
Table Body (XHTML table model)


Container element that holds the rows and columns in one of the body (as opposed to header) portions of a table

See W3C documentation for the XHTML table model.


align Horizontal Alignment (XHTML table model)
alternate-form-of Alternate Form of Graphic, Media Object, Etc.
char Table Cell Alignment Character (XHTML table model)
charoff Table Character Offset (XHTML table model)
content-type Type of Content
id Identifier
style Style (XHTML table model; MathML 2.0 Tag Set)
valign Vertical Alignment (XHTML table model)

Related Elements

A table may be divided into header elements <thead> and table body elements <tbody>.

Model Information

Content Model

<!ELEMENT %tbody.qname;  %tbody.content; >


Table Row (XHTML table model) <tr>, one or more

This element may be contained in:

<array> Array (Simple Tabular Array); <table> Table (XHTML table model)

Tagged Example

<p><italic>Goniocyclus hannibalensis</italic> is founded on specimens that 
cannot be related to a precise stratgraphic position within the excavated 
succession; consequently faunal relationships cannot be expressed with certainty. 
...Preliminary reports of the ancestral 
<italic>Goniocyclus</italic> species are described as:
<td><sc>Goniatitina</sc> (Hyatt, 1884)</td>
<td><sc>Pericyclaceae</sc> (Hyatt, 1900)</td>
<td><sc>Pericyckidae</sc> (Hyatt, 1900)</td>
<td><sc>Goniocyclus</sc> (Gordon, 1986)</td>
<td>Type Species</td>
<td><italic>Goniatites blairi</italic> (Miller and Gurley, 1896)</td>

