Attribute: PubStatus
Describes the type of date contained by <PubMedPubDate>. The following values are possible:
- received: date the publisher initially received the article submission from the authors.
- accepted: date the publisher accepted the article for publication.
- revised: date the article was revised in publication by the authors.
- retracted: date the publisher retracted the article.
- entrez: date the citation was added to the Entrez database, unless the citation is added to PubMed more than twelve months since the date of publication. In that case, the Entrez date is set to the date of publication.
- pubmed: date the citation was added to PubMed, unless the citation is added to PubMed more than twelve months since the date of publication. In that case, the PubMed date is set to the date of publication.
- medline: date the citation completed MEDLINE processing. Up until the citation has been indexed for MEDLINE, the medline date is the same as the entrez date.
- pmc release: date the full-text article was released from embargo in PubMed Central (PMC).
- aheadofprint: date the article was made available online prior to the article's publication in a journal issue.
- ecollection: date the article was included in an electronic collection (similar to an issue).
In <PubMedPubDate>
PubStatus (received|accepted|epublish|ppublish|revised|aheadofprint|retracted|ecollection|pmc|pmcr|pubmed|pubmedr|premedline|medline|medliner|entrez|pmc-release) #REQUIRED