
Label (Of a Figure, Reference, Etc.)


The number and any prefix word associated with, for example, the title or the caption of a <fig>, such as “Figure 3.” or “Exhibit 2.”. This element is also used for the number or symbol used as a prefix character for a footnote and placed at the place of the footnote reference.


This element can be used to preserve the prefix number or label of an element, for example, for a reference or citation “25.” or “[Lapeyre 2002]”. This can be useful when reconstructing untagged cross references.

Model Information

Content Model

<!ELEMENT  label        (#PCDATA %label-elements;)*                  >


Any combination of:

This element may be contained in:

<aff> Affiliation; <chem-struct> Chemical Structure (Display); <chem-struct-wrapper> Chemical Structure Wrapper; <citation> Citation; <def-list> Definition List; <disp-formula> Formula, Display; <fig> Figure; <fn> Footnote; <graphic> Graphic; <list-item> List Item; <media> Media Object; <note> Note in a Reference List; <ref> Reference Item; <statement> Statement, Formal; <supplementary-material> Supplementary Material; <table-wrap> Table Wrapper; <table-wrap-group> Table Wrapper Group

Tagged Example

<sec><title>Outcome data</title>
<p>Figure <xref ref-type="fig" rid="F2">2</xref> shows that 
overall there was no significant difference between day hospital 
and alternative forms ...</p>
<fig id="F2"><label>Figure 2</label>
<caption><p>Odds of death or poor outcome in patients 
receiving day hospital care or alternative services (random 
effects model). Heterogeneity between trials is presented 
as &#x03C7;<sup>2</sup></p></caption>
<graphic xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" 
xlink:href="fors2662.f2" alt-version="yes"></graphic>

