
Floats Wrapper


A wrapper element to hold the floating objects (figures, tables, text boxes, graphics, etc.) that occur within an article. Some publishers like to collect all these floating objects together at the end rather than interspersing them throughout the various parts of the document where they are referenced. As such, the <floats-wrap> element is not part of the narrative flow of an article; rather, it holds article resources used in the body, back matter, etc. Subarticles (<sub-article>) and responses (<response>) may hold their own floats wrappers.


This element was added because some taggers were adding an extra fake section <sec> at the end of the body to hold floating material when they wanted such material collected into one place. This is clearly tag abuse since a <sec> should contain authored content.

A journal article <article> may be divided into several components:

  1. the Front Matter (the article metadata or header information, which contains both journal and article metadata);
  2. the Body of the Article (the textual and graphical content of the article);
  3. any Back Matter (any ancillary information such as a glossary, reference list, or appendix);
  4. a Floats Wrapper (single container element some publishers and archives use to hold all floating elements such as figures and tables that are referenced in the article body or back matter); and
  5. either a series of Response elements (A response is a commentary on the article itself.) or a series of Sub-article elements (Sub-articles are smaller articles completely contained within the article.).

Model Information

Content Model

<!ELEMENT  floats-wrap  %floats-wrap-model;                          >


Any combination of:

This element may be contained in:

<article> Article; <response> Response; <sub-article> Sub-article

Tagged Example

<fig id="pbiog001" position="float">
<label>Figure 1</label>
<title>Overview of Our Approach for Mapping the 
<named-content content-type="genus-species">E. coli</named-content> 
Transcriptional Regulatory Network</title>
<p>Microarray expression profiles were obtained ...</p>
<graphic xlink:href="pbio.0050008.g001"/>
<fig id="pbiog002" position="float">
<label>Figure 2</label>
<title>The CLR Algorithm: Methods and Comparison to Other 
<p>(A) A schema of the CLR algorithm. ...</p>
<graphic xlink:href="pbio.0050008.g002"/>
<fig id="pbiog003" position="float">
<label>Figure 3</label>
<title>The Transcriptional Regulatory Map Inferred by CLR with 
an Estimated 60&#x00025; Precision</title>
<p>The precision of the network is obtained by measuring the percentage 
of correctly inferred edges (blue lines) ...</p>
<graphic xlink:href="pbio.0050008.g003"/>
<table-wrap id="pbiot001" content-type="1col" position="float">
<label>Table 1</label>
<p>Data Sources for the 
<named-content content-type="genus-species">Escherichia 
coli</named-content> Microarray Compendium</p>
<graphic xlink:href="pbio.0050008.t001"/>

