

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc., usually as some form of binary object

The “content” of the <graphic> element (if any) is not the object itself but merely information about the object. The external file that contains the object is named by the @xlink:href attribute.


For a detailed discussion on the use of <graphic>, see Figures and Graphics.

Conversion Note: Although the @position attribute of this element may be used to indicate whether this element must be anchored at its exact location within the text or it may float, it is good practice to anchor graphics. All the graphics inside figures, tables, etc., should be anchored as well, although the outer structure (figure, boxed-text) may be allowed to float.

Conversion Note: Display component elements, such as <caption>, should always be used at the highest possible level; in other words, if a <graphic> element is inside a <fig>, the <caption>, <long-desc>, etc. should be part of the <fig>, not part of the <graphic>. Use a <caption> element on a <graphic> only when the graphical object is not enclosed in any other structure or when a figure contains multiple graphical objects, each of which must have its own <caption>. For similar reasons, the @position attribute should be set to “anchor” for a <graphic> element that is inside a larger display container such as a <fig>.


content-type Type of Content
graphic-type Graphic Display Type (obsolete)
id Identifier
mime-subtype Mime Subtype
mimetype Mime Type
Orientation Orientation
position Position
specific-use Specific Use
xlink:actuate Actuating the Link
xlink:href Href (Linking Mechanism)
xlink:role Role of the Link
xlink:show Showing the Link
xlink:title Title of the Link
xlink:type Type of Link
xmlns:xlink XLink Namespace Declaration

Related Elements

This Suite contains several elements to describe non-XML material: <graphic>, <inline-graphic>, <media>, <supplementary-material>, and <inline-supplementary-material>. The elements <graphic> and <inline-graphic> are used for still images, i.e., photographs, diagrams, etc. The distinction between the other elements is more subtle. The element <media> should be used for movies, audio clips, or media in other formats which are intrinsic to the document’s content, that is, the media object is discussed within the document. The elements <supplementary-material> and <inline-supplementary-material> should be used for films, audio clips, or other material which enhances a document, but which is not discussed as part of the document.

Conversion Note: It is best practice to tag unlabeled graphical objects (no label such as “Figure 4.”) as <graphic>s, not as <fig>s. A common test to determine whether an object is a <fig> versus a <graphic> is to ask, “If there were a List of Figures for this article, should this object appear in that list?”

Content Model

<!ELEMENT  graphic      %graphic-model;                              >

Expanded Content Model

(alt-text | long-desc | email | ext-link | multi-link | uri | object-id | label | caption | attrib | permissions)*


Any combination of:

This element may be contained in:

<abstract>, <ack>, <alternatives>, <app>, <app-group>, <array>, <bio>, <body>, <boxed-text>, <chem-struct>, <chem-struct-wrap>, <disp-formula>, <disp-quote>, <ext-link>, <fig>, <fig-group>, <glossary>, <license-p>, <map-group>, <named-content>, <notes>, <p>, <ref-list>, <sec>, <sig>, <sig-block>, <styled-content>, <supplementary-material>, <table-wrap>, <td>, <term>, <th>, <trans-abstract>, <xref>


<sec id="bid.36">
<title>Microbial Genomes</title>
<p>... A CON entry, containing instructions on how to 
put the pieces back together, is also made. The CON entry 
contains descriptor information, such as source organism 
and references, as well as a join statement providing 
explicit instructions on how to generate the complete 
genome from the pieces. The Accession number assigned to 
the CON record is also added as a secondary Accession 
number on each of the pieces that make up the complete 
genome (see <xref ref-type="fig" rid="bid.37">Figure 2</xref>).
<fig id="bid.37">
<caption><title>A GenBank CON entry for a complete 
bacterial genome.</title>
<p>The information toward the <italic>bottom</italic> of 
the record describes how to generate the complete genome 
from the pieces.</p>
<graphic xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" 
xlink:href="ch1f2" mime-subtype="gif"/>

