
Page Count


Number of pages in a printed book or book component; by convention, each page or partial page is counted as one. Electronic documents do not traditionally have page counts.

This element may also be used in a <citation> to indicate the total number of pages of a referenced item, typically a book component such as a chapter.


Many elements in this DTD Suite were created explicitly for import conversion, that is, so that the intellectual work of tagging done by publishers would not be discarded when they converted material from another DTD to the NCBI Book DTD or NCBI Collection DTD. The count elements are a perfect example of this rationale; they are conversion elements and should only be tagged if present in the original source.

The count elements are modeled as EMPTY elements (that is, elements that have no content and store their real values in one or more attributes) because the majority of DTDs that were examined in the course of preparing this DTD Suite used this mechanism, an inheritance of the older MAJOUR-header DTD.


count Count

Related Elements

Inside the <counts> wrapper element are the counts of various components of the book: the <fig-count> is the number of figures, the <table-count> is the number of tables, the <equation-count> is the number of display equations, the <ref-count> is either the number of references or (more properly) the number of citations in the bibliographic reference list, the <page-count> is the total page count, and the <word-count> is the number of words in the book.

A number of elements in the Suite relate to page numbers:

Note: The <page-range> is intended to record supplementary information and should not be used in the place of the <fpage> and <lpage> elements, which are typically needed for citation matching. The <page-range> element is merely a text string, containing such material as “8-11, 14-19, 40”, which would mean that the article began on page 8, ran through 11, skipped to page 14, ran through 19, and concluded on page 40.

Model Information

Content Model

<!ELEMENT  page-count    EMPTY                                       >


This is an EMPTY element

This element may be contained in:

<citation> Citation; <counts> Counts; <related-article> Related Article Information

Tagged Example

<book-id pub-id-type="other">handbook</book-id>
<book-title>The NCBI Handbook</book-title>
<fig-count count="98"/>
<table-count count="40"/>
<equation-count count="0"/>
<ref-count count="115"/>
<page-count count="532"/>
<word-count count="149852"/>

