
Translated Title

An article title (<article-title>) that has been translated into a language other than that of the original article title


In the book metadata, this is the title of the book being tagged.

Within a bibliographic reference (<element-citation> or <mixed-citation>), the <trans-title> element contains the title of a cited article, but with the article title given in a different language from that given in the <article-title> element. For example, if an article is originally in French, the <article-title> element would contain the French title, and the <trans-title> might contain, for example, the equivalent English title.

Translated book titles in bibliographic references are tagged with the <trans-source> element.

Within bibliographic references (<element-citation> and <mixed-citation>), translated subtitles should be tagged with the translated titles.

Within the book metadata and book part metadata, a grouping element (<trans-title-group>) has been added to keep related <trans-title>s and <trans-subtitle>s together. Best practice is now to place the language attribute (@xml:lang) on the group <trans-title-group>. In bibliographic references — which do not allow <trans-title-group> — the @xml:lang attribute must be included on the <trans-title> element.

This element (<trans-title>), when used within <book-meta> or <book-part-meta>, has been significantly remodeled in version 3.0 of the Tag Set. The values and/or usage in version 3.0 are not backward-compatible with that in previous versions of the Tag Set. Specifically, in prior versions, the <trans-title> element was allowed outside the (new) <trans-title-group> container element.


content-type Type of Content
id Identifier
xml:lang Language

Related Elements

There are several elements concerned with the title of an article, all contained within the container element <title-group> in the article metadata. The <article-title> is the full title of the article in the original language of the document. The <subtitle> is a subordinate or auxiliary title that adds information to the full title or modifies the full title. The <alt-title> is another version of an article title, usually created so that the title can be processed in a special way, for example, a short version of the title for use in a Table of Contents, an ASCII title, or a version of the title to be used in the right-running-head. The element <trans-title-group> is also a container element, inside the <title-group>, that holds together a translated title (<trans-title>) and its translated subtitle (<trans-subtitle>).

Content Model

<!ELEMENT  trans-title  (#PCDATA %title-elements;)*                  >

Expanded Content Model

(#PCDATA | email | ext-link | multi-link | uri | inline-supplementary-material | related-article | related-object | bold | italic | monospace | overline | overline-start | overline-end | roman | sans-serif | sc | strike | underline | underline-start | underline-end | alternatives | inline-graphic | private-char | chem-struct | inline-formula | tex-math | mml:math | abbrev | milestone-end | milestone-start | named-content | styled-content | fn | target | xref | sub | sup | break)*


Any combination of:

This element may be contained in:

<element-citation>, <mixed-citation>, <nlm-citation>, <product>, <related-article>, <related-object>, <trans-title-group>

Example 1

In an element-style bibliographic reference (punctuation and spacing removed):

<element-citation publication-type="journal" publication-format="print">
<aff>Departamento de Servicios de Salud de
Emergencia, Escuela de Posgrado, Universidad
de Maryland, Condado de Baltimore, USA.
<trans-title xml:lang="en">Prehospital emergency
care in Mexico City: the opportunities of the
healthcare system</trans-title>
<source>Salud Publica Mex</source>

Example 2

In a mixed-style bibliographic reference (punctuation and spacing preserved):

<mixed-citation publication-type="journal" publication-format="print">
<given-names>LM</given-names></string-name> (Departamento
de Servicios de Salud de Emergencia, Escuela de Posgrado,
Universidad de Maryland, Condado de Baltimore, USA.
[<trans-title xml:lang="en">Prehospital emergency care
in Mexico City: the opportunities of the healthcare
system</trans-title>]. <source>Salud Publica Mex</source>.
<year>2005</year> <month>Jan-Feb</month>;<volume>47</volume>

Example 3

In an element-style bibliographic reference (punctuation and spacing removed):

<article-title>Quebec&rsquo;s Bill 114</article-title>
<trans-title xml:lang="fr">La Loi 114 du Qu&eacute;bec</trans-title>
<source>Canadian Medical Association Journal</source>
<trans-source>Journal de l&rsquo;Association m&eacute;dicale

Example 4

In a mixed-style bibliographic reference (punctuation and spacing preserved):

<article-title>Quebec&rsquo;s Bill 114</article-title>
[<trans-title xml:lang="fr">La Loi 114 du Qu&eacute;bec</trans-title>]. 
<source>Canadian Medical Association Journal</source>
[<trans-source>Journal de l&rsquo;Association m&eacute;dicale 
canadienne</trans-source>] <year>2002</year>; 
ISSN: <issn>0820-3946</issn>.

