Attribute: content-type

All <journalmatter> documents must be assigned content types. If the document is not one of the listed types or the type of document cannot be determined, the "other" attribute value may be used.

Value In Elements
(cover|edboard|info-for-authors|general-info|publisher|other) <journalmatter>
CDATA <self-uri> <inline-supplementary-material> <access-date> <month> <tfoot> <patent> <volume-series> <elocation-id> <conf-name> <compound-kwd> <journal-title-group> <copyright-statement> <trans-title> <source> <issue-id> <inline-graphic> <speech> <journal-subtitle> <gov> <annotation> <title> <table-wrap> <isbn> <contrib-group> <milestone-start> <compound-kwd-part> <sig-block> <series> <suffix> <volume-id> <verse-line> <uri> <fpage> <supplementary-material> <issue-sponsor> <td> <date-in-citation> <glossary> <std> <phone> <fn-group> <ref> <addr-line> <bio> <chem-struct> <related-object> <email> <copyright-year> <colgroup> <boxed-text> <note> <copyright-holder> <edition> <subtitle> <named-content> <name> <fax> <th> <tr> <caption> <price> <alt-text> <conf-sponsor> <issue-title> <conf-loc> <statement> <issue> <page-range> <table> <array> <fig-group> <role> <long-desc> <trans-title-group> <table-wrap-group> <speaker> <thead> <inline-formula> <object-id> <chem-struct-wrap> <degrees> <year> <tex-math> <author-comment> <comment> <p> <disp-quote> <lpage> <disp-formula-group> <abbrev> <ref-list> <season> <time-stamp> <aff> <address> <media> <day> <institution> <disp-formula> <trans-source> <graphic> <col> <volume> <verse-group> <tbody> <country> <journal-title> <milestone-end> <sig> <conf-date> <publisher>

Content type values for <journalmatter> element:

Cover ("cover") Can include cover image, caption, and cover image copyright information.
Editorial Board ("edboard") Can include executive editors, associate editors, etc. as well as general editorial board members.
General Journal Information ("general-info") Can include but is not limited to jounal mission statement, scope, journal contact information, subscription information, copyright and other journal-specific content.
Publisher Information ("publisher") Can include publisher philosophy, other journals published, contact information, etc.
Information for Authors ("info-for-authors") Can include article submission and formatting instructions.
Other ("other")

May be in elements: