Attribute: PubStatus
Describes the type of date contained by <PubMedPubDate>. The following values are possible:
- received: manuscript received for review (publisher supplied)
- accepted: manuscript accepted for publication (publisher supplied)
- epublish: electronically published (publisher supplied)
- ppublish: print published (publisher supplied)
- revised: manuscript revised by publisher or author (publisher supplied)
- aheadofprint: published electronically prior to final publication (publisher supplied)
- retracted: date the publisher retracted the article (publisher supplied)
- ecollection: date the article was included in an electronic collection (similar to an issue).
- pubmed: PubMed Entry Date [edat]
- medline: PubMed MeSH Date [mhda]
- entrez: PubMed Create Date [crdt]
- pmc-release: date the full-text article is scheduled to be released from embargo in PubMed Central (PMC)
In <PubMedPubDate>
PubStatus (received|accepted|epublish|ppublish|revised|aheadofprint|retracted|ecollection|pmc|pmcr|pubmed|pubmedr|premedline|medline|medliner|entrez|pmc-release) #REQUIRED