
Et Al


Within bibliographic references and contributor groupings, this element designates unnamed individuals (typically indicated in print with the text “et al.”).


In many journal DTDs, this element is modeled as an EMPTY element, that is, an element with no content and any real value stored in one or more attributes. This content-less element is frequently used to generate the text “et al.” via a stylesheet. However, in this DTD Suite, this element accommodates those journal DTDs (Blackwell’s, for example) which expect content inside <etal>, with such text as “Associates, co-workers, and colleagues”.

Model Description

Any combination of:

Tagged Example

<ref id="B26">
<article-title>Measuring outcomes in care of the elderly.</article-title>
<source>J R Coll Phys Lond</source>
<pub-id pub-id-type="pmid">7807432</pub-id> 


