


Used to mark text that should appear in bold face for print or display.

Model Description

Any combination of:

Tagged Example

...<p>...The third nucleotide (CG<bold>A</bold>) at codon 529, which
is a specific nucleotide of <italic>M. tuberculosis</italic>
(<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="B8">8</xref>, <xref ref-type="bibr"
rid="B11">11</xref>), was not clearly determined by conventional PCR direct
sequencing. Furthermore, PCR sequencing misidentified codon 531 as
T<bold>C</bold>G, which reflects the rifampin-susceptible strain. However,
the second nucleotide at codon 531, which is the most frequent site of
mutation related to rifampin resistance, was determined as
T<bold>T</bold>G by nested PCR sequencing (Fig. <xref ref-type="fig"
rid="F5">5</xref>, lower panel)....</p>...

