
Type of Named Content


Identifies the subject or type of content that makes this word or phrase semantically special, as a means of preserving the semantic intent of prior tagging


This attribute could be used to identify a drug name, company name, or product name. It could also be used to define systematics terms, such as genus, family, order, or suborder. Similarly, it could be used to identify biological components, such as gene, protein, or peptide. Therefore, values may include information classes, semantic categories, or types of nouns such as “generic-drug-name”, “genus-species”, “gene”, “peptide”, “product”, etc.

The <named-content> element usually causes the word or phrase identified to be treated in a special way, for example, given a different look in print or on display. This formatting may be guided by the content-type attribute, for example, making all circulatory system words red.

Attribute Values

In Element

<named-content> Named Special (Subject) Content
Value Meaning
Text, numbers, or special characters Names/describes the special function for the <named-content> that cannot otherwise be described by the elements in this DTD Suite. For example, a medical article might use the value “body-system” or “gene” while a management article might use the value “product-name” or “stock-code”.
Restriction: This attribute must be specified if the element is used.

In Elements

<ack> Acknowledgments; <array> Array (Simple Tabular Array); <boxed-text> Boxed Text; <caption> Caption of a Figure, Table, Etc.; <chem-struct> Chemical Structure (Display); <chem-struct-wrapper> Chemical Structure Wrapper; <col> Table Column (XHTML table model); <colgroup> Table Column Group (XHTML table model); <fig-group> Figure Group; <inline-supplementary-material> Inline Supplementary Material; <p> Paragraph; <speech> Speech; <statement> Statement, Formal; <supplementary-material> Supplementary Material; <table> Table (XHTML table model); <table-wrap> Table Wrapper; <tbody> Table Body (XHTML table model); <td> Table Data Cell (XHTML table model); <tfoot> Table Footer (XHTML table model); <th> Table Header Cell (XHTML table model); <thead> Table Header (XHTML table model); <tr> Table Row (XHTML table model)
Value Meaning
Text, numbers, or special characters Names/describes the special function for the <named-content>that cannot be described by the elements in this DTD Suite. For example, a medical article might use the value “body-system” or “gene”, whereas a management article might use the value “product-name” or “stock-code”.
Restriction: This attribute may be specified if the element is used.