
Publisher’s Name


Name of the person, company, or other entity that published a work.


The <publisher-name> element is used in two contexts:

  1. As a part of the metadata concerning the article itself.
  2. As part of the reference metadata of a bibliographic reference (<citation> or <nlm-citation> in a <ref-list>).
For extensive examples of formatted <nlm-citation>s including use of <publisher-name>s in <nlm-citation>s, see: Sample PubMed Central Citations. To see tagged versions of these examples, see: Sample PubMed Central Citations - XML Tagged.

Model Description

Text, numbers, or special characters.

Tagged Example

<nlm-citation citation-type="book">
  <person-group person-group-type="author">
      <given-names>Merle M</given-names>
      <given-names>Arthur M</given-names>
      <given-names>Charles F</given-names>
  <source>Group counseling</source>
  <publisher-loc>New York</publisher-loc>
  <publisher-name>Holt, Rinehart, and Winston</publisher-name>

