
Funding Group

Container element for information concerning grants, contracts, sponsors, or other funding for the research reported in the work , as well as for material on any applicable open access funding for the work, for example, which model of open access funding was used or who paid the open access charges.


This is more typically used in articles than books.

Content Model

<!ELEMENT  funding-group
                        %funding-group-model;                        >

Expanded Content Model

(award-group*, funding-statement*, open-access?)


The following, in order:

This element may be contained in:


Example 1

<funding-statement>L.S.Y. is the recipient of a Martha
Becker Scholarship Award from the Alzheimer &amp; Dementia
Foundation.  This work was also supported by a grant from
the Institute on Aging (grant no. 634-TL-88953), and
National Institute for Diseases of the Elderly contract
no. GCB-792-55648 (H.S.C.).</funding-statement>
<p>Page charge payment having partially discharged
this article&rsquo;s publication costs, this article is designated
as an &ldquo;advertisement&rdquo; under 18 U.S.C. section 1734.</p>

Example 2

Funding metadata and the textual Acknowledgement that states the same information in the narrative of the document

<award-group id="nih-509">
<funding-source country="US">NIH</funding-source>
<award-id>NIH GM61374</award-id>
<award-group id="nsf-510">
<funding-source country="US">NSF</funding-source>
<award-id>NSF DBI-0317510</award-id>
<award-group id="arda-511"  award-type="contract">
<funding-source country="US">ARDA ACQUAINT</funding-source>
<award-group id="geneentech-512" award-type="gift">
<funding-source country="US">Genentech Corp.</funding-source>
<p>... Part of the research at Stanford was supported by NIH GM61374.
The Berkeley portion of this research was supported by NSF DBI-0317510,
an ARDA AQUAINT contract, and a gift from Genentech Corp.</p>

Example 3

Funding metadata with the description inside the metadata <funding-statement> element and not in the text of the article


<award-group id="award1">
<funding-source id="GS1"
Research and Manufacturers of America Foundation</funding-source>

<award-group id="award2" award-type="grant">
<funding-source id="GS2"
xlink:href="http://www.energy.gov">United States Department
of Energy Office of Science (BER)</funding-source>
<award-id rid="GS2">DE-FG02-04ER63803</award-id>

<award-group id="award3">
<funding-source id="GS3" xlink:href="http://www.nih.gov">National
Institutes of Health</funding-source>

<award-group id="award4">
<funding-source id="GS4" xlink:href="http://www.nsf.gov">National
Science Foundation</funding-source>
<award-id rid="GS4" >FIBR Award EF-0425719</award-id>

<award-group id="award5">
<funding-source id="GS5"
Heart, Lung, and Blood Proteomics Initiative</funding-source>
<award-id rid="GS5">HHSN268200248178C</award-id>

<award-group id="award6">
<funding-source id="GS6">Whitaker Foundation</funding-source>

<award-group id="award7">
<funding-source id="GS7">Cellicon Biotechnologies, Inc.</funding-source>

<funding-statement><bold>Funding.</bold> <uri
xlink:href="http://www.phrmafoundation.org/">Pharmaceutical Research
and Manufacturers of America Foundation</uri>, the
<uri xlink:href="http://www.energy.gov">United States
Department of Energy Office of Science (BER)</uri> grant
number DE-FG02-04ER63803, the
<uri xlink:href="http://www.nih.gov">National Institutes of
Health</uri>, <uri
xlink:href="http://www.nsf.gov">National Science Foundation</uri>
FIBR Award EF-0425719,
the <uri
Heart, Lung, and Blood Proteomics Initiative</uri> (
HHSN268200248178C), the
Whitaker Foundation, and Cellicon
Biotechnologies, Inc.</funding-statement>


Example 4

<award-group id="gs1" >
<funding-source>National Institutes of Health</funding-source>
<award-group id="gs2">
<funding-source>National Science Foundation</funding-source>

