Attribute: Type
The @Type attribute provides additional information on the source or sort of item described. It is available for the following elements:
- <OtherAbstract>: Identifies the organization who contributed the abstract.
- <DescriptorName>: Indicates that the subject term is a MeSH geographic subject term.
- <AuthorList>: Identifies the type of contributors listed in the AuthorList, e.g. editors as opposed to authors.
- <LocationLabel>: States the location or aspect of the publication to which the contents of <LocationLabel> applies.
- <SupplMeshName>: Identifies the type of Supplementary Concept Record (SCR) term assigned to the citation as part of MeSH indexing. The @Type attribute identifies the class of SCR, e.g. disease or protocol.
- <Object>: Available to specify the type of additional metadata included in the <Object> element.
- <URL>: Specifies the type of URL provided. This attribute is not currently used.
In <OtherAbstract>
Type (AAMC|AIDS|KIE|PIP|NASA|Publisher|plain-language-summary) #REQUIRED
In <SupplMeshName>
Type (Disease|Protocol|Organism|Anatomy|Population) #REQUIRED
In <DescriptorName>
Type (Geographic) #IMPLIED
In <URL>
Type (FullText|Summary|fulltext|summary) #IMPLIED
In <Object>
In <AuthorList>
Type (authors|editors) #IMPLIED
In <LocationLabel>
Type (part|chapter|section|appendix|figure|table|box) #IMPLIED