
Back Matter

Ancillary or supporting material that, although it is not included as part of the main narrative flow of a journal article, is published with the article, for example, an appendix, glossary, or bibliographic reference list.


While ancillary material, such as appendices, may follow the entire contents of a book, a publisher may prefer that such ancillary material follow the content of the book component where it is referenced. The Book Tag Set has been designed so that ancillary material may be included in the back matter of a <book> or <book-part> element.

Conversion Note: The <sec> element can be used within the Back Matter <back> to contain material that has not been explicitly named as one of the other back matter components, for example, a table that is not named explicitly as an appendix, an acknowledgment, a glossary, etc.

Related Elements

A book <book> may be divided into four parts:

  1. the <book-meta> (the book metadata);
  2. the <book-front> (textual material that precedes the actual contents of a book, for example, author biographical information or a preface);
  3. the <body> (textual and graphical content of the book); and
  4. any <back> (ancillary information such as a glossary, reference list, or appendix).

A book collection <collection> may be divided into four parts:

  1. the <collection-meta> (the metadata or header information for a collection);
  2. the <book-front> (textual material that precedes the actual contents of a collection, for example, author biographical information or a preface);
  3. the <body> (textual and graphical content for the collection, typically providing summaries of the books in the collection); and
  4. any <back> (ancillary information from the collection’s books, such as a glossary, reference list, or appendix).

Content Model

<!ELEMENT  back         %back-model;                                 >

Expanded Content Model

(label?, title*, 
(ack | app-group | bio | fn-group | glossary | ref-list | 
notes | sec | table-wrap)*)


The following, in order:

This element may be contained in:

<body>, <book>, <book-part>, <collection>


<book-part id="bid.2" book-part-type="chapter" book-part-number="1">
<sec id="bid.3">
<p>Initially, GenBank was built and maintained at Los Alamos 
National Laboratory ...</p>
<ref id="bid.41">
<element-citation >
<article-title>A common language for physical mapping 
of the human genome</article-title>
<pub-id pub-id-type="pmid">2781285</pub-id>

