
Glossary Elements List


A section whose content is typically a list of terms and definitions, usually tagged as one or more two-part lists called Definition Lists <def-list>s. Typically part of the back matter of a book or book component (such as a chapter).


The model for <glossary> is so broad, not restricting the content to two-part lists, because many examples of glossaries were found in the literature that were tabular, heavily annotated, constructed as a series of notes, or other unusual tagging practice. Since neither the NCBI Book Tag Set nor the NCBI Collection Tag Set is a prescriptive Tag Set, all such “glossaries” are acceptable.

Authoring Note: A typical glossary might contain an optional introductory paragraph, followed by a <def-list> or <gloss-group>, where glossary groups are headed sections of glossaries, each of which contains a <def-list>.


content-type Type of Content
id Identifier

Model Information

Content Model

<!ELEMENT  glossary     %glossary-model;                             >


The following, in order:

This element may be contained in:

<abstract> Abstract; <ack> Acknowledgments; <app> Appendix; <back> Back Matter; <book-front> Book Front Matter; <boxed-text> Boxed Text; <notes> Notes; <sec> Section; <trans-abstract> Translated Abstract

Tagged Example

<glossary id="bid.1237">
<term id="bid.1238">3-D or 3D</term>
<term id="bid.1722">Accession number</term>
<p>An Accession number is a unique identifier given 
to a sequence when it is submitted to one of the DNA 
repositories (GenBank, EMBL, DDBJ). The initial 
deposition of a sequence record is referred to as 
version 1. If the sequence is updated, the version 
number is incremented, but the Accession number will 
remain constant.</p>

