Element: InvestigatorList
Introduced in 2008, lists names of investigators (or collaborators) who contributed to the publication as a member of a collective/group author. It will only be included on the citation if a collective/group author is included in the author list.
For records containing more than one collective/group author, <InvestigatorList> does not indicate to which group author each personal name belongs. As of 2024 DTD, <InvestigatorList> has an ID attribute, but this attribute is not yet in use. An announcement will be sent to our listserv when use of the ID attribute is implemented. See here for information on subscribing to our listserv: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/download/#updates
Content Model
( Investigator+ )
May be contained in:
<InvestigatorList> <Investigator> <LastName>Carlsson</LastName> <ForeName>Christer</ForeName> <Initials>C</Initials> </Investigator> <Investigator> <LastName>Cecchi</LastName> <ForeName>Francesca</ForeName> <Initials>F</Initials> </Investigator> </InvestigatorList>