Element: KeywordList

Lists the keywords associated with the publication. The @Owner attribute indicates the organization that contributed the keywords. "NOTNLM" indicates author keywords provided by the publisher. On OLDMEDLINE records, CitationSubset = OM, the KeywordList contains the original subject headings from the old print indexes from which the citations were created.

Content Model

( Keyword+ )



  • Owner (NLM | NLM-AUTO | NASA | PIP | KIE | NOTNLM | HHS) "NLM"

May be contained in:


<KeywordList Owner="NOTNLM">
    <Keyword>NICE process and methods guides</Keyword>
    <Keyword>process guide/guidance</Keyword>
    <Keyword>good practice guidance</Keyword>
    <Keyword>NICE Guidelines</Keyword>
    <Keyword>commissioning medicines</Keyword>
    <Keyword>good practice</Keyword>