Element: Book

Includes metadata associated with the book referenced by the citation.

Content Model

( Publisher, BookTitle, PubDate, BeginningDate?, EndingDate?, AuthorList*, InvestigatorList?, Volume?, VolumeTitle?, Edition?, CollectionTitle?, Isbn*, ELocationID*, Medium?, ReportNumber? )


May be contained in:


        <PublisherName>National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)</PublisherName>
    <BookTitle book="niceg12">Good Practice Guidance – Integratedated Process Statement</BookTitle>
    <AuthorList Type="authors">
            <CollectiveName>National Institute for Health and Care Excellence</CollectiveName>
    <CollectionTitle book="nicepmg">NICE Process and Methods Guides</CollectionTitle>
    <ReportNumber>Process and Methods Guides No. 12</ReportNumber>