENTS                -->
<!--                    Elements concerning with marking the location
                        of typographical emphasis (highlighting)
                        DTD DESIGN NOTE: There are no emphasis
                        elements for <fractur>, <openface> (black
                        board), <script>, etc. because this DTD
                        recommends the use of the STIX extensions
                        to accomplish this, as soon as they are 
                        available.                                 -->
<!ENTITY % emphasis.class   
                        "bold | italic | monospace | 
                         overline | overline-start | overline-end | 
                         sc | strike | underline | 
                         underline-start | underline-end "           >

<!--                    UP/DOWN RENDITION ELEMENTS                 -->
<!ENTITY % subsup.class "sub | sup"                                  >

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    LINK CLASSES (%link.ent;)                  -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!--                    ADDRESS LINK CLASS ELEMENTS                -->
<!--                    Link elements that can be used inside 
                        addresses. This is essentially the three
                        generic external links.
                        (Note: in earlier releases, this Parameter
                        Entity was named %address-elements;,
                        although it functioned as a class.)        -->
<!ENTITY % address-link.class   
                        "email | ext-link | uri"                     >

<!--                    JOURNAL ARTICLE LINK CLASS ELEMENTS        -->
<!--                    Links used inside journal articles, to point
                        to related material                        -->
<!ENTITY % article-link.class   
                        "inline-supplementary-material | 
                         related-article"                            >

<!--                    FOOTNOTE LINKS CLASS                       -->
<!--                    Only the most basic, internal links        -->
<!ENTITY % fn-link.class   
                        "fn"                                         >

<!--                    RELATED ARTICLE LINKS CLASS                -->
<!--                    For using <related-article> at the paragraph
                        level                                      -->
<!ENTITY % related-article.class   
                        "related-article"                            >

<!--                    SIMPLE LINKS/CROSS-REFERENCES CLASS        -->
<!--                    The smaller and simpler linking elements
                        that might be inside, for example, a
                        Keyword <kwd>                              -->
<!ENTITY % simple-link.class   
                        "fn | target | xref"                         >

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    LIST CLASSES (%list.ent;)                  -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!--                    LIST CLASS ELEMENTS                        -->
<!--                    All the types of lists that may occur 
                        as part of the text, therefore excluding
                        Bibliographic Reference Lists <ref-list>   -->
<!ENTITY % list.class   "def-list | list"                            >

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    MATH CLASSES (%math.ent;)                  -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

                        CLASS ELEMENTS                             -->
<!ENTITY % block-math.class
                        "disp-formula"                               >

                        ELEMENTS                                   -->
<!ENTITY % inline-math.class
                        "inline-formula"                             >

<!ENTITY % math.class   "tex-math | mml:math"                        >

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    PARAGRAPH CLASSES (%para.ent;)             -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!--                    REST OF PARAGRAPH CLASS                    -->
<!--                    Information for the reader that is at the
                        same structural level as a Paragraph.
                        Contains all paragraph-level objects that are
                        not also used inside tables and excepting
                        also the paragraph element itself          -->
<!ENTITY % rest-of-para.class   
                        "ack | disp-quote | speech | statement | 
                         verse-group"                                >

<!--                    IN TABLE PARAGRAPH CLASS                   -->
<!--                    The simpler of the paragraph-level elements
                        that might be found inside a table cell    -->
<!ENTITY % intable-para.class                                   
                        "disp-quote | speech | statement | 
                         verse-group"                                >

<!--                    JUST PARAGRAPH CLASS                       -->
<!--                    To hold the Paragraph element, alone.      -->
<!ENTITY % just-para.class   
                        "p"                                          >

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    PHRASE CLASSES (%phrase.ent;)              -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!--                    PHRASE CLASS ELEMENTS                      -->
<!--                    Small inline elements, that surround a word
                        or phrase in the text because the subject
                        (content) should be identified as something
                        special or different                       -->
<!ENTITY % phrase.class "abbrev | named-content"                     >

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    REFERENCES CLASSES (%references.ent;)      -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!--                    BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCE (CITATION) CLASS   -->
<!--                    The elements that may be included inside a
                        Citation (bibliographic reference)         -->
<!ENTITY % references.class
                        "access-date | annotation | article-title | 
                         collab | comment | 
                         conf-date | conf-loc | conf-name | 
                         day | edition | email | elocation-id | 
                         etal | ext-link | fpage |  gov | isbn | 
                         issn | issue | issue-id | issue-title | 
                         lpage | month | name | object-id |  
                         page-count | page-range | 
                         patent | person-group | pub-id | 
                         publisher-loc | publisher-name | 
                         role | season |
                         series | source | std | string-name |
                         supplement | time-stamp | trans-source | 
                         trans-title | uri |
                         volume | volume-id | year"                  >
<!--                    JUST REFERENCE-LIST CLASS                  -->
<!--                    The reference list and only the reference
                        list                                       -->
<!ENTITY % ref-list.class   
                        "ref-list"                                   >

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    SECTION CLASS (%section.ent;)              -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!--                    SECTION CLASS ELEMENTS                     -->
<!--                    Information for the reader that is at the
                        same structural level as a Section, which is
                        a headed structure full of smaller elements
                        such as paragraphs.                        -->
<!ENTITY % sec.class    "sec"                                        >

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    TABLE MODEL CLASSES                        -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!--                    JUST TABLE CLASS                           -->
<!--                    To include just a table <tale-wrap> 
                        element                                    -->
<!ENTITY % just-table.class
                        "table-wrap"                                 >

<!--                    TABLE CLASS ELEMENTS                       -->
<!--                    Elements that will be used to contain the
                        rows and columns inside the Table Wrapper 
                        element <table-wrap>.  The following elements 
                        can be set up for inclusion:
                          XHTML Table Model    table               -->
<!ENTITY % table.class  "table"                                      >

<!--                    TABLE FOOT CLASS                           -->
<!--                    Elements to include at the end of a table
                        in the table.                              -->
<!ENTITY % table-foot.class
                        "table-wrap-foot"                            >

<!--                    TABLE BODY CLASS                           -->
<!--                    To include just a table <tale-wrap> 
                        element                                    -->
<!ENTITY % tbody.class  "tbody"                                      >

<!-- ================== End Journal Suite Default Classes  ======= -->