Element: BookDocument
Includes various elements that describe aspects of a published book, including information regarding the title, publisher, and authors.
Content Model
( PMID, ArticleIdList, Book, LocationLabel*, ArticleTitle?, VernacularTitle?, Pagination?, Language*, AuthorList*, InvestigatorList?, PublicationType*, Abstract?, Sections?, KeywordList*, ContributionDate?, DateRevised?, GrantList?, ItemList*, ReferenceList* )
- <PMID>
- <ArticleIdList>
- <Book>
- <LocationLabel>
- <ArticleTitle>
- <VernacularTitle>
- <Pagination>
- <Language>
- <AuthorList>
- <InvestigatorList>
- <PublicationType>
- <Abstract>
- <Sections>
- <KeywordList>
- <ContributionDate>
- <DateRevised>
- <GrantList>
- <ItemList>
- <ReferenceList>
May be contained in:
<BookDocument> <PMID Version="1">28230935</PMID> <ArticleIdList> <ArticleId IdType="bookaccession">NBK424492</ArticleId> <ArticleId IdType="doi">10.17226/24638</ArticleId> </ArticleIdList> <Book> <Publisher> <PublisherName>National Academies Press (US)</PublisherName> <PublisherLocation>Washington (DC)</PublisherLocation> </Publisher> <BookTitle book="nap24638">Countering Violent Extremism Through Public Health Practice: Proceedings of a Workshop</BookTitle> <PubDate> <Year>2017</Year> </PubDate> <AuthorList Type="authors"> <Author> <CollectiveName>National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (US)</CollectiveName> </Author> <Author> <CollectiveName>Health and Medicine Division (US)</CollectiveName> </Author> <Author> <CollectiveName>Board on Health Sciences Policy (US)</CollectiveName> </Author> <Author> <CollectiveName>Forum on Medical and Public Health Preparedness for Disasters and Emergencies (US)</CollectiveName> </Author> </AuthorList> <CollectionTitle book="napcollect">The National Academies Collection: Reports funded by National Institutes of Health</CollectionTitle> <ELocationID EIdType="doi">10.17226/24638</ELocationID> </Book> <Language>eng</Language> <PublicationType UI="D016454">Review</PublicationType> <Abstract> <AbstractText>Countering violent extremism consists of various prevention and intervention approaches to increase the resilience of communities and individuals to radicalization toward violent extremism, to provide nonviolent avenues for expressing grievances, and to educate communities about the threat of recruitment and radicalization to violence. To explore the application of health approaches in community-level strategies to countering violent extremism and radicalization, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine held a public workshop in September 2016. Participants explored the evolving threat of violent extremism and radicalization within communities across America, traditional versus health-centered approaches to countering violent extremism and radicalization, and opportunities for cross-sector and interdisciplinary collaboration and learning among domestic and international stakeholders and organizations. This publication summarizes the presentations and discussions from the workshop.</AbstractText> <CopyrightInformation>Copyright © 2017, National Academy of Sciences.</CopyrightInformation> </Abstract> <GrantList CompleteYN="Y"> <Grant> <GrantID>HHSN263201200074I</GrantID> <Acronym>OD</Acronym> <Agency>NIH HHS</Agency> <Country>United States</Country> </Grant> </GrantList> </BookDocument>