
Comment in a Citation


Used to mark unstructured text within an otherwise element-structured bibliographic reference; it is therefore not necessarily a comment in the formal sense of commentary. In an unstructured bibliographic reference, this text would merely be a mixture of text, numbers, or special characters, and not marked with tags at all.

The element <comment> is used to contain additional information about a citation that is not appropriate in any of the other, named, information types.


This element was designed primarily for use within the structured citation element <nlm-citation>. Because the model for <citation> is a loose model with data characters allowed everywhere, this element will rarely be needed; its use is therefore deprecated within <citation>.

The <comment> element is used in <nlm-citation> (and, more rarely, <citation>) largely for the sake of conversion, to preserve unusual bits of semantic markup when translating from other tag sets. Typical comments might include:

 <comment>translated from Russian</comment>

Conversion Note: The <comment> element should be used to mark substantive text only; it should not be used to mark punctuation that occurs between elements.


content-type Type of Content

Related Elements

Display Note: <comment>s should appear inline with other reference elements. This is a very different rendering from that given the similar element <annotation>, which is typically a longer commentary concerning a citation and is therefore rendered as a block element.

Model Information

Content Model

<!ELEMENT  comment      (#PCDATA %comment-elements;)*                >


Any combination of:

This element may be contained in:

<citation> Citation; <nlm-citation> NLM Citation Model; <related-article> Related Article Information; <related-object> Related Object Information

Tagged Examples

Example 1

In a bibliographic reference (punctuation and spacing removed):

<citation citation-type="web">
<source>Hypertension, Dialysis &amp; Clinical 
<publisher-loc>Hinsdale (IL)</publisher-loc>
<publisher-name>Medtext, Inc.</publisher-name>
<comment>Available from: <ext-link ext-link-type="url" 
<access-date>cited 2001 Mar 8</access-date>

Example 2

In a bibliographic reference (punctuation and spacing preserved):

<citation citation-type="web">
<source>Hypertension, Dialysis &amp; Clinical
<publisher-loc>Hinsdale (IL)</publisher-loc>:
<publisher-name>Medtext, Inc.</publisher-name>;
<comment>Available from: <ext-link ext-link-type="url"
[cited <access-date>2001 Mar 8</access-date>].

