Element: Affiliation
Contains the institutional affiliation information associated with an author or investigator at the time of publication.
Starting in 1988, NLM began to include the address of the first author's affiliation on the record. Originally the address was intended to help differentiate between two authors of the same name, not to provide detailed mailing information. It evolved that the institution, city, and state including zip code for U.S. addresses, and country for countries other than the United States, were included if provided in the journal; sometimes the street address was also included if provided in the journal. In 1995, NLM began to add the designation USA at the end of <Affiliation> where the first author's affiliation was in the 50 United States or the District of Columbia. January 1, 1996, NLM began to include the first author's email address at the end of <Affiliation>, if present in the journal. Starting in 2003 the complete first author address (first name in the published author list) was entered as it appears in the article with no words omitted. As of October 1, 2013, NLM no longer performs quality control of the affiliation data or edits it to add “USA” or email address as appropriate. As of 2014, NLM includes the affiliation of each author name, investigator name, or corporate author name when submitted by publishers with the XML data.
Content Model
( #PCDATA | b | i | sup | sub | u )*
May be contained in:
<Affiliation>Department of Behavioral and Social Sciences, Rhode Island Public Health Institute, Providence, RI, USA.</Affiliation>