Element: CommentsCorrections
Contains the citation information for an associated publication such as an erratum, retraction, or expression of concern, and specifies the type of relationship between the associated publications with the RefType attribute.
See the PubMed User Guide, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/help/#comment-correction, for additional information.
Content Model
( RefSource, PMID?, Note? )
- RefType (AssociatedDataset | AssociatedPublication | CommentIn | CommentOn | CorrectedandRepublishedIn | CorrectedandRepublishedFrom | ErratumIn | ErratumFor | ExpressionOfConcernIn | ExpressionOfConcernFor | RepublishedIn | RepublishedFrom | RetractedandRepublishedIn | RetractedandRepublishedFrom | RetractionIn | RetractionOf | UpdateIn | UpdateOf | SummaryForPatientsIn | OriginalReportIn | ReprintIn | ReprintOf | Cites) #REQUIRED
May be contained in:
<CommentsCorrections RefType="ExpressionOfConcernFor"> <RefSource>PLoS One. 2013 Sep 11;8(9):e73942</RefSource> <PMID Version="1">24040121</PMID> </CommentsCorrections> <CommentsCorrections RefType="ErratumIn"> <RefSource>Food Microbiol. 2022 Aug;105:104027</RefSource> <PMID Version="1">35473980</PMID> </CommentsCorrections>