
Translated Abstract

An abstract that has been translated into a language other than that in which the work was originally published


abstract-type Type of Abstract
id Identifier
specific-use Specific Use
xml:lang Language

Related Elements

See element Abstract<abstract>, which is the original-language version of the abstract.

Content Model

<!ELEMENT  trans-abstract
                        %trans-abstract-model;                       >

Expanded Content Model

(sec-meta?, label?, title?, 
(address | alternatives | array | boxed-text | chem-struct-wrap | 
fig | fig-group | graphic | map-group | media | preformat | 
supplementary-material | table-wrap | table-wrap-group | 
disp-formula | disp-formula-group | p | def-list | list | 
tex-math | mml:math | related-article | related-object | 
ack | disp-quote | speech | statement | verse-group)*, 
(notes | fn-group | glossary | ref-list | sig-block)*)


The following, in order:

This element may be contained in:

<book-meta>, <book-part-meta>, <collection-meta>


No sample is available at this time.

