Publishing Changes

The Publishing Tag Set, journalpublishing3.dtd, was brought up to version 3.0, with the DTD version attribute (@dtd-version) set to “3.0 ” and the version and date changed in every module to “v3.0 20080202 ”.

Publishing Changes in Classes

The following changes were made to journalpubcustom-classes3.ent:

Publishing Journal Metadata

In journalpubcustom-models3.ent, in the model for <journal-meta>:

Publishing Article Metadata

The new <article-meta> element, after all changes to %article-meta-model;, is:

(article-id*, article-categories?, 
title-group, (contrib-group | aff)*, 
author-notes?, pub-date+, 
volume?, volume-id*, volume-series?, 
issue?, issue-id*, issue-title*,
issue-sponsor*, issue-part?, isbn*, 
((fpage, lpage?, page-range?) | 
(%address-link.class; | product | 
supplementary-material)*, history?, 
permissions?, self-uri*, related-article*, 
abstract*, trans-abstract*, kwd-group*, 
funding-group*, conference*, counts?,

In the module journalpubcustom-models3.ent, the following changes were made to the article metadata override %article-meta-model; to produce the model above:

Other changes to article metadata elements:

Publishing Expand model of <front-stub>

In journalpublishing3.dtd, enhanced the <front-stub> model to include all elements already present in <article-meta>. Therefore, in the Publishing Tag Set, the model for <front-stub> now differs from <article-meta> only by allowing the grouping element <title-group> (which includes the article title and translated titles) to be optional, and the <pub-date> to be optional and repeatable. This model should accommodate any publisher’s subset of metadata for a <sub-article> while retaining the convenience of not requiring the repetition of the full infrastructure that must be present inside <front> for the main article.

Publishing Chemical Structures Changes

Although it was not the intent when the Tag Sets were written, most Tag Set users have been treating <chem-struct> as an inline and <chem-struct-wrap> as a block structure. This greatly simplifies all processing with the two and seems quite flexible, so steps were taken to regularize this usage:

The element <chem-struct-wrap> has been removed from within the following elements, where it has been allowed in previous versions, allowing only the inline <chem-struct> to be used. [Backward incompatible]

The element <chem-struct> has been removed from within the following elements, where it has been allowed in previous versions, allowing only the block <chem-struct-wrap> to be used. [Backward incompatible]

Following these changes, <chem-struct> is now allowed within the following elements:

Following these changes, <chem-struct-wrap> is now allowed within the following elements:

Publishing Back Matter

Publishing Reference Lists

The Publishing Tag Set no longer has an override for the %references.class;. This Tag Set uses the default references elements.

Publishing New Labels

Added an optional <label> to just before <title> in all the following elements:

Publishing Attribute Changes