Archiving and Interchange DTD Suite Module to Name the Modules

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--  MODULE:    Journal Article Module of Modules                 -->
<!--  VERSION:   1.1                                               -->
<!--  DATE:      November 1, 2003                                  -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    PUBLIC DOCUMENT TYPE DEFINITION            -->
<!--                        TYPICAL INVOCATION                     -->
"-//NLM//DTD Archiving and Interchange DTD Suite Module of Modules v1.1 20031101//EN"
     Delivered as file "modules.ent"                               -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!-- SYSTEM:     Archiving and Interchange DTD Suite               -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!-- PURPOSE:    For naming all the external modules (except       -->
<!--             this module itself and the customization modules) -->
<!--             that are part of the Archiving and Interchange DTD-->
<!--             Suite modular DTD library. A specific DTD will    -->
<!--             select from these modules by referencing the      -->
<!--             external Parameter Entities defined below that    -->
<!--             name the modules of the suite. To include a set   -->
<!--             of elements (such as all the lists or the MathML  -->
<!--             elements), reference the external Parameter Entity-->
<!--             of the module that contains these declarations,   -->
<!--             then modify the classes or content models to use  -->
<!--             the new elements.                                 -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!-- CONTAINS:   1)  Entity declarations and public names for all  -->
<!--                 the external modules. Note: The modules       -->
<!--                 are NOT referenced (called/invoked) in this   -->
<!--                 module, they are merely defined.  The DTD or  -->
<!--                 a setup module (such as for the XHTML tables) -->
<!--                 will invoke the external parameter entity to  -->
<!--                 call the module.                              -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!-- CREATED FOR:                                                  -->
<!--             Digital archives and publishers who wish to       -->
<!--             create a custom XML DTD for original markup of    -->
<!--             journal literature, books, and related material,  -->
<!--             or for archiving and transferring such material   -->
<!--             between archives.                                 -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!--             This DTD is in the public domain. An organization -->
<!--             that wishes to create its own DTD from the suite  -->
<!--             may do so without permission from NLM.            -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!--             The suite has been set up to be extended using a  -->
<!--             new DTD file and a new DTD-specific customization -->
<!--             module to redefine the many Parameter Entities.   -->
<!--             Do not modify the suite directly or redistribute  -->
<!--             modified versions of the suite.                   -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!--             In the interest of maintaining consistency and    -->
<!--             clarity for potential users, NLM requests:        -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!--             1. If you create a DTD from the Archiving and     -->
<!--                Interchange DTD Suite and intend to stay       -->
<!--                compatible with the suite, then please include -->
<!--                the following statement as a comment in all of -->
<!--                your DTD modules:                              -->
<!--                   "Created from, and fully compatible with,   -->
<!--                    the Archiving and Interchange DTD Suite."  -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!--             2. If you alter one or more modules of the suite, -->
<!--                then please rename your version and all its    -->
<!--                modules to avoid any confusion with the        -->
<!--                original suite. Also, please include the       -->
<!--                following statement as a comment in all your   -->
<!--                DTD modules:                                   -->
<!--                   "Based in part on, but not fully compatible -->
<!--                    with, the Archiving and Interchange DTD    -->
<!--                    Suite."                                    -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!--             Suggestions for refinements and enhancements to   -->
<!--             the DTD suite should be sent in email to:         -->
<!--                         -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!-- ORIGINAL CREATION DATE:                                       -->
<!--             December 2002                                     -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!-- CREATED BY: Jeff Beck       (NCBI)                            -->
<!--             Deborah Lapeyre (Mulberry Technologies, Inc.)     -->
<!--             Bruce Rosenblum (Inera Inc.)                      -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!--             NLM thanks the Harvard University Libraries, both -->
<!--             for proposing that a draft archiving NLM DTD for  -->
<!--             life sciences journals be extended to accommodate -->
<!--             journals in all disciplines and for sponsoring    -->
<!--             Bruce Rosenblum's collaboration with other DTD    -->
<!--             authors in completing Version 1.0. The Andrew W.  -->
<!--             Mellon Foundation provided support for these      -->
<!--             important contributions.                          -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    DTD VERSION/CHANGE HISTORY                 -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

Version  Reason/Occasion                   (who) vx.x (yyyy-mm-dd)

     Version 1.1                          (TRG) v1.1 (2003-11-01)

  1. Updated public identifier for several modules to reflect
     modules' modification.
     Rationale: To call updated modules.

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    COMMON ELEMENTS SHARED BY MANY MODULES     -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!--                    COMMON (SHARED) ELEMENT DECLARATIONS       -->
<!ENTITY % common.ent
"-//NLM//DTD Archiving and Interchange DTD Suite Common (Shared) Elements Module v1.1 20031101//EN"
"common.ent"                                                         >

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    CLASS MODULES (ALPHABETICAL ORDER)         -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!--                    ARTICLE METADATA ELEMENTS                  -->
<!ENTITY % articlemeta.ent
"-//NLM//DTD Archiving and Interchange DTD Suite Journal Article Metadata Elements v1.1 20031101//EN"
"articlemeta.ent"                                                        >

<!--                    BACK MATTER ELEMENTS                       -->
<!ENTITY % backmatter.ent
"-//NLM//DTD Archiving and Interchange DTD Suite Back Matter Elements v1.0 20021201//EN"
"backmatter.ent"                                                     >

<!--                    DISPLAY (GRAPHICAL) ELEMENTS INVOCATION    -->
<!ENTITY % display.ent
"-//NLM//DTD Archiving and Interchange DTD Suite Display Class Elements  v1.1 20031101//EN"
"display.ent"                                                        >

<!--                    FORMATTING ELEMENT CLASSES                 -->
<!--                    Elements that change rendition/display. This
                        module includes the Appearance Class, the
                        Break Class, and the Emphasis Class        -->
<!ENTITY % format.ent
 "-//NLM//DTD Archiving and Interchange DTD Suite Formatting Element Classes v1.0 20021201//EN"
"format.ent"                                                         >

<!--                    JOURNAL METADATA ELEMENTS                  -->
<!ENTITY % journalmeta.ent PUBLIC
"-//NLM//DTD Archiving and Interchange DTD Suite Journal Metadata Elements v1.1 20031101//EN"
"journalmeta.ent"                                                          >

<!--                    LINK ELEMENTS                              -->
<!ENTITY % link.ent  PUBLIC
"-//NLM//DTD Archiving and Interchange DTD Suite Link Class Elements v1.1 20031101//EN"
"link.ent"                                                           >

<!--                    LIST ELEMENTS                              -->
<!ENTITY % list.ent  PUBLIC
"-//NLM//DTD Archiving and Interchange DTD Suite List Class Elements v1.1 20031101//EN"
"list.ent"                                                           >

<!--                    MATH ELEMENTS                              -->
<!ENTITY % math.ent  PUBLIC
"-//NLM//DTD Archiving and Interchange DTD Suite Math Class Elements v1.1 20031101//EN"
"math.ent"                                                           >

<!--                    PARAGRAPH-LEVEL ELEMENTS                   -->
<!ENTITY % para.ent  PUBLIC
"-//NLM//DTD Archiving and Interchange DTD Suite Paragraph-Like Elements v1.1 20031101//EN"
"para.ent"                                                           >

<!--                    PHRASE-LEVEL CONTENT ELEMENTS              -->
<!ENTITY % phrase.ent
"-//NLM//DTD Archiving and Interchange DTD Suite Subject Phrase Class Elements v1.1 20031101//EN"
"phrase.ent"                                                         >

<!ENTITY % references.ent
"-//NLM//DTD Archiving and Interchange DTD Suite Bibliographic Reference (Citation) Class Elements v1.1 20031101//EN"
"references.ent"                                                     >

<!--                    SECTION ELEMENTS                           -->
<!ENTITY % section.ent
"-//NLM//DTD Archiving and Interchange DTD Suite Section Class Elements v1.0 20021201//EN"
"section.ent"                                                        >

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    TABLES: XHTML TABLE MODULES                -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!--                    XHTML TABLE SETUP MODULE                   -->
<!--                    Set all Parameter Entities needed by the
                        HTML 4.0 (XHTML) table model, and then
                        call the module containing that model.
                        Authoring Note: If wanted, this module
                        will be invoked in the DTD module          -->
<!ENTITY % XHTMLtablesetup.ent
"-//NLM//DTD Archiving and Interchange DTD Suite XHTML Table Setup Module v1.1 20031101//EN"
"XHTMLtablesetup.ent"                                                >

<!--                    XHTML TABLE MODEL                          -->
<!--                    The public XML version of the HTML 4.0
                        (XHTML) table model. This module is invoked
                        in %XHTMLtablesetup.ent;                   -->
<!ENTITY % htmltable.dtd
"-//W3C//ELEMENTS XHTML Tables 1.0//EN"
"htmltable.dtd"                                                      >

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    TABLES: OASIS EXCHANGE TABLE MODULES       -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!--                    OASIS XML TABLE SETUP MODULE               -->
<!--                    Set all Parameter Entities needed by the
                        OASIS (CALS) Table Exchange table model, and
                        then call the module containing that model.
                        Authoring Note: If wanted, this module
                        will be invoked in the DTD module          -->
<!ENTITY % oasis-tablesetup.ent
"-//NLM//DTD Archiving and Interchange DTD Suite OASIS XML Table Setup Module v1.1 20031101//EN"
"oasis-tablesetup.ent"                                               >

<!--                    OASIS XML TABLE MODEL                      -->
<!--                    The OASIS (CALS) Table Exchange table model
                        This module is invoked in
                        %OASIStablesetup.ent;                      -->
<!ENTITY % oasis-exchange.ent
"-//OASIS//DTD XML Exchange Table Model 19990315//EN"
"oasis-exchange.ent"                                                 >

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    MATH: MATHML MODULES                       -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!--                    MATHML SETUP MODULE                        -->
<!--                    Called from the DTD to include the MathML
                        elements in the tag set.                   -->
<!ENTITY % mathmlsetup.ent
"-//NLM//DTD Archiving and Interchange DTD Suite MathML Setup Module v1.1 20031101//EN"
"mathmlsetup.ent"                                                    >

<!--                    MATHML 2.0 QUALIFIED NAMES                 -->
<!ENTITY % mathml-qname.mod
"-//W3C//ENTITIES MathML 2.0 Qualified Names 1.0//EN"
"mathml/mathml2-qname-1.mod"                                         >

<!--                    MATHML 2.0 DTD                             -->
<!ENTITY % mathml.dtd   PUBLIC
"-//W3C//DTD MathML 2.0//EN"
"mathml2.dtd"                                                        >

<!--                    MATHML 2.0 EXTRA ENTITIES                  -->
<!ENTITY % ent-mmlextra
"-//W3C//ENTITIES Extra for MathML 2.0//EN"
"mathml/mmlextra.ent"                                                >

<!--                    MATHML 2.0 ALIASES                         -->
<!ENTITY % ent-mmlalias
"-//W3C//ENTITIES Aliases for MathML 2.0//EN"
"mathml/mmlalias.ent"                                                >

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    SPECIAL CHARACTER MODULES                  -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!--                    SPECIAL CHARACTERS DECLARATIONS            -->
<!--                    Declares any standard XML special character
                        entities used in this DTD                  -->
<!ENTITY % xmlspecchars.ent
"-//NLM//DTD Archiving and Interchange DTD Suite XML Special Characters Module v1.0 20021201//EN"
"xmlspecchars.ent"                                                   >

<!--                    CUSTOM SPECIAL CHARACTERS DECLARATIONS     -->
<!--                    Declares any custom special character
                        entities created for this Suite            -->
 <!ENTITY % chars.ent PUBLIC
"-//NLM//DTD Archiving and Interchange DTD Suite Custom Special Characters Module v1.1 20031101//EN"
"chars.ent"                                                          >

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                     NOTATIONS MODULE                          -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!--                    NOTATION DECLARATIONS MODULE               -->
<!--                    Container module for the Notation Declarations
                        to be used with this DTD suite.  Placed in
                        their own module for easy expansion or
                        replacement.                               -->
<!ENTITY % notat.ent PUBLIC
"-//NLM//DTD Archiving and Interchange DTD Suite Notation Declarations v1.0 20021201//EN"
"notat.ent"                                                          >

<!-- =================== End Journal Article Module of Modules === -->