
Array (Simple Tabular Array)


Defines an arrangement of material in rows and columns that is not a true table but merely a small block of one or more rows and columns in the flow of the narrative, typically presented as a block with space before it and after it. (Uses the XHTML table body element or a graphic to express the rows and columns.)


Display Note: An <array> element is not allowed to float; it is tied to its position in the text. True tables are allowed to float in text or be anchored, as determined by the value of their position attribute.


alternate-form-of Alternate Form of Graphic, Media Object, Etc.
content-type Type of Content
id Identifier
xml:lang Language

Related Elements

Conversion Note: A typical <array> has no label, title, or caption. Row and column material that has labels, titles, or captions should be tagged as a table element (<table-wrap>).

A graphic containing simple tabular material that occurs within a paragraph or between two paragraphs should be tagged as an <array>, not merely as a loose <graphic> or as a <fig> or <table>.

Model Information

Content Model

<!ELEMENT  array        %array-model;                                >


The following, in order:

This element may be contained in:

<app> Appendix; <app-group> Appendix Matter; <body> Body of the Article; <boxed-text> Boxed Text; <chem-struct> Chemical Structure (Display); <disp-formula> Formula, Display; <disp-quote> Quote, Displayed; <fig> Figure; <gloss-group> Glossary Group; <glossary> Glossary Elements List; <named-content> Named Special (Subject) Content; <notes> Notes; <p> Paragraph; <ref-list> Reference List (Bibliographic Reference List); <sec> Section; <supplementary-material> Supplementary Material; <td> Table Data Cell (XHTML table model); <term> Definition List: Term; <th> Table Header Cell (XHTML table model)

Tagged Example

<p><italic>Goniocyclus hannibalensis</italic> is founded on specimens that 
cannot be related to a precise stratgraphic position within the excavated 
succession; consequently faunal relationships cannot be expressed with certainty. 
...Preliminary reports of the ancestral 
<italic>Goniocyclus</italic> species are described as:
<td><sc>Goniatitina</sc> (Hyatt, 1884)</td>
<td><sc>Pericyclaceae</sc> (Hyatt, 1900)</td>
<td><sc>Pericyckidae</sc> (Hyatt, 1900)</td>
<td><sc>Goniocyclus</sc> (Gordon, 1986)</td>
<td>Type Species</td>
<td><italic>Goniatites blairi</italic> (Miller and Gurley, 1896)</td>

