
Metadata Data Name for Custom Metadata

The field name of a custom metadata element, inserted to capture metadata information that is beyond this Tag Set


Some tag sets allow for metadata above and beyond that which is specified in the Book Tag Set and Collection Tag Set. To capture this metadata during conversion, use the <custom-meta> element, which contains one name/value pair with few constraints on the length or content of the value. For example, the Tag Set previously used by NCBI included a metadata element <acidfree>, which has no counterpart in the Book Tag Set and Collection Tag Set; the content of this element, however, may be preserved by use of the <custom-meta> element, with a <meta-name> of “acidfree” and a <meta-value> containing a statement about the paper of the book.

Related Elements

The element <custom-meta-group> is a grouping element that holds one or more <custom-meta> elements. Each <custom-meta> element contains a name/value pair, <meta-name> and <meta-value> respectively, which name and provide a value for a single metadata field.

Content Model

<!ELEMENT  meta-name    (#PCDATA %meta-name-elements;)*              >

Expanded Content Model



Text, numbers, or special characters, zero or more

This element may be contained in:



<meta-value>US $28.50</meta-value>
<meta-value>CDs included, Windows XP required; 1GB processor, 
512 MB RAM recommended</meta-value>

