General Introduction

The NLM Journal Archiving and Interchange Suite and the tag sets made from the Suite elements use the XHTML table model by default. If an archive or publisher would prefer the CALS table model, instead of or in addition to the XHTML table, the Suite has been set up to accept the OASIS Open Exchange CALS table model (XML version). This Tag Library describes how to integrate the OASIS Table model with the NLM Archiving and Interchange Suite DTD modules and describes the elements and attributes that make up the OASIS restricted version of the CALS table model.

Structure of this Tag Library

This Tag Library contains the following sections:


This introduction to the contents of this Tag Library

Elements Section

Definitions, tagged examples, and usage notes for each of the elements in the OASIS CALS table model. Elements are nouns, like “row” and “entry”, that represent components of CALS tables. The element descriptions are listed in alphabetical order by tag name.

Note: Each element has two names: a “tag name” (formally called an element-type name) that is used in tagged documents, in the DTDs/schemas, and by the software, and an “element name” (usually longer) that provides a fuller, more descriptive name for the benefit of readers. For example, a tag name might be <oasis:colspec> with the corresponding element name Column Specification (OASIS Table Model) or a tag name might be <oasis:tbody> with the corresponding element name Table Body (OASIS Table Model).

Attributes Section

Descriptions of the attributes in the OASIS CALS table model. Attributes are facts about an element, such as which type of list (e.g., plain, bulleted, or numbered) is being requested when using a <list> element, or the name of a pointer to an external file that makes a hypertext link.

Like elements, attributes also have two names: the shorter machine-readable one and a (usually longer) human-readable one. Attributes are listed in order by the shorter machine-readable names, for example, the attribute short name valign instead of the more informal, easier to read: Vertical Alignment (OASIS Table Model).

Parameter Entity Section (For Implementors Only)

Names (with occasional descriptions) and contents of the Parameter Entities in the DTD modules

Context Table

Listings of where each element may be used. All elements in the OASIS CALS table model are given in a simple alphabetical list.

The Context Table is formatted in two columns. The first column lists an element’s tag name as well as its descriptive name, and the second column lists the tag and name pairs of all the elements in which the listed element may occur. For example, if the first column contains the element <oasis:tgroup> and the second column contains only the element <oasis:table>, this means that the <oasis:tgroup> [Table Group (OASIS Table Model)] element may only be used inside an <oasis:table> [Table (OASIS Table Model)] element.

Most elements may be used inside more than one other element. For example, the element <oasis:row> [Table Row (OASIS Table Model)] may be used inside the <oasis:thead> and <oasis:tbody> elements.

Note: These Context Table listings (which list where an element may be used) are the inverse of the content definition that is given as a part of each element description, which lists what can be inside the named element.

Using OASIS CALS Tables

Instructions for adding the OASIS CALS Table model to the NLM Suite, either in addition to the XHTML table model using pseudo-namespaces or as a complete replacement for the XHTML table model

Document Hierarchy Diagrams

Tree-like graphical representations of the CALS table model elements. This can be a fast visual way to determine the structure of a table or of most elements within a table.

DTD Section

Copies of all of the DTD modules described in this Tag Library, including the OASIS CALS table model module

Index By Element Name

Index of element descriptions, alphabetically by element name (the longer, more descriptive name)

Index By Tag Name

Index of element descriptions, alphabetically by tag name (element-type name)

Typographic Conventions

<oasis:tbody> The tag name of an element (Written in lower case with the entire name surrounded by “< >”)
Table Body (OASIS Table Model) Descriptive name of an element or an attribute (Written in title case, that is, with important words capitalized and the words separated by spaces)
must not Emphasis added to stress a point