
First Page


The page number on which an article starts, for print journals that have page numbers.


The <fpage> element is used in two contexts:

  1. As a part of the metadata concerning the article itself.
  2. As part of bibliographic reference metadata inside bibliographic references <citation> and <nlm-citation>.

For extensive examples of formatted <nlm-citation>s including use of <fpage>s in <nlm-citation>s, see: Sample PubMed Central Citations. To see tagged versions of these examples, see: Sample PubMed Central Citations - XML Tagged.

Electronic-only journals traditionally do not have page numbers and use the <elocation-id> element instead of using the First Page <fpage> or Last Page <lpage> elements.


seq Sequence of Same-Page Articles

Related Elements

There are three elements in the Suite related to page numbers:

Model Description

Text, numbers, or special characters.

Tagged Examples

Example 1

In article metadata

<article-id pub-id-type="pmid">10092260</article-id>
<title-group><article-title>Systematic review of day
hospital care for elderly people</article-title>
<pub-date pub-type="pub"><day>27</day>

Example 2

In a NLM-style bibliographic citation

<nlm-citation citation-type="journal">
<article-title>Electrogastrographic study of patients with unexplained nausea, bloating and vomiting</article-title>

