
Copyright Year


The year of a copyright of the article


Since the <copyright-statement> element is intended for display, this element’s contents may not be displayed (but will be available for searching). The <copyright-year> element need not be used, if having the year as part of the Copyright Statement (see <copyright-statement>) is sufficient.

Best practice is to use the <copyright-statement> and <copyright-year> elements only within the container element <permissions>. The <copyright-statement> and <copyright-year> elements are allowed outside the permissions wrapper only for reasons of backwards compatibility.

Related Elements

There are three copyright elements which may be contained in the <permissions> wrapper:

Model Information

Content Model

<!ELEMENT  copyright-year
                        (#PCDATA)                                    >


Text, numbers, or special characters

This element may be contained in:

<article-meta> Article Metadata; <permissions> Permissions

Tagged Example

<article-id pub-id-type="pmid">...</article-id>
<aff id="StLukes">...</aff>
<pub-date pub-type="pub">
<date date-type="accepted">
<copyright-statement>Copyright &#x00A9; 1999, British 
Medical Journal</copyright-statement>
<copyright-holder>British Medical Journal</copyright-holder>
<p>To examine the effectiveness of
day hospital attendance in prolonging independent living for elderly

