Attribute: PubStatus

Describes the type of date contained by <PubMedPubDate>. The following values are possible:

  • received: manuscript received for review (publisher supplied)
  • accepted: manuscript accepted for publication (publisher supplied)
  • epublish: electronically published (publisher supplied)
  • ppublish: print published (publisher supplied)
  • revised: manuscript revised by publisher or author (publisher supplied)
  • aheadofprint: published electronically prior to final publication (publisher supplied)
  • retracted: date the publisher retracted the article (publisher supplied)
  • ecollection: date the article was included in an electronic collection (similar to an issue).
  • pubmed: PubMed Entry Date [edat]
  • medline: PubMed MeSH Date [mhda]
  • entrez: PubMed Create Date [crdt]
  • pmc-release: date the full-text article is scheduled to be released from embargo in PubMed Central (PMC)
The values pmc, pmcr, pubmedr, premedline, and medliner were processing/record revision dates that were deprecated after the PubMed Data Management System (PMDM) was released in 2016. These values are still allowed (although not used) to preserve the backward compatibility of the DTD.

In <PubMedPubDate>

PubStatus (received|accepted|epublish|ppublish|revised|aheadofprint|retracted|ecollection|pmc|pmcr|pubmed|pubmedr|premedline|medline|medliner|entrez|pmc-release) #REQUIRED