DTD Section

Following the Journal Publishing DTD are those modules which are specific to the DTD and used to customize elements, attributes, and Parameter Entities in the base DTD Suite. The remaining modules are those of the base DTD Suite.

DTD Files:

Journal Publishing DTD

Journal Publishing DTD-Specific Modules

Journal Publishing DTD Customize Classes Module

Journal Publishing DTD Customize Mixes Module

Journal Publishing DTD Customize Content and Attributes Module

NLM Citation

Archiving and Interchange DTD Suite Module of Modules

Default Element Classes Module

Default Element Mixes Module

Archiving and Interchange DTD Suite Common (Shared) Elements Module

Archiving and Interchange DTD Suite Journal Article Metadata Elements

Archiving and Interchange DTD Suite Back Matter Elements

Archiving and Interchange DTD Suite Display Class Elements

Archiving and Interchange DTD Suite Formatting Element Classes

Archiving and Interchange DTD Suite Journal Metadata Elements

Archiving and Interchange DTD Suite Link Class Elements

Archiving and Interchange DTD Suite List Class Elements

Archiving and Interchange DTD Suite Math Class Elements

Archiving and Interchange DTD Suite Paragraph-Like Elements

Archiving and Interchange DTD Suite Subject Phrase Class Elements

Archiving and Interchange DTD Suite Bibliographic Reference (Citation) Class Elements

Archiving and Interchange DTD Suite Section Class Elements

Archiving and Interchange DTD Suite XML Special Characters Module

Archiving and Interchange DTD Suite Custom Special Characters Module

Archiving and Interchange DTD Suite Notation Declarations

Archiving and Interchange DTD Suite MathML Setup Module

MathML 2.0

Archiving and Interchange DTD Suite XHTML Table Setup Module

XHTML Tables 1.0