
Alternative Version of a Term


This element is used in two contexts:


alt-term-type Type of Alternate Term
display Display

Related Elements

For the purposes of the NCBI Historical DTD, annotations of historical material are considered to be of two types: 1) those with content (that is, those that add words to the text, for example, a penciled marginal note) and 2) those that merely decorate words already in the text (for example, a phrase underlined in pencil). Text-bearing annotations are tagged with either the <alt-term> element (which provide alternatives to words or phrases) or the <annotation> element (which contains words added to the printed text and which may be used at the inline or block-level). By contrast, decorations use the <named-content> element with the attribute content-type taking a value such as “pencil underline” or “yellow highlight”.

Model Information

Content Model

<!ELEMENT  alt-term     (#PCDATA)                                    >


Text, numbers, or special characters

Tagged Examples

Example 1

For a modern spelling:

<p>MADNESS, in all its complicated forms, is one
of the most afflicting dispensations that can
befal <alt-term alt-term-type="modernization"
display="no">befall</alt-term> human nature.
To mitigate the miseries of so deplorable a
malady, and co-operate in the restoration of
those who were lost to civil and religious
society, was impressed as a duty on the minds
of many members of the Society of Friends,
more particularly as it regarded those who
professed the tenets of their church. It was
believed that a mild and appropriate system of
treatment, in which, during lucid intervals,
or a state of convalescence, the patient might
enjoy the society of those who were of similar
habits and opinions, would be productive of
peculiar advantages. They justly thought, that
the indiscriminate mixture of persons of
opposite religious sentiments and practices;
of the profligate and the virtuous; the
profane and the serious; would very probably
check the progress of returning reason.</p>

Example 2

For enhanced search capability of a hyphenated word:

<p>In pursuance of this laudable object,
proposals were, in the year 1811, made to the
Yearly Meeting of Philadelphia, from two of
the Quarterly Meetings, to make provision for
such of their members as were deprived of
their reason. The consideration of the 
subject was referred to a committee, who 
sub-<alt-term alt-term-type="hyphenation"
<alt-term alt-term-type="hyphenation"
display="no">submitted</alt-term>mitted their
report in the following year, which was
adopted by the meeting; and, in consequence of
this conclusion, a plan and proposals for an
asylum were circulated among Friends. This
plan was not restricted to the admission of
members only, but included all those who
professed the principles of the society, under
whose care and notice it was to be wholly

