NCBI Book Related Object Element

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--  MODULE:    Book Related Object Element                       -->
<!--  VERSION:   2.2                                               -->
<!--  DATE:      October 2006                                      -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    PUBLIC DOCUMENT TYPE DEFINITION            -->
<!--                        TYPICAL INVOCATION                     -->
"-//NLM//DTD NCBI Book DTD Book Related Object Element v2.2 20061013//EN"
     Delivered as file "bookrelated-object.ent"                    -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!-- SYSTEM:     NCBI BOOK DTD of the                              -->
<!--             Archiving and Interchange DTD Suite               -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!-- PURPOSE:    Define the element <related-object>. This is a    -->
<!--             temporary module until the full Suite can add this-->
<!--             element (expected to be added to common.ent)      -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!-- CONTAINS:   1) The declaration for the element                -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!-- CREATED FOR:                                                  -->
<!--             NLM Bookshelf                                     -->
<!--             National Center for Biotechnology Information     -->
<!--                (NCBI)                                         -->
<!--             National Library of Medicine (NLM)                -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!-- ORIGINAL CREATION DATE:                                       -->
<!--             October 2006                                      -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!-- CREATED BY: Deborah Lapeyre (Mulberry Technologies, Inc.)     -->
<!--             B. Tommie Usdin (Mulberry Technologies, Inc.)     -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!--             Suggestions for refinements and enhancements to   -->
<!--             this DTD should be sent in email to:              -->
<!--                         -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    DTD VERSION\CHANGE HISTORY                 -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

Version  Reason/Occasion                   (who) vx.x (yyyy-mm-dd)

     Version 2.2                       (DAL/BTU) v2.3 (2006-10-31)
     Updated this module only with release number and date NOT
  1. Completely replaced all attributes for <related object>, to
     provide none-XLink connections to related objects.            -->

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    RELATED OBJECT ATTRIBUTES                  -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!--                    RELATED OBJECT ATTRIBUTES                  -->
<!--                    Attributes for <related-object>         
             id         Unique identifier so the element may be
             source-id  The identifier of a journal, book, conference 
                        proceedings, or other object that is the
                        source of the related material (for
                        example, "PNAS")
                        The type of source identifier, such as DOI, 
                        ISSN, ISBN, publisher's identifier, etc.
                        What kind of object is this? A book, a 
                        journal? A database? 
                        The identifier of the document, for example,
                        a journal article that contains the related 
                        The type of document identifier, such as DOI, 
                        publisher's identifier, etc.
                        What kind of object is this, for example a
                        journal article.
             object-id  The identifier of the object such as a table,
                        figure, boxed text sidebar, etc.
                        The type of object identifier, such as an
                        XML ID, a string, the label of the object,
                        What kind of object is this, a table, a
                        figure, a sidebar, etc.?                        -->
<!ENTITY % related-object-atts
             "id        ID                                #IMPLIED
              source-id CDATA                             #IMPLIED
                        CDATA                             #IMPLIED
                        CDATA                             #IMPLIED
                        CDATA                             #IMPLIED
                        CDATA                             #IMPLIED
                        CDATA                             #IMPLIED
              object-id CDATA                             #IMPLIED
                        CDATA                             #IMPLIED
                        CDATA                             #IMPLIED"  >

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    RELATED OBJECT ELEMENT                     -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!--                    RELATED OBJECT ELEMENTS                    -->
<!--                    Elements allowed inside <related-object>   -->
<!ENTITY % related-object-elements 
                        "| %emphasis.class; | %references.class; | 
                         %subsup.class;"                             >

<!--                    RELATED OBJECT INFORMATION                 -->
<!--                    Wrapper element, used as a container for 
                        text links to a related object, possibly 
                        accompanied by a very brief description of
                        the object, typically a related book.
                        Remarks: At this time, this element is used 
                        only within <collection-member>. That usage
                        may well be expanded in version 3.0 of 
                        the DTD Suite.                             -->
<!ELEMENT  related-object
                        (#PCDATA %related-object-elements;)*         >
<!--         id         Unique identifier so the element may be
                        Exactly like the "alt-form-of" attribute
                        used with <graphic>, this is an IDREF
                        attribute which points to the ID of another
                        <related-article> in the same document
                         rather than to an external file.
                        This attribute can take any text value,
                        suggested values include:
                          addendum      Additional material for an
                                        article, generated too late
                                        to be added to the main text
                                        Used in an commentary or
                                        editorial to link to the 
                                        article on which it is
                          companion     Used in an article to link 
                                        to a companion (related
                                        or sibling article) 
                                        Used in a correction to link 
                                        to the article being 
                                        corrected. Sometimes called
                          in-this-issue Related article in the same
                                        journal issue
                          letter        A letter to the publication
                                        or a reply to such a
                          commentary    Used in an article to link 
                                        to its associated commentary
                                        or editorial 
                                        Used in an article to link
                                        forward to its associated 
                                        correction (rarely used)
                          partial-retraction  Partial retraction of 
                                      previously published material
                                        Used in a retraction to link 
                                        to the article being retracted
                                        Used in an article to link
                                        forward to its associated 
                                        retraction (rare)
             vol        Volume of the journal in which the related
                        article exists.  The scope is limited to
                        the journal; in which the current article
             page       Page number of the related article. Scope
                        is limited to the volume of the journal in 
                        which the current article resides. The 
                        values should be a first page or a page 
             xlink:href Provides an address or identifier of the
                        object to which the link points, for
                        example a URI or a filename.               -->
<!ATTLIST  related-object
             %related-object-atts;                                   >

<!-- ================== End Related Object Element Module ======== -->