Journal Publishing Customization Module

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--  MODULE:    Journal Publishing DTD Customize Classes Module   -->
<!--  VERSION:   1.0                                               -->
<!--  DATE:      February 2003                                     -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    PUBLIC DOCUMENT TYPE DEFINITION            -->
<!--                        TYPICAL INVOCATION                     -->
"-//NLM//DTD Journal Publishing DTD Customization Module v1.0 20030324//EN"
Delivered as file "journalpubcustomize.ent"                        -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!-- SYSTEM:     Journal Publishing DTD of the                     -->
<!--             Archiving and Interchange DTD Suite               -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!-- PURPOSE:    To declare the values for all the element class   -->
<!--             Parameter Entities (PEs), variable content model  -->
<!--             PEs, attribute value PEs, etc. for the Journal    -->
<!--             Publishing (authoring or initial tagging) DTD     -->
<!--             developed from the Archiving and Interchange DTD  -->
<!--             Suite.                                            -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!--             This DTD (in contrast to the Journal Archiving    -->
<!--             and Interchange DTD) is designed to support the   -->
<!--             creation of new journal content. There are fewer  -->
<!--             choices in the models within this DTD, and some   -->
<!--             XML structures that were provided simply to       -->
<!--             facilitate conversion of existing materials from  -->
<!--             other DTDs into this format have not been included-->
<!--             in this, the authoring, version of the DTD.       -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!--             Similarly, this is also a tighter DTD. Some of the-->
<!--             attributes that have type CDATA values in the     -->
<!--             interchange DTD, and can thus accept any value,   -->
<!--             have been given explicit value lists in this DTD. -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!--             Note: Since PEs must be declared before they      -->
<!--             are used, this module must be called first in     -->
<!--             the DTD, following only the Module of Modules.    -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!-- CONTAINS:   1) PEs that define the element classes (such as   -->
<!--                all lists, all links, all bibliographic        -->
<!--                reference elements, etc.)                      -->
<!--             2) PEs that define the element mixes. Mixes are   -->
<!--                combinations of classes that are used to build -->
<!--                content models.  The typical "mix" defines a   -->
<!--                set of circumstances, such as all the elements -->
<!--                at the same structural level as a paragraph    -->
<!--                (paragraph-level elements) or phrase-level     -->
<!--                elements.                                      -->
<!--             3) PEs for complete content models                -->
<!--             4) PEs for attribute values and lists             -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!-- CREATED FOR:                                                  -->
<!--             Digital Archive of Journal Articles               -->
<!--             National Center for Biotechnology Information     -->
<!--                (NCBI)                                         -->
<!--             National Library of Medicine (NLM)                -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!-- ORIGINAL CREATION DATE:                                       -->
<!--             February 2003                                     -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!-- CREATED BY: Jeff Beck       (NCBI)                            -->
<!--             B. Tommie Usdin (Mulberry Technologies, Inc.)     -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!--             The Journal Publishing DTD is built from the      -->
<!--             Archiving and Interchange DTD Suite.              -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!--             Suggestions for refinements and enhancements to   -->
<!--             this DTD should be sent in email to:              -->
<!--                      -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    DTD VERSION\CHANGE HISTORY                 -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

Version  Reason/Occasion                   (who) vx.x (yyyy-mm-dd)

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    DUPLICATE PARAMETER ENTITIES               -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    Parameter entities that are replicated
                        in this file, not because the are
                        overrides to the versions in the module
                        set but because they are needed here so
                        that they will have been declared before
                        they are used in this file.                -->

<!ENTITY % access.class "alt-text | ext-link | long-desc"            >

<!--                    DISPLAY CLASS ELEMENTS                     -->
<!--                    Graphical or other image-related elements.
                        The display elements may occur within
                        the text of a table cell or paragraph
                        although they are typically at the same
                        hierarchical level as a paragraph.         -->
<!ENTITY % block-display.class
                        "array | boxed-text | chem-struct |
                         chem-struct-wrapper |
                         fig | fig-group | graphic | preformat |
                         supplementary-material | table-wrap |
                         table-wrap-group"                           >

<!--                    FORCED BREAK FORMATTING CLASS ELEMENTS     -->
<!ENTITY % break.class  "break"                                      >

<!--                    CITATION CLASS ELEMENTS                    -->
<!--                    Reference to an external document, as used
                        within, for example, the text of a
                        paragraph                                  -->
<!ENTITY % citation.class
                        "citation"                                   >

<!--                    ADDRESS ELEMENTS INSIDE A PARAGRAPH        -->
<!--                    Address elements that are allowed loose inside
                        a paragraph                                -->
<!ENTITY % inpara-address
                        "email"                                      >

<!--                    SECTION CLASS ELEMENTS                     -->
<!--                    Information for the reader that is at the
                        same structural level as a Section, which is
                        a headed structure full of smaller elements
                        such as paragraphs.
                        Note: Overrides the definition in the
                        Section Class Module %section.ent;         -->
<!ENTITY % sec.class    "sec"                                        >

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    FORMATTING CLASS ELEMENTS (format.ent)     -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!--                    UP/DOWN RENDITION ELEMENTS                 -->
<!ENTITY % subsup.class "sub | sup"                                  >

<!--                    EMPHASIS RENDITION ELEMENTS                -->
<!ENTITY % emphasis.class
                        " bold | italic | monospace | overline |
                         sc | strike | underline "                   >

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    ELEMENT CLASSES AND ELEMENT GROUPS WHOSE   -->
<!--                    ELEMENTS ARE DEFINED IN %common.ent        -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!--                    CONFERENCE LOCATION ELEMENTS               -->
<!--                    Elements for use in the <conf-loc> element -->
<!ENTITY % conf-loc-elements
                        " "                                          >

<!--                    CONFERENCE NAME ELEMENTS                   -->
<!--                    Elements for use in the <conf-name> element -->
<!ENTITY % conf-name-elements
                        "  "                                         >

<!--                    INSTITUTION NAME ELEMENTS                  -->
<!--                    Elements for use in the <instn> element    -->
<!ENTITY % institution-elements
                        " | %subsup.class;"                          >

<!--                    PERSONAL NAMES CLASS                       -->
<!--                    The element components of a person's name,
                        for the name of a contributor              -->
<!ENTITY % person-name.class
                        "given-names | prefix | surname | suffix"                    >

<!--                    PUBLISHER'S LOCATION ELEMENTS              -->
<!--                    Elements for use in the <conf-name> element-->
<!ENTITY % publisher-loc-elements
                        " "                                          >

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    DISPLAY ELEMENT CLASSES                    -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!--                    DISPLAY ELEMENT BACK MATTER                -->
<!--                    Miscellaneous stuff at the end of a display
                        element such as a figure or a boxed text
                        element such as a sidebar                  -->
<!ENTITY % display-back-matter
                        "copyright-statement"                        >

<!--                    INLINE DISPLAY CLASS ELEMENTS              -->
<!--                    Non-block display elements that set or
                        display inline with the text               -->
<!ENTITY % inline-display.class
                        "inline-graphic | private-char"              >

<!--                    PREFORMATTED TEXT ELEMENTS                 -->
<!--                    Elements that may be used, along with data
                        characters, inside the content model for the
                        <preformat> element, in which white space,
                        such as tabs, line feeds, and spaces will
                        be preserved                               -->
<!ENTITY % preformat-elements
                        "%emphasis.class; |  %subsup.class;"         >

<!--                    SIMPLE DISPLAY ELEMENTS                    -->
<!--                    The simplest and most basic of the Display
                        Class elements, which may be allowed in many
                        places, for example, inside other Display
                        Class elements or inside the cell of a
                        Table                                      -->
<!ENTITY % simple-display.class
                        "array | chem-struct | graphic |
                          preformat"                                >

<!--                    TABLE CLASS ELEMENTS                       -->
<!--                    Elements that will be used to contain the
                        rows and columns inside the Table Wrapper
                        element <table-wrap>.  The following elements
                        can be set up for inclusion:
                          XHTML Table Model    table               -->
<!ENTITY % table.class  "table"                                      >

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    LINK CLASS ELEMENTS  (%link.ent;)          -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!--                    EXTERNAL LINKS CLASS                       -->
<!--                    Just the external link element, for the
                        first round                                -->
<!ENTITY % ext-links.class
                        "ext-link"                                   >

<!--                    LINKS/CROSS-REFERENCES CLASS ELEMENTS      -->
<!--                    Elements that act as one end of a link or
                        cross-reference, either internal or external
<!ENTITY % link.class   "ext-link | fn |
                         inline-supplementary-material |
                         related-article | target | xref"            >

<!--                    SIMPLE LINKS/CROSS-REFERENCES CLASS        -->
<!--                    The smaller and simpler linking elements
                        that might be inside, for example, a
                        Keyword <kwd>                              -->
<!ENTITY % simple-link.class
                        "fn | target | xref"                         >

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    LIST CLASS ELEMENTS                        -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!--                    LIST CLASS ELEMENTS                        -->
<!--                    All the types of lists that may occur
                        as part of the text, therefore excluding
                        Bibliographic Reference Lists <ref-list>    -->
<!ENTITY % list.class   "def-list | list"                             >

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    MATHEMATICS CLASSES                        -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!ENTITY % block-math   "disp-formula"                               >

<!--                    INLINE MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSIONS MIX        -->
<!ENTITY % inline-math  "inline-formula"                             >

<!--                    MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSIONS                   -->
<!ENTITY % math.class   "tex-math | mml:math"                        >

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    PARAGRAPH-LIKE ELEMENTS                    -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!--                    IN TABLE PARAGRAPH CLASS                   -->
<!--                    The simpler of the paragraph-level elements
                        that might be found inside a table cell    -->
<!ENTITY % intable-para.class
                        "speech | verse-group | disp-quote |
                         statement"                                  >

<!--                    REST OF PARAGRAPH CLASS (MINUS PARAGRAPH)  -->
<!--                    Full paragraph class, minus the paragraph
                        element itself, so this PE can be used inside
                        the content model of a paragraph
                        Unlike in base, <ack> not allowed.
                        Acknowledgements only allowed in BackMatter
                        <back>                                     -->
<!ENTITY % rest-of-para.class
                        " disp-quote | speech | statement |
                         verse-group"                                >

<!--                    PARAGRAPH CLASS                            -->
<!--                    Information for the reader that is at the
                        same structural level as a Paragraph       -->
<!ENTITY % para.class   "p | %rest-of-para.class;"                   >

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    PHRASE-LEVEL CONTENT ELEMENTS              -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!--                    PHRASE CLASS ELEMENTS                      -->
<!--                    Small inline elements, that surround a word
                        or phrase in the text because the subject
                        (content) should be identified. For example,
                        a <named-content> element could be used to
                        identify a drug name, genus/species, product,
                        etc.                                       -->
<!ENTITY % phrase.class "named-content"                              >

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!--                    The elements that may be included inside a
                        Citation (bibliographic reference)
                        Note: Overrides the definition in the
                        References Class Module %references.ent;   -->
<!ENTITY % references.class
                        "access-date | annotation | article-title |
                         collab | comment |
                         conf-date | conf-loc | conf-name |
                         day | edition | email | elocation-id |
                         etal | fpage |  gov | issn | isbn |
                         issue | lpage | month | name |
                         patent | person-group | pub-id |
                         publisher-loc | publisher-name | season |
                         series | source | std | supplement |
                         time-stamp | trans-source | trans-title |
                         volume | year"                              >

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    SECTION ELEMENTS                           -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!--                    SECTION-LEVEL ELEMENTS                     -->
<!--                    Elements that may be used at the same
                        structural level as a Section for example
                        inside the Body <body>                     -->
<!ENTITY % sec-level    "%sec.class;"                                >

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    BACK MATTER ELEMENTS (%backmatter.ent;)    -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!--                    DOCUMENT BACK MATTER ELEMENTS              -->
<!--                    Back Matter Elements used by a full document
                        such as a journal article                  -->
<!ENTITY % doc-back-matter-elements
                        "ack | app-group | bio | fn-group | glossary |
                         notes | ref-list | %sec-level;"             >

<!--                    SECTION BACK MATTER ELEMENTS               -->
<!--                    Back matter elements used inside smaller
                        structures, such as sections and sidebars  -->
<!ENTITY % sec-back-matter-elements
                        "ref-list"                                   >

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    ARTICLE METADATA ELEMENTS (articlemeta.ent)-->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!--                    CONFERENCE ACRONYM ELEMENTS                -->
<!--                    The elements that can be included along with
                        data characters inside the content model of
                        the conference acronym.                    -->
<!ENTITY % conf-acronym-elements
                        " "                                          >

<!--                    CONFERENCE NUMBER ELEMENTS                 -->
<!--                    The elements that can be included along with
                        data characters inside the content model of
                        the conference number.                     -->
<!ENTITY % conf-num-elements
                        "  "                                         >

<!--                    CONFERENCE SPONSOR  ELEMENTS               -->
<!--                    The elements that can be included along with
                        data characters inside the content model of
                        the conference sponsor.                    -->
<!ENTITY % conf-sponsor-elements
                        " "                                          >

<!--                    CONTRACT/GRANT NUMBER ELEMENTS             -->
<!--                    The elements that can be included along with
                        data characters inside the content model of
                        the contract number.                       -->
<!ENTITY % contract-elements " "                                     >

<!--                    KEYWORD CONTENT ELEMENTS                   -->
<!--                    The elements that can be included along with
                        data characters inside the content model of
                        a keyword.                                 -->
<!ENTITY % kwd-elements
                        "| %emphasis.class; |  %subsup.class;"         >

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    ELEMENT CLASS MIXES FOR CONTENT MODELS     -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!--                    FORMULA, DISPLAY ELEMENTS                  -->
<!--                    Elements for use in the <disp-formula>
                        element                                    -->
<!ENTITY % disp-formula-elements
                         "%access.class; | %break.class; |
                         %emphasis.class; | %inline-display.class; |
                         %math.class; |  %simple-display.class; |
                         %subsup.class;"                             >

<!--                    EMPHASIS MIX ELEMENTS                      -->
<!--                    Elements that may be used inside most of the
                        emphasis class elements                    -->
<!ENTITY % emphasized-text
                        "%emphasis.class;  |
                         %inline-math; | %link.class; |
                         %math.class; | %phrase.class; |
                         %subsup.class;"                             >

<!--                    INSIDE A PARAGRAPH ELEMENTS                -->
<!--                    Elements that may be used within a paragraph
                        in a mixed content model with #PCDATA.
                        Note: There is a major overlap between this
                        parameter entity and that for the elements
                        that are at the same level as a paragraph.
                        Inline elements appear only inside a
                        paragraph, but block elements such as quotes
                        and lists may appear either within a
                        paragraph or at the same level as a
                        paragraph. This serves a requirement in a
                        repository DTD, since some incoming material
                        will have restricted such elements to only
                        inside a paragraph, some incoming material
                        will have restricted them to only outside a
                        paragraph and some may allow them in both
                        places. Thus the DTD must allow for them to
                        be in either or both.                      -->
<!ENTITY % inside-para  "%block-display.class; | %block-math; |
                         %citation.class; | %emphasis.class; |
                         %inline-display.class; |
                         %inline-math; |  %inpara-address; |
                         %link.class; | %list.class; |
                         %math.class; | %rest-of-para.class; |
                         %phrase.class; | %subsup.class;"            >

<!--                    JUST RENDITION                             -->
<!--                    Only the simplest of the typographic
                        emphasis elements, as well as subscript and
                        superscript.  Usually used in a model that
                        allows #PCDATA and this restricted mixture.
                        This mix may be stripped down to only
                        subscript and superscript by some, more
                        restrictive DTDs.
                        DTD Maintenance Note: This Parameter Entity
                        and the related PE "rendition-plus" have
                        been put in place to restrict the amount of
                        variability that a person modifying the DTD
                        through PE redefinition can achieve. Some
                        elements have been set #PCDATA plus one PE
                        and some have been set to #PCDATA plus the
                        other in an effort to allow designers to
                        modify entire groups of elements, but not
                        to change similar models individually .    -->
<!ENTITY % just-rendition
                        "  "                                         >

<!--                    PARAGRAPH-LEVEL ELEMENTS                   -->
<!--                    Elements that may be used at the same
                        structural level as a paragraph, for
                        example inside a Section
                        Note: There a major overlap between this
                        parameter entity and that for the elements
                        that are at the same level as a paragraph.
                        Inline elements appear only inside a
                        paragraph, but block elements such as quotes
                        and lists may appear either within a
                        paragraph or at the same level as a
                        paragraph. This serves a requirement in a
                        repository DTD, since some incoming material
                        will have restricted such elements to only
                        inside a paragraph,  some incoming material
                        will have restricted them to only outside a
                        paragraph and some may allow them in both
                        places. Thus the DTD must allow for them to
                        be in either or both.                      -->
<!ENTITY % para-level   "%block-display.class; | %block-math; |
                         %list.class; | %math.class; |
                         %para.class;"                               >

<!--                    RENDITION MARKUP PLUS                      -->
<!--                    Only the simplest of the typographic
                        emphasis elements, as well as subscript and
                        superscript.  Usually used in a model that
                        allows #PCDATA and this restricted mixture.
                        This mix may be enhanced slightly in some
                        more permissive DTDs, and should always
                        contain at least typographic emphasis,
                        subscript, and superscript.
                        DTD Maintenance Note: This Parameter Entity
                        and the related PE "Just-rendition" have
                        been put in place to restrict the amount of
                        variability that a person modifying the DTD
                        through PE redefinition can achieve. Some
                        elements have been set #PCDATA plus one PE
                        and some have been set to #PCDATA plus the
                        other in an effort to allow designers to
                        modify entire groups of elements, but not
                        to individually change similar models.
                        modify entire groups of elements, but not
                        to change similar models individually .    -->
<!ENTITY % rendition-plus
                        "| %emphasis.class;  | %subsup.class;"         >

<!--                    SIMPLE PHRASE-LEVEL TEXTUAL ELEMENTS       -->
<!--                    Elements that may be used almost anywhere
                        text is used, for example, inside a title.
                        Simple text plus inline display and math
                        elements.                                  -->
<!ENTITY % simple-phrase
                        "%emphasis.class; | %inline-display.class; |
                         %inline-math; | %link.class; |
                         %math.class; | %phrase.class; |
                         %subsup.class;"                             >

<!--                    SIMPLE TEXTUAL CONTENT                     -->
<!--                    Elements that may be used inside elements
                        that are really expected to be #PCDATA and
                        not to contain any of these things.
                        Note that there is no math and no links.
                        Simpler even than %simple-phrase;          -->
<!ENTITY % simple-text  "%emphasis.class;  | %inline-display.class; |
                         %phrase.class; | %subsup.class; "           >

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    TABLE ELEMENT MIXES                        -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!--                    INSIDE TABLE CELL ELEMENTS                 -->
<!--                    Mixed with #PCDATA inside a table cell, such
                        as a <td> or <th> element in the XHTML table
                        model, the <entry> element in the OASIS CALS
                        table model, etc.  This PE will be used as the
                        value of %FlowMix;, %paracon;, etc.
                        Unlike base, <hr> and <font> have been removed
                        from allowable contents of a cell. These effects,
                        if needed, can be encoded in ways with fewer
                        side-effects.                              -->
<!ENTITY % inside-cell  "%block-math; |  %break.class; |
                         %citation.class; |  %emphasis.class; | hr |
                         %inline-math; | %link.class; |
                         %list.class; | %math.class; |
                         %simple-display.class; | %subsup.class;"    >

<!--                    INSIDE TABLE WRAPPER ELEMENTS              -->
<!--                    Usually a Table Wrapper contains a table,
                        properly tagged with rows and columns, but
                        sometimes, a structure that is labeled as
                        a "table" is actually a list, or two
                        paragraphs.  This Parameter Entity names
                        all the alternatives to table that may
                        occur inside a table wrapper.              -->
<!ENTITY % inside-table-wrapper
                        " %list.class; | graphic |  %table.class;"   >

<!--                    TABLE WRAPPER ATTRIBUTES                   -->
<!--                    Attributes to be added to the regular NLM
                        table attributes, for example, when the
                        Elsevier or OASIS Exchange table models are
                        used.                                      -->
<!ENTITY % other-table-wrap-atts
             ""                                                      >

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    OVER RIDES OF CONTENT MODELS               -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!--                    ABSTRACT MODEL                             -->
<!--                    Abstracts may contain one or more paragraphs
                        but nothing else.
                        Unlike in nlmcommon, <abs> may not be a
                        section; it is only one or more paragraphs.-->
<!ENTITY % abstract-model
                        "title?, p*, sec*"                           >

<!--                    ACKNOWLEDGMENTS MODEL                      -->
<!--                    Content model for the <ack> element        -->
<!ENTITY % ack-model    "title?, p*, sec*, ref-list*"                >

<!--                    ARTICLE METADATA MODEL                     -->
<!--                    Full content model for the metadata that is
                        specific to the article.
                        Unlike in Archive DTD, some of the metadata
                        is required here.                          -->
<!ENTITY % article-meta-model
                        "article-id+, article-categories?,
                         title-group, (contrib-group | aff)*,
                         author-notes?, pub-date+,
                         volume?, issue?, ((fpage, lpage?) |
                         elocation-id), (ext-link | product |
                         supplementary-material)*, history?,
                         copyright-statement?, copyright-year,
                         self-uri*, related-article*, abstract*,
                         trans-abstract*, kwd-group*, contract-num*,
                         contract-sponsor*, conference*"             >

<!--                    CONFERENCE MODEL                           -->
<!--                    The element components of the description
                        of a conference; not a proper class        -->
<!ENTITY % conference-model
                        "(conf-date, (conf-name | conf-acronym )+,
                         conf-num?, conf-loc?, conf-sponsor*,
                         conf-theme)"                                >

<!--                    DATE ELEMENTS MODEL                        -->
<!--                    The content models for elements that describe
                        dates, such as Publication Date <pub-date> and
                        History Dates <date>.  The <string-date>
                        element holds dates for which months and
                        years are not given, for example "first
                        quarter", "spring", etc.
                        Unlike in nlmcommon, <date> requires a <year>
                        and may not be a string.                   -->
<!ENTITY % date-model   "(((day?, month?) | season)?, year)"         >

<!--                    ET AL                                      -->
<!--                    Unlike in NLMART, <etal> is empty. When
                        present it is used to generate the text
                        et al.                                     -->
<!ENTITY % etal-model   "EMPTY"                                      >

<!--                    FIGURE GROUP MODEL                         -->
<!ENTITY % fig-group-model
                        "caption?, (%access.class;)*,
                          (fig |graphic)*"                           >

<!--                    GLOSSARY GROUP MODEL                       -->
<!--                    Content model for the <gloss-group> element-->
<!ENTITY % gloss-group-model
                        "title?, p*, deflist+"                       >

<!--                    JOURNAL METADATA MODEL                     -->
<!ENTITY % journal-meta-model
                        "journal-id+, abbrev-journal-title*, issn+,
                         publisher, notes?"                          >

<!--                    LIST MODEL                                 -->
<!--                    Content model for the <list> element       -->
<!ENTITY % list-model   "title?, list-item+"                         >

<!--                    REFERENCE ITEM MODEL                       -->
<!ENTITY % ref-model    "label?,
                         (citation | nlm-citation | note)+"          >

<!--                    CONTENT MODEL FOR A STRUCTURAL SECTION     -->
<!--                    The model for a section that requires that a
                        section title be present, used for elements
                        such as Section and Appendix.
                        Unlike in nlmcommon, <level> is not allowed
                        on sections.                               -->
<!ENTITY % sec-model    "title, (%para-level;)*,
                         (%sec-back-matter-elements;)*"              >

<!--                    CONTENT MODEL FOR AN UNTITLED SECTION      -->
<!--                    The model for a section-like structure that
                        copyright-statement may or may not have
                        an initial title                           -->
<!ENTITY % sec-opt-title-model
                        "title?, (%para-level;)*,
                         (%sec-back-matter-elements;)*"              >

<!--                    TRANSLATED ABSTRACT MODEL                  -->
<!--                    Content model for an <trans-abstract>
                        element                                    -->
<!ENTITY % trans-abstract-model
                        "title?, p*, sec*"                           >

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    OVER RIDES OF ATTRIBUTE DECLARATIONS       -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!ENTITY % might-link-atts
            "xmlns:xlink CDATA                             #FIXED
             xlink:type  (simple)                   #FIXED 'simple'
             xlink:href  CDATA                             #IMPLIED
             xlink:role  CDATA                             #IMPLIED
             xlink:title CDATA                             #IMPLIED
             xlink:show  (embed | new | none | other | replace)
                         (none | onLoad | onRequest | other)
                                                           #IMPLIED" >

<!--                    CITATION ATTRIBUTES                        -->
<!--                    Attributes for <citation>                  -->
<!ENTITY % citation-atts
                        (book | commun | confproc | discussion |
                         gov | journal | list | patent | thesis  |
                         web  | other )                    #IMPLIED
              id         ID                                #IMPLIED
              %might-link-atts;"                                     >

<!--                    FOOTNOTE ATTRIBUTES                        -->
<!--                    Attribute list for Footnote element
                        Unlike base, symbol removed, and fn-type
                        values made explicit.                      -->
<!ENTITY % fn-atts
             "id         ID                                #IMPLIED
              fn-type    (abbr | com | con | conflict |
                          corresp | current-aff | deceased |
                          edited-by | equal |
                          financial-disclosure | on-leave |
                          participating-researchers |
                          presented-at | presented-by |
                          present-address | previously-at |
                          study-group-members |
                          supplementary-material |
                          supported-by | other)            #IMPLIED
              xml:lang   NMTOKEN                           #IMPLIED" >

<!--                    PERSON GROUP ATTRIBUTES                    -->
<!--                    Attributes for the <person-group> element
                        Valid Types include:
                          author - Content creators
                          editor - Content editors
                                 - a content editor that has been invited
                                   to edit all or part of a work.
                                 - Idea, software, or machine creator
                                 - the person to whom a patent is awarded
                                 - Translated the cited work from
                                   one language into another
                                 - Editor of a translated version of
                                   a work
                                 - used to identify a complete list of
                                 authors when a subset of the author
                                 group has been used elsewhere
                                 in the citation. See "Standard reference
                                 to a chapter in a book" (II.C.1) in the
                                 tagging examples.
                                 - Put together a composite work
                                   from multiple sources            -->
<!ENTITY % person-group-atts
                        (allauthors | assignee | author | compiler |
                         editor | guest-editor | inventor |
                         translator | transed)             #IMPLIED" >

<!--                    SECTION ATTRIBUTES                         -->
<!--                    Attribute list for Section element         -->
<!ENTITY % sec-atts
            "id         ID                                 #IMPLIED
             xml:lang   NMTOKEN                            #IMPLIED
             sec-type   CDATA                              #IMPLIED" >

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    NEW ELEMENT DECLARATIONS                   -->
<!--                    Declarations of elements that are new to   -->
<!--                    this DTD.                                  -->
<!--                    NOTE: All new structures must be mappable  -->
<!--                    to the archiving/interchange DTD and the   -->
<!--                    mapping should be described when the new   -->
<!--                    element is declared.                       -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!--                    NLM CITATION MODEL                         -->
<!--                    This structured citation model is provided
                        to assist users how are creating new content.
                        It loosely reflects the NLM's style, in that
                        it allows the tagging of all "legal" NLM
                        citations and enforces the sequence in which
                        content must appear if it is present. However,
                        this model does not provide guidance on what
                        information is required for each type of
                        cited content.

                        This model assumes that punctuation between
                        the parts of a citation will be generated
                        on display or on export from the XML tagged
                        according to this DTD to XML for another use.

                        In converting documents tagged to this
                        publishing DTD to the archiving/interchange
                        DTD the <nlm-citation> tag must be changed to
                        <citation> and all of the punctuation between
                        elements inside the citation must be inserted.
<!ELEMENT  nlm-citation
                        ((person-group | collab)*,
                         (article-title | trans-title)*,
                         source?, patent?, trans-source?, year?,
                         ((month?, day?, time-stamp?) | season?),
                         access-date?, volume?, edition?,
                         conf-name?, conf-date?, conf-loc?,
                         (issue | supplement)*, publisher-loc?,
                         publisher-name?, (fpage?, lpage?)*, series?,
                         comment*, pub-id*, annotation?)             >

<!ATTLIST  nlm-citation
             %citation-atts;                                         >

<!-- =============== End Journal Publishing Customize Module ===== -->