
Signature Block


An area of text and graphic material placed at the end of the body of an article to hold the graphical signature or description of the person(s) responsible for or attesting to the content


This element was deliberately left out of the original NLM DTDs because it was thought (and analysis seemed to back this up) that a <sig-block> element would merely duplicate information in the metadata and could be generated. Further samples, especially in books, indicate that signature blocks are not as closely tied to contributor metadata as was supposed, and further, that a structure to hold the material would be very useful for already published works.


content-type Type of Content
id Identifier

Model Information

Content Model

<!ELEMENT  sig-block    (#PCDATA %sig-block-elements;)*              >


Any combination of:

This element may be contained in:

<body> Body of the Article

Tagged Examples

Example 1

With a graphic representation of a signature:

<title>A Little String Music</title>
<p>Jack Riemer ... used to tell the story of a famous 1995 
violin concert by Itzhak Perlman at Lincoln Center in 
New York City.  Perlman, stricken with polio as a child, 
had to labor onto the stage with braces on both legs and 
crutches on both arms to produce his magic.  But on this 
particular night, after he finally got into place, a 
string broke near the very beginning of the concert ...</p>
<p>That should be an inspiration to all of us fellow 
&ldquo;artists&rdquo; in environmental science ...</p>
Jerald L. Schnoor<break/>
<graphic alt-version="no" xlink:href="sig2662.f1" 

Example 2

With a single signature described:

<bold>Dana C. Crawford</bold><break/>
<italic>University of Washington</italic>

Example 3

With multiple signatures described:

<bold>Susan Kaplan Jacobs, MLS, MA, RN, AHIP</bold><break/>
<italic>New York University Elmer Holmes Bobst Library</italic>
<bold>June R. Levy, MLS</bold><break/>
<italic>CINAHL Information Systems</italic>

