
Page Ranges

Container element for additional page information to record discontinuous pages ranges, such as “8-11, 14-19, 40” (i.e., an article begins on page 8, runs through 11, skips to pages 14 through 19, and concludes on page 40).


The <page-range> element only supplements other page elements and DOES NOT replace <fpage> and <lpage>. The <fpage> element and the <lpage> element (where available) should always be tagged; infrastructures for linking references across publishers (such as that of CrossRef) use first and last page information on an article as part of their identification process. Accordingly, material with a page range should be tagged:

   <page-range>8-11, 14-19, 40</page-range>


content-type Type of Content

Related Elements

A number of elements in this Suite relate to page numbers used in bibliographic citations (<element-citation> and <mixed-citation>):

Content Model

<!ELEMENT  page-range   (#PCDATA)                                    >


Text, numbers, or special characters

This element may be contained in:

<element-citation>, <mixed-citation>, <product>, <related-article>, <related-object>

